Golden Finger didn’t come until I became emperor. Chapter 1516 is sent to Su Meng.

The Moral God will not do things 100% according to Meng Chuan's wishes. After all, he is not Meng Chuan's subordinate.

So this is just an attempt, not an order, but a request for help from Daode Tianzun.

If the other shore among the other shores is willing to help, that would be great.

After all, both sides are still on the same front.

It can be said that under the temptation of Daoguo, the two parties are the staunchest allies. This kind of alliance is even stronger than the blood relationship.

It's impossible for Meng Chuan to stab Meng Qi. Well, it's not impossible to stab Meng Qi if there is a chance.

Just a literal stabbing.

Stab in the kidney!

Meng Qi has come to this point, unless he is swallowed by the demon Buddha, otherwise he will have no choice but to go all the way to the dark side of Sanqing.

There is no second option.

To put it bluntly, even if Meng Qi wanted to fight for the Dao Fruit, he was Sanqing's most beloved cub before the other side.

Sanqing killed all the Sanqing disciples in Doushuai Palace, Yuxu Palace, and Biyou Palace, but they would not kill Meng Qi.

Regarding the fight for the Dao Fruit, Sanqing naturally had no other preparations besides Meng Qi.

Everyone knows that you can't put your eggs in one basket, let alone those on the other side.

But as of now, betting on Meng Qi has the greatest chance of success.

Meng Qi is supported 100%. Meng Chuan, a variable from outside the circle, will always be on the side of Sanqing until Sanqing does not give up on Meng Qi.

Until Meng Chuan grew up and stood on the same level as Sanqing.

Isn’t it that relationships become stronger and stronger through repeated interactions?

If the Moral God is unwilling to help...

If you don't want to, just don't want to. I don't think I have any obligation to help, so it's natural not to help.

Meng Chuan doesn't have any ideas, so he can just deal with it as usual.

Anyway, it was Meng Qi who went to ask Daode Tianzun for help, not Meng Chuan who went directly.

It doesn't matter if you don't get an audience.

Really just try it.

Just like if Meng Tianzheng needs help from Meng Chuan, he can give it a try.

They are all small things, and you can help them on the spur of the moment, or you can ignore them.

"How can I help with this?" Meng Qimo wrote out the recipe for the Heavenly Immortal Pill and thought to himself.

He couldn't visit the Tao Tianzun at his door and say it directly.

Tianzun, I have an elixir recipe here. Please help me improve it.

If he does this, he will be beaten. Maybe the unpredictable power of God will cause him to be beaten in the next second.

You have to think of a clever way.

Thirty-three days away, there is a supremely pure place.

The old man in Taoist attire seems to be eternal, sitting on the futon, he is the Tao and the only one.

But if the powerful ones can compare the moral gods of various time periods, they will find out.

The Daode Tianzun at this time is much "weaker" than the Daode Tianzun ten years ago.

The Moral God, the foundation of existence, represents the stage between the beginning and the end of the era.

When the era was at its most prosperous, when all things and spirits had the strongest sense of existence, the Moral God was also at his strongest.

Now that we are approaching the end of the tribulation, the heaven and earth are going from the state of "being" to "nothing", and the moral god is also weakened.

At the end of the tribulation, the strongest person on the other side is none other than Lingbao Tianzun. There is no one who can compare with Him.

With the blessing of all heavens and realms, He alone can defeat a group of people on the other side.

Before the creation of the world, and at the beginning of the creation of the world, the strongest person was naturally the Yuanshi Tianzun, who had the same nature as the Lingbao Tianzun in the last tribulation.

The Kai Tian Zun Yuanshi, the Mo Jie Zun Ling Bao, except for these two time periods, they all respect morality.

This is the unreasonableness of the Sanqing Dynasty, and it will never be matched by the rest of the "day after tomorrow" people on the other side.

If the rest of the people on the other side want to get this kind of trend, they have to make plans.

For example, Buddhism spreads eastward and demons cause chaos on the earth.

