Golden Finger Arrived Only After I Became the Emperor

Chapter 1878: Madness in the Earth’s Core

Chapter 1878: Madness at the Center of the Earth, Golden Finger Only Comes After I Become Emperor

The big black hand was hanging in the air without pressing it down. In an instant, it disappeared completely.

At the same time, a very strange-looking person with black hair all over his body appeared in front of Yaoyao and the others.

This man was bound by dozens or hundreds of metal chains with runes engraved on them, restraining him.

"who are you?"

An ancient and obscure language was spoken from this person's mouth. It was the universal language of the universe, but some of the pronunciation and grammar were all used a long time ago.

When the man covered with black hair asked questions, he kept looking at Yaoyao, and there was a sign of struggle in his blood-red and confused eyes.

"Grandpa?" Yaoyao called.

"Senior?" The Holy Master's heavenly eyes discerned the truth.

"Blood incarnation?"

The Yaoyao's voice seemed to greatly stimulate the black-haired man, and a clear look appeared in his blood-colored eyes.

"Yao Yao? Xiao Ming? Xiao Chen?" He called three names in a row, shocking everyone.

"Grandpa, it's me, I'm Yaoyao." Yaoyao was very excited. At the same time, Yaoyao also saw the true identity of the person in front of him.

It's not her grandfather's real body, just an incarnation, but what does this mean?

It means that her grandfather is indeed here and alive!

The eyes of Grandpa Yaoyao's incarnation also showed excitement. He wanted to say something, but stopped, and finally said:

"You guys come with me."

He opened a path ahead and entered a stone wall. Yaoyao and the others quickly followed.

They went all the way down, down very deep, all the way to the center of the earth.

Finally, they came to the center of the earth, where there was an astonishing sight, as if they were in the void of the universe, with stars dotted together forming galaxies.

The galaxies are arranged and rotating according to certain rules, which is very amazing.

In the center of the galaxy, there is a coffin that looks like it is made of stars. The coffin is also wrapped and tied with dense metal chains.

Just like the incarnation of Grandpa Yaoyao, there is a chain that even looks like mother gold. It carries an aura that does not belong to the underworld and has a very special symbol.

The billowing chaotic energy gushes out of the coffin. It is very scary here, and even the saints feel the pressure.

"My true body is in the coffin, sleeping forever." The incarnation of Yaoyao Grandpa said in a low voice.

"Grandpa..." Yaoyao was a little sad. This situation had shown a lot of things. It was obvious that her grandfather had a big problem himself.

Following Yaoyao's call, something seemed to be touched, and the coffin of stars made a kacha sound, and something strange happened.

An inexplicable aura spread out from the coffin. The lowest person present was a sub-sage, but they felt very depressed, and the pressure was like a mountain falling apart.

Even the Yaoyao and the Saint Master were shaken in their hearts and could not calm down.

In the past, when Grandpa Yaoyao was still active in the world, everyone thought that he was the one who reflected the heavens, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Also, those who normally reflect the heavens do not have the ability to single-handedly establish the glory of the eleventh planet in the starry sky.

At this time, the eyes of Grandpa Yaoyao's incarnation suddenly turned green and shone brightly.

"Yaoyao, are you still alive?" He spoke, his voice filled with tenderness and surprise. It was no longer the same as before, and his demeanor had changed.

Obviously, Grandpa Yaoyao's true consciousness was awakened, and this incarnation descended from the coffin.

"Grandpa!" Yaoyao shouted, rushed over, and hugged his grandpa. There seemed to be sparkle in his eyes, but it didn't seem to be there.

Before Yaoyao hugged her grandfather, the black hair on the body disappeared instantly, and the long and sharp nails returned to their normal appearance.

Yaoyao's grandfather patted Yaoyao's back gently, his expression was peaceful, and there was no trace of majesty at all.

"Father is gone, mother is gone, our family is gone." Yaoyao whispered.

"It's grandpa's fault, it's all grandpa's fault." Grandpa Yaoyao's voice was full of pain and regret.

Although he has been sealed here, he knows the changes in the outside world and knows that the ancient era where he laid the foundation with his own hands has passed and prosperity has come to an end.

He also knew that his son and daughter-in-law were dead, and that his granddaughter had been killed.

This is simply a big regret in life, something that I can never let go of, and will become a knot in my heart.

Although I don’t know why Yaoyao is alive again now and ran to him.

"I didn't save you, I didn't save the Earth. It's all my fault."

The galaxy exploded, and extremely terrifying fluctuations came from the coffin, tearing apart the void and destroying the world, making people tremble.

Those who reflected the heavens felt dangerous under this wave of fluctuations, and their lives were threatened.

There was even a suppressed roar coming from the coffin, full of pain, remorse and regret.

He clearly has the power to reverse everything. He was even present on the earth during the ancient war.

But he couldn't do anything and was powerless. When he woke up, he realized that everything had changed.

Relatives, disciples, followers, orthodoxy, and hometown are all gone, destroyed at the hands of the enemy.

This made him regretful and unable to calm down.

"It's not your fault, grandpa." Yaoyao let go and looked at her grandpa and shook his head.

"No one ever blamed you."

"Senior is fine, which is the greatest good news." The Saint Master said, very excited and restless.

He never thought that Yaoyao's grandfather was on Earth, proclaiming himself under the Purple Mountain.

In ancient times, Purple Mountain existed, as did the Taishang Bagua Furnace. It was somewhat famous and was occupied by one force.

Even the Holy Master himself came here in ancient times, but he didn't realize that there was something else down there.

"Although I'm still alive, it's no different from being dead." Yaoyao's grandfather shook his head, very unwillingly.

"If I leave here and go to the outside world, I will become a madman, a killing machine that does not distinguish between friend and foe and only knows how to kill."

"At that time, I will lose myself and my true spirit will perish."

"This blood incarnation of mine was only formed after ancient times. Before it took shape, my true body had been sleeping."

"Sleep against madness."

Yaoyao's grandfather has a big problem of his own, so big that he can't even maintain his sanity, let alone fight.

This is also the reason why he disappeared after Yaoyao's father showed his prominence and could stand alone, missing the second half of the earth's ancient history, and regretting it for the rest of his life.

If he didn't sleep here, he would be a more terrifying disaster than the invasion of the Celestial Clan and other forces.

When he becomes a madman, he will kill all the creatures he sees and directly blow up the entire earth. By then, Purgatory will be born and the universe will be in crisis.

Back then, no one in this universe could control him.

After hearing what Grandpa Yaoyao said, the ten people in Yaoyao were very worried.

In fact, they have always known something about Grandpa Yaoyao's situation, and they all know that this man's condition is good and bad.

But regarding his disappearance, everyone thought he was looking for something in the underworld.

No one thought that Yaoyao's grandfather's physical condition had deteriorated to this point. He disappeared in order to fight against madness by sleeping.

This is undoubtedly a very bad result. Not only does it mean that Grandpa Yaoyao himself is in danger, but it also means that they have lost a lot of combat power.

In Wuyi Mountain, although Meng Chuan did not follow Yaoyao and the others to Purple Mountain, he was also paying attention there.

After hearing what Grandpa Yaoyao said and using sleep to fight and resist madness, Meng Chuan just wanted to say.

What the Lord of Mysteries.

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