I Became Emperor, Golden Finger Came Chapter 1588: Reputation Damaged

Shi Hao was very curious about the people Meng Chuan said had similar experiences to him.

Especially after learning that that person has successfully resolved the problem of having too many confidantes in relationships.

Shi Hao was even more amazed by that man and wanted to meet him very much. He asked Meng Chuan to introduce him quickly so that they could get to know him.

Meng Chuan shook his head and rejected Shi Hao's request.

"You can't see it."

"Why?" Shi Hao was confused.

"Strictly speaking, he is not born yet. How can you meet him?"

"What?!" Shi Hao was startled and looked at Meng Chuan seriously, wondering if Meng Chuan was sick and talking nonsense here.

"How did you meet me before you were born?"

"I watched him grow up."


You must not have been born yet, right?

Shi Hao complained in his heart, but gradually came to his senses and understood what Meng Chuan meant.

"It's not this time, but the people from where you came, Uncle Meng." Shi Hao thought thoughtfully.

Liu Shen and the others had already made guesses about Meng Chuan's origin, and Meng Chuan also briefly mentioned it.

Not belonging to this era, coming to this era from another time point.

Meng Chuan nodded, "Correct answer."

"Then I have no way to contact him and communicate." Shi Hao was helpless.

"You can't help it, but I can." Meng Chuan said.

Then he took Shi Hao back to Shicun and threw him in front of Huo Ling'er and the others.

You brat, if you don't try to solve such a thing yourself, you just want to delay it.

Even if you are busy attacking the Supreme, there is no reason for you to delay.

Then Meng Chuan called up the chat panel, and he decided to @be alone.

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: @Zhang Sanfeng, where are you?

Administrator] Meng Qi lv180: If you have something to say, don’t ask if you are here. Can I get back to you if I am not here?

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: Shall I talk to you?

Meng Chuan stared at Meng Qi's message, looked at Meng Qi's name and rank, and sighed.

There are still many secrets in chat groups. They actually don’t understand some of the key mechanisms of chat groups.

Meng Qi's level is not high, which is strange. After all, Meng Chuan has lived in Diluo for 410,000 years, which is definitely a long time.

No matter how slow the flow of the world is in this lifetime, Meng Qi should definitely not only be at level 180.

But that's the truth.

Regarding the fact that after Meng Chuan returned to the Imperial Fall, time passed but the time in other worlds was very strange.

Meng Chuan had discovered it as early as when he was still in the Emperor's Fall era.

After all, although Meng Chuan is in Emperor Luo, he will still be online to chat with everyone. Meng Chuan will naturally find problems after a long time here.

Because of this incident, there were conversations and heated discussions in the group.

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: @Meng Qi, what’s going on? Why are you only at level 178? It’s been so long!

This was the question Meng Chuan asked Meng Qi when he was still in the Emperor's Fall era.

Administrator] Meng Qi lv178: Emperor, are you dizzy? It’s only been a few years.

Group member】Lu Mingfei lv140: What’s going on? Great Emperor, are you confused?

Group member] Klein Moretti lv45: I understand, everything is the power of the fool, blindness and ignorance!

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: I returned to Diluo and have been living in Diluo for a long time...

Administrator] Zhang Sanfeng lv160: Ah, it turns out that the emperor has returned to Emperor Luo. No wonder the Dao calendar has passed for a long time. It has been so long that I have developed an immortal realm of martial arts.

Group member] Lu Mingfei lv140: Real person, I want to remind you that as an army of justice, your realm is called true immortal, and immortality is the name of a foreign land. Could it be that you want to seek refuge in a foreign land!

Administrator] Meng Qi lv178: Come and be punished!

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: Why are you at level 160, real person! Why haven't their levels changed significantly?

Meng Chuan was confused. Zhang Sanfeng's level had obviously entered the realm of immortality.

This shows that Zhang Sanfeng must have gone through a long time, otherwise there would be no way to advance step by step and become a martial arts immortal.

But what happened to the others?

Group member] Bibi Dong lv119: The emperor is right, it is indeed very strange.

