Golden Finger Arrived Only After I Became the Emperor

Chapter 1709 The realm of combat power of the pseudo-immortal emperor

Chapter 1709: The Realm of Combat Power of the Pseudo Immortal Emperor

Even if you kill an ordinary group member on the opposite side, you will get benefits, let alone a key group member like Hades.

I believe that chat groups can gain a lot.

I also believe that the chat group will satisfy Meng Chuan.

As for the treasures of the Immortal Underworld Emperor, Meng Chuan took a look and found that it was just like that.

For world-class Hunyuan beings, they are just ordinary things.

The world-class Hunyuan life is the master of the source world. From the birth of the source world to the present, anything that has appeared can be pulled out of the long river of time if the world-class Hunyuan life is willing.

As long as the dead creatures do not become Hunyuan beings and break free from their cages, even God Kings, God Emperors, and world-class Hunyuan beings can resurrect them.

Hunyuan beings are also divided into several levels. Although those low-level Hunyuan beings have broken free from their cages, their combat power is not as good as that of the God Emperor.

However, their life essence is relatively high and has undergone fundamental transformation.

And as long as he does not break free from the cage and jump out of the source world, the master of the source world can resurrect living beings no matter how many times and will not suffer any backlash.

This is the power of the Lord of the World.

To quote what I said, within the scope of one's own source world, world-class Hunyuan life is God's will and the other side.

The world-class Hunyuan creatures in their own world are equivalent to the evil spirits who have been in the Netherworld for a lifetime.

The Nine Nether Demons who are at the level of Perfect Creation are in the Nine Nethers. If they receive the blessings of the Nine Nethers, they will be enhanced to the strength of the false other side.

The Source World is similar to the role of the Nine Netherworld and the Nine Netherworld Demons to the Lord of the World.

A world-class Hunyuan life, a Nine Nether Demon with a perfect level of creation, as long as he does not leave the source world or Jiuyou, he can maintain the state of the pseudo other side and the pseudo Chaotic Source Lord forever.

Although it is impossible to be the opponent of the True Other Side and the True Chaotic Source Lord, it is still possible to resist.

Compared with these two, the quasi-immortal emperors in the third stage are relatively miserable. They can only rely on the power of the emperor's magic to forcibly sublimate themselves and establish themselves in the realm of pseudo-immortal emperors. There is still a time limit.

And the strength of the imperial law also has a great impact on one's own strength.

It's a pity that such providence has a limited scope. It can only cover one's own source world and cannot interfere outside the source world.

And after leaving the source world and leaving Jiuyou, they cannot squeeze into the supreme realm on their own.

I have to say that this is also the advantage of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the prototype of the Imperial Law. No matter where he goes, he can still exert his full power.

As long as you are willing, you can reach your highest level and fight with all your might.

The restricted area that covers the sky is supreme.

And Meng Chuan now has a relatively perfect fusion of the power of the world-class Hunyuan Life's other self and his own self.

This means that as long as he is willing, he can always stay as the pseudo-Hunyuan Lord at any time, and he can further sublimate himself if he needs to.

The power of his fusion is the sum of him, me and the source world. Unless he and I leave the source world, and then through the stability of the chat group, the power can be superimposed on Meng Chuan's body flawlessly.

The shortcomings of external blessings such as Origin World and Jiuyou were solved by Meng Chuan.

Meng Chuan is equivalent to carrying a mobile Jiuyou, a portable source world.

A perfect god emperor like the Immortal Underworld Emperor can be crushed to death easily.

In the third stage of the ordinary quasi-immortal emperor, the gap between him and Meng Chuan was completely widened.

Meng Chuan can confidently say that there is absolutely no quasi-immortal emperor in the heavens, including in Etu, who can be his opponent.

The ultimate sublimation can still block him. If he faces himself in a normal posture, he can kill him without much effort.

He is equivalent to opening up another realm of combat power between the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor!

Of course, the fact is that there is no such realm, but Meng Chuan's combat power can stay in the realm of the pseudo-immortal emperor forever, so what is the difference between that and opening up this realm of combat power.

This is the plan that has been planned for hundreds of thousands of years, to use the body of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to attack the Immortal Emperor!

The world that covers the sky is a world that is hundreds of thousands of years old. Here, countless billions of years have passed.

This plan finally came true, and the Immortal Hades Emperor was the first to enjoy it.

It can be famous forever.

Meng Chuan stood there and waited for a while, but did not see the villain chat group sending anyone forward to check the situation.

Meng Chuan was already ready for battle.

It would be a pity that the long sword is empty and the divine fist is empty and strong.

At the same time, the chat group swallowed up the material and information contained in the immortal underworld emperor, and there was no movement after the villain chat group.

There wasn’t even a reminder about the reward for Meng Chuan!

Meng Chuan seriously doubted whether Poqun wanted to eat alone this time and gave him no reward.

But it doesn't matter, there will definitely be a guaranteed bonus to increase the authority.

If I increase my authority further, even your body will be mine.

Of course, there is no reward. This is just Meng Chuan's guess. We still have to wait for the chat group to give an answer as to the specific situation.

The efficiency of the chat group was not particularly low. The next moment, some information was delivered to Meng Chuan, but this information made Meng Chuan startled.

The chat group said that the villain chat group carried very little material and information on the Immortal Hades Emperor.

Too few to be worthy of the status of the Immortal Hades Emperor in the villain chat group.

It's like the information and material were taken away in advance.

What is left cannot be taken away by the villain chat group, but can only be used cheaply by the chat group.

Of course, even if it is very small, this is still relative to the status of the Immortal Underworld Emperor. In fact, the amount contained is more than any previous harvest.

And those that cannot be collected in advance by the villain chat group are also the most critical.

In fact, over the past 400,000 years, the chat group has improved itself to a very high level, and the villain chat group can rarely provide what it needs.

Now, if you go to kill the ordinary group members and senior group members on the opposite side, it will be of no use to the chat group.

A fake is always a fake. If the chat group is a necessity, then who is the real one?

"What you mean is that the other side has secretly made a lot of preparations. The Immortal Hades Emperor is even an abandoned son..." Meng Chuan thought thoughtfully.

There has been no movement for hundreds of thousands of years, and the information and materials carried by the group members have been secretly recovered. I always feel that this villain chat group is brewing some conspiracy...

"No, the other side is prepared. Why hasn't my reward been given to me yet?" Meng Chuan reacted with anger.

"Are you trying to hack my reward?"

The villain chat group has noticed the death of the Immortal Hades Emperor.

In that mist-shrouded mysterious space, the leader of the villain chat group was sitting here alone, his face expressionless, and he didn't look angry.

"He is indeed dead." The group leader was not surprised at all.

"What an idiot. How do you know what kind of world Dao Shi is in?"

"People like him, in a world like that, still have huge opportunities, and they can grow to the top in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Compared with practicing, how can you be faster than him?"

The group leader's eyes were as deep as an abyss.

He really felt that the people he led were a bunch of idiots, fighting on their own and unable to unite at all.

They are unwilling to contribute and only want to gain benefits. People who have not been exposed do not want to show up after learning the true situation. People who are exposed are immersed in their own cultivation and think that they are invincible.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Fortunately, he had fully understood this principle back then and made preparations quietly.

Having reached this point, those people could die if they wanted to. All he had to do was minimize the losses.

As long as he is still there, the things he has quietly prepared over the years will still be there.

Then at some point in the future, it may not be impossible to survive.

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