This is of infinite benefit to Buddhists and those on the other side of the demon clan, and the situation is nothing short of easy.

However, the general trend achieved through planning will also be replaced by other "general trends" as other people on the other side end up.

Only Sanqing is different.

No matter how the "general trend" of the world changes, these three people have an innate advantage.

The sky must always be opened, always prospered, and always destroyed.

You cannot break this cycle, and neither can those on the other side.

Besides, generally speaking, the universe is nothing more than these three states. No matter how you change it, it will always be beneficial to one of the three states.

Demon Buddha also has characteristics similar to Lingbao Tianzun, but is essentially inferior to Lingbao Tianzun.

Of course, no matter how weakened the Sanqing is due to the cycle of epochs, they are still the oldest and the most powerful group of people in the world.

No, it’s those batches of God’s will.

Even in the final tribulation, the Moral God is no worse than the other oldest beings.

The Sanqing Dynasty is like that. When it is not the home court of its own era, the bottom line is the oldest one. When the era turns, the general situation will increase and it will break the rules and become a "macho man".

Other people on the other side can only feel envious.

Strictly speaking, in this world, the most qualified person to transcend is the Three Pure Ones.

It's a pity that these three people have been fighting and targeting each other in the original era, which led to the birth of "acquired" people from the other side one after another.

In the end, Dao Zun came out on top and was the first to transcend.

However, Taoist Master's path to transcendence is actually also caused by the deliberate connivance of other people on the other side.

Use Dao Zun as a test subject to see if this path can be successful.

The situation is very complicated and involves many things. Every person on the other side, and even the dream bubble under the other side, has a plan.

Anyway, the ending is that Tao Zun finally transcends and is also the first person to transcend.

This is what Tao Zun is capable of.

The latecomers come first, the first in many eras.

If Taoist Master is willing, he can even reverse everything and make Sanqing become a latecomer. He is the only other side of the innate world.

But that has no meaning for Tao Zun who has already transcended.

After Tao Zun transcended, he never appeared again, as if he did not exist.

It’s just a backdrop that holds the title of the first transcendent being.

Moral God, a piece of fruit slowly condenses, comes from nothing, and is created out of the void.

The two boys, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, were fanning the fire with half-closed eyes. After noticing the movements of Daode Tianzun, they immediately woke up and looked at the fruit in front of Daode Tianzun.

"Master, what is this?" Jin Jiao asked in a low voice.

"Fairy Fruit."

Perhaps the structure of the fairy fruit produced by the fairy tree in the perfect world is different, but the effect is the same.

"Fairy fruit?" Jinjiao and Yinjiao were confused, as if they had never heard of it.

However, they sensed the legal principles in this fruit, and they also understood its specific functions.

"Can you become a weak legend fruit if you eat it?" Jin Jiao muttered, "Then why isn't it called a legend fruit or a golden fairy fruit?"

"It has the same effect as the flat peach, but I don't know what it tastes like." Yinjiao stared at the fruit.

"Send it to Su Meng."

The fairy fruit fell in front of the two boys, and the two boys stood up as ordered.

Although it would be fine to just give some fruit and go alone, the opportunity to take a walk out of Tusita Palace does not come often.

The elder didn't stop him, which meant that he allowed the two of them to go out together.

If you don’t deny it, you agree.

The golden horn and the silver horn have left, but only the Moral God remains unchanged.

One thought and one era, the thought moves the heaven and earth.

Humanity, true immortal, immortal king, quasi-immortal emperor...


Everything is gone, the dream is gone, no longer exists in the world, no cause and effect is left.

Meng Qi, who was on Yuxu Mountain, couldn't help but feel a little sour when he saw the Tianzun boy and the Tianxian Fruit appearing in front of him.

He knew that if he needed to improve this elixir, Daode Tianzun would definitely ignore him.

They will protect themselves at critical points, but they will not even look at such trivial matters.

But Meng Chuan is different.

The villain in Meng Qi's heart was slapping the table.

Who is the target of your reduction and emptiness? To be continued

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