Chapter 1882: I'll Attack after I Become Emperor. Golden Finger Comes


Chu Feng roared and called out the name of a plant.

Why did he become a ranged minion?

The basic information that came to mind after arriving at the Evolution Canyon allowed him to understand the rules and conditions of the Evolution Canyon.

The ten recruited creatures belong to the heroic unit and are the protagonists of this canyon.

They can gain experience and gold coins by killing enemy heroic units or hostile, neutral non-heroic units to improve themselves.

They will grow quickly and wreak havoc in the canyon.

Neutral units are wild monsters and wild mythical beasts. Killing these creatures can get the experience needed for character growth, as well as gold coins to purchase equipment.

Certain special monsters, as well as all mythical beasts, will add bonuses to heroes.

Some special buffs are powerful enough to affect the situation in Evolution Canyon.

At the same time, in the canyon, on the three roads leading to the enemy's base, there are also nut golems containing rune technology.

They are the guardians who guard the bases of both sides. As long as they enter the attack range of the golem, they will be attacked and the damage will be very high.

Destroying the golem, heading to the enemy base, and finally destroying the enemy base means the battle is won.

The ultimate goal of all battles between two five-person teams is to destroy the enemy's base and obtain evolution stars.

The little soldier that Chu Feng now incarnates is the lowest existence in this evolutionary canyon.

How low is the status?

Any living creature in the canyon can kill the minions.

Chu Feng's body was now digitized, and he looked at his data.

HP 1545, physical attack 60, magic attack 60, defense...0.

Chu Feng didn't know the data of the heroic unit, but there was no way it could be worse than him.

The most important thing is that compared to the heroes, the growth rate of the soldiers is very small, basically equivalent to standing still.

Chu Feng was numb. Sure enough, this choice was very challenging.

Chu Feng looked around. This was a dark place. Counting him, there were quite a few soldiers.

There are nine melee soldiers and six long-range soldiers, and Chu Feng is one of the latter.

But the difference is that the other eight minions are really simple minions, while Chu Feng is an evolved game player wearing the skin of a minion.

At this time, a force of repulsion surged out of the dark space, and Chu Feng and the other fifteen soldiers were pushed out, appearing in a circular valley about ten meters in diameter.

Chu Feng could feel that there was a steady stream of energy pouring out of the ground, blessing the creatures standing here.

Except for creeps.

This is the starting point, the birthplace of heroic and non-heroic units.

In front of the initial place is the blue base, which is what they need to protect.

As the base continues to move forward, there are three roads divided into upper, middle and lower roads. There are three nut golems on each road.

In the middle of the three roads, the upper, middle and lower roads, there is a vast canyon with numerous peaks and trees, and the roars of beasts can be heard from time to time.

Chu Feng and his enemies also had the same scene. The two sides were mirror images.

In addition to Chu Feng and other soldiers, there are also five heroes in the initial place, none other than the five daughters of Lin Nuoyi.

Different from Chu Feng, the five Lin Nuoyi women were gorgeously dressed, holding various weapons in their hands, exuding energy fluctuations that were quite powerful for Chu Feng.

They even dressed up!

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the five girls, as if he were a villain who mistakenly entered the adult country, looking at five high mountains.

Although Chu Feng was standing under the five women and looking up, Chu Feng would naturally not see those things that he shouldn't see.

At this time, Chu Feng found a screen in front of him. There was a gold coin icon flashing in the upper right corner of the screen. Chu Feng clicked on it.

The screen changed, showing the portraits and status of the ten heroes on both sides, as well as the equipment bar.

The equipment is now empty.

There are ten heroes' attributes below. When Chu Feng saw them, he was filled with grief and anger.

Among these ten heroes, the ones with the lowest health points are all over 3,000. Whether it is physical attacks or magic attacks, they are all over 100. The most important thing is that the defense attributes of these heroes are not zero.

Just pull out any hero and beat him.