Administrator] Zhang Sanfeng lv160: Regarding this matter, it’s a long story...

Group member] Lu Mingfei lv40: Then let’s keep the story short!

Administrator] Meng Qi lv178: The truth of the matter is... we don’t know either.


At that time, Meng Chuan was speechless as he watched these people singing and finally gave him an answer that they didn't know the reason for.

These are people who don’t know how to respect the strongest people in the group at all!

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: Haven’t you asked about the chat group?

Group member] Klein Moretti lv45: I didn’t ask, we just discovered this problem not long ago, and we haven’t discussed the results yet. Emperor, you also discovered it.

In the end, it was Meng Chuan himself who asked the chat group why this happened.

The chat group was not aloof on this issue and gave Meng Chuan an accurate answer.

The difference in time flow rate between the group member's world and the world of other group members depends on the time experienced by the group member's real body.

To put it simply, the time flow rate in the world of other group friends is based on the time experienced by Meng Chuan's true body.

And Meng Chuan's true body has always been floating on the magical river of time, and the corresponding time period is the ancient times.

Time in the place where Meng Chuan's true body is located will never change, neither increasing nor decreasing, but Meng Chuan's true body corresponds to the chaotic ancient time and space.

Therefore, only more than ten years have passed since the ancient times, and the time flow rate in other worlds is based on this.

Of course, this does not mean that the world of Zhetian is the center of the chat group, and everything is centered on this world.

From Meng Chuan's perspective, the world time flow rate of other group members changes based on the time flow rate of where his true body is.

But from the perspective of Meng Qi and the others, the time flow rate of the world that covers the sky also changes based on the time flow rate of other group members' respective real bodies.

As for why many years have passed since Zhang Sanfeng's place, it did not affect other worlds.

The chat group also gave answers.

Because according to the operating rules of the chat group, this world belongs to Meng Chuan, and Zhang Sanfeng is just borrowing it.

All rules are naturally based on the orthodoxy of this world.

In the same way, if Meng Chuan's true body went to Meng Qi and Lu Mingfei's world, then Meng Chuan and Meng Qi were in different places, and time flowed at different speeds.

The difference in time flow rate between that world and other worlds is also based on the location of Meng Qi's true body and will not be affected by Meng Chuan.

In the first world, Meng Qi is recognized as the master of the first life by the chat group. Others can also go to the first world, but they can only be guests.

It's impossible for someone else's family to listen to their guests.

The guest follows the host, not the guest.

If Meng Chuan's true form had spent 410,000 years in the Emperor's Fall era, then the world of other group friends would also have passed a corresponding amount of time.

But these 410,000 years passed during the Emperor's Fall, and were experienced by Meng Chuan's Yuanshi body.

Meng Chuan's true body has been floating in the sky in the chaotic ancient times for only more than ten years.

When Meng Chuan learned this answer, he felt quite mysterious.

Cut back to the present.

Administrator] Zhang Sanfeng lv170: What's the matter, Great Emperor?

Compared with when Meng Chuan was in Emperor's Fall and discovered the problem of abnormal time flow, Zhang Sanfeng has now increased ten levels to 170.

Still pretty fast.

After all, Dao Li time is also passing by.

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv249: Is Ye Fan in the Taoist world? If you are here, go find him. I have something to ask him.

Administrator] Zhang Sanfeng lv170: It seems that he is here. I will go find him right now.

Administrator] Zhang Sanfeng lv170: What’s the matter, Great Emperor? There's no hurry!

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv170: It’s nothing serious, I just want to ask how to make them get along peacefully when there are too many confidantes. He should be quite experienced.

Yes, the person Meng Chuan mentioned who had a similar experience to Shi Hao was naturally Ye Fan.

It can’t be Gu Cang.

After Meng Chuan said this question, the group suddenly became quiet.

Administrator] Meng Qi lv180: I didn’t expect that after your trip back to ancient times, Emperor, you had a lot of fun and had too many confidantes...

Group member】Lu Mingfei lv140: The old tree is blooming?

Meng Chuan's face turned completely dark. To be continued

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