At this time, a certain hero's attributes suddenly jumped, and his physical attack power actually increased by 20 points.

When Chu Feng saw it, he felt numb.

He just bought the most common piece of equipment, and it increased his attack by one-third.

Moreover, according to the basic information obtained by Chu Feng, this is only a public attribute.

Heroes also have hidden attributes such as energy recovery, critical hits, and skill cooldown reduction that only they can see.

And what about him?


There is no energy recovery, oh, he is a minion, has no skills, and cannot use energy recovery.

There is no skill cooldown reduction, well, he can't use this attribute.

But, this is unfair!

"Where is Chu Feng?" At this time, Lin Nuoyi spoke, and Chu Feng heard her voice clearly.

Could it be that I have become a soldier and can still communicate with heroes?

Suddenly I feel a little honored...

Chu Feng knocked Lin Nuoyi's calf, "I'm here, underneath you."

Lin Nuoyi's legs moved away instantly, and the five girls lowered their heads to look at Chu Feng.

"You? Chu Feng?" Xia Qianyu squatted down.

"Little soldier Chu Feng, I have met all the heroes!" Chu Feng was helpless.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Laughter suddenly broke out here.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Luoshen's expression suddenly condensed, he moved farther away from Chu Feng and stared at Chu Feng.

"You've been watching us from below. Did you see anything you shouldn't have seen?"

When Jiang Luoshen said this, the others also reacted and stared at Chu Feng with "ferocious" eyes.

You must know that after they cross-dress, they all wear skirts.

"Who cares? You can't see anything. Evolution games are not that vulgar." Chu Feng rolled his eyes.

At this moment, a cold command sounded, and the atmosphere in the entire Evolution Canyon suddenly became solemn.

The battle begins!

"Attack, attack." Chu Feng urged the five women, and a group of soldiers also walked out.

"Speaking of which, what on earth are you going to do?"

"A soldier is too fragile."

"Although I'm just a soldier, I can actually be resurrected and upgraded." Chu Feng said, "And I also have some special abilities that should be able to play some role."

It's not as good as a hero, but it might be miraculous at some point.

Chu Feng looked at the abilities of his own soldiers, thought about it, and then came up with an idea.

After leaving the base, the fifteen soldiers were divided into three teams. Chu Feng was supposed to go downstairs, but Chu Feng ignored them and walked directly into the magnificent canyon jungle.

He is a soldier, but he is also a thoughtful soldier. Being different is his label!

This resulted in that there were only four soldiers in the bottom lane, and one of them mysteriously disappeared.

Chu Feng walked through the wild jungle and saw many monsters of different shapes and forms, as well as a red stone statue.

However, Chu Feng ignored these monsters. He had other purposes.

Mainly, he couldn't even think about it.

Any monster can pin him to the ground and rub him.

Chu Feng passed through the monster jungle, swam across the dividing river, and came to a bush outside the opponent's monster jungle.

Hide in the grass and you won't be discovered.

In Chu Feng's field of vision, an enemy soon appeared and began to fight with the blue stone monster. During this period, he also used two skills.

The monsters in the Monster Jungle are also very important growth resources that neither party will miss.

As time goes by, the health of the enemy and the blue stone statue is decreasing, but the blue stone statue's blood is dropping faster and will soon bottom out.

Chu Feng kept staring there intently. At a certain moment, Chu Feng's expression became condensed.

It's now!

Chu Feng drew his bow, and an arrow shot out, with magic damage attached to it.

Chu Feng has 60 points of physical attack and 60 points of magic damage, which means that each of his arrows has 120 points of mixed damage.

The arrow streaked across the sky and landed directly on the blue stone statue, knocking off the last bit of blood from the blue stone statue.

Then Chu Feng turned around and walked away, and a blue light point floated towards him.

This is a gain.

The people who had been struggling with the stone statue were stunned when they saw this scene.

Looking at Chu Feng again, he was even more stunned.

A soldier squatted in the grass and snatched my buff monster?

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