I Became Emperor, Golden Finger Came Chapter 1165: Everyone Becomes Light

Of course, the little one didn't tell Meng Chuan or Shi Cun about the dark years in that palace.

That really damages the image of this handsome and cute little guy.

It's a pity that just because he didn't say it doesn't mean that a certain handsome boy doesn't know. ?(?°???°)?

In the little one's description, he is naturally wise, dashing, and brilliant.

Later, the little one took out many more things.

Treasures obtained from other opponents, as well as some corpses of relics.

There is also a kind of sacred wine obtained in the sacred monkey land, monkey wine.

This can directly hold a barbecue party.

And everyone did the same. A bonfire was set up, and the meat of various ferocious beasts was roasted on the fire.

For a time, the stone village was filled with laughter and laughter, and everyone had a smile on their face.

Although there are still some children who have not returned, everyone is happy when the little one returns.

The flesh and blood of each relic is not inferior to the treasures of heaven and earth.

Especially the bloodlines of these relics brought back by the little ones are very pure.

For people in Stone Village, the benefits are endless.

Then Meng Chuan brought out the venerable-level pure-blooded creatures harvested in Duankong City half a year ago, adding color to the banquet.

These venerable-level flesh and blood have been processed by Meng Chuan.

Its divine energy and essence were refined by Meng Chuan into the most powerful precious blood, which was reserved for use in other places.

But even these flesh and blood, which have lost most of their divine energy and essence, are rare treasures in the world.

It still contains a kind of divine power, which is a treasure that can change the destiny of the people of Shicun.

Counting the time when he was baptized when he was five years old, and this time now, the people of Shicun have already digested the flesh and blood of venerable-level ferocious beasts twice.

It can be said that the people in Shicun are already at the doorstep of the blood-moving realm, and it is possible that the whole village will embark on the path of cultivation at any time.

This sounds incredible, but it is true.

Even if it weren't for the fact that most of the external energy was absorbed by the blood in their bodies, then the entire village of Shicun would have practiced cultivation.

The resuscitation of blood cannot be achieved out of thin air. It is inevitable that it requires the supply of energy.

In this way, while eating the barbecued meat made from the relics and the Venerable's ferocious beasts, and drinking the monkey wine, the laughter in Stone Village spread far and wide.

The Green Scaled Eagle family also came back to join the event.

The people of Shicun have long regarded the Green Scaled Eagle family as family.

On weekdays, the Willow God also allows them to sleep next to the tree.

Today's Blue Scaled Eagle family can speak human words, their bloodline shows signs of returning to their ancestors, and the strength of the four members of the family has greatly increased.

Er Baldy and Da Hong were shocked again. What kind of village is this?

Even the Taikoo Sacred Mountains don't have this kind of treatment, it's too luxurious.

Faced with the taste of monkey wine, some people couldn't suppress the greed in their stomachs, drank a glass directly, and then fell to the ground unconscious.

Everyone laughed.

The little one also tasted some monkey wine. Although it was said to be a natural treasure, the wine taste was very strong.

This directly made the little guy's face turn red and he was staggering a bit when he walked.

One moment he was lying on Meng Chuan's body, grabbing Meng Chuan's hair, twisting Meng Chuan's ears, and the next moment he was going to Shi Yunfeng's place, humming and gesticulating.

He also went to the little girl in the village and told her why, after not seeing her for a year, everyone seemed to be getting fatter.

This is not good.

Then there was a burst of hammering.

Er Baldy and Da Hong couldn't escape the clutches of the little one, and they would be ravaged if they were caught.

The little boy ran up to the big yellow dog in the village and became brothers with it.

He said that for every bone of my little one, there is a mouthful of meat for you, Rhubarb.

The big yellow dog has also become spiritual in places like Shicun.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad when I heard the little one's words.

You pulled my tail when I was a kid, and now you're fighting for my bones.

The little one hugged the big yellow dog's legs, rubbed its face, and finally ran up to Meng Chuan with a roar, shouting that I wanted to drink animal milk.

There were bursts of laughter from time to time. As long as the little ones are around, there will always be happiness. valley

The little boy who returned to Shicun put down all the guard and ferocity in his heart.

The little guy outside is very arrogant, very scheming, evil-minded, and makes countless people hate him.

But the little one in Shicun showed his childish nature, lively and innocent, with a bright smile.

Later, everyone's bodies were glowing, and divine brilliance seemed to be spurting out from every pore.

Their bodies are filled with essence and divine energy, and the treasures they have eaten are working.

The old people in Shicun regained their vitality, cleaned their muscles and cut their marrow, and became ten or twenty years younger.

Someone has broken through the realm and stepped on the path of cultivation from a mortal to the realm of moving blood.

There are also people who have opened up caves, or gone deeper into the realm of caves.

Later, everyone stopped eating because the energy in their bodies was too strong and seemed to burst them.

He had no choice but to start meditating, and instinctively circulated the "Stone King Sutra" to activate the essence in the body, enhance cultivation, and nourish the blood.

Meng Chuan sat next to him, drinking tea alone, smiling and looking at the shining people in front of him.

The little one was lying on his lap, her little eyes were misty, and she was refining a lot of energy in just one breath.

Above his head, ten caves loomed, helping him plunder the essence of heaven and earth, echoing the divine energy in his body.

In the past six months, he has opened the tenth cave.

The eight-and-a-half-year-old boy is supreme!

Unfortunately, this means nothing to the little one.

Because he lost.

"Big fat man!"

The little boy suddenly shouted, which startled Meng Chuan.

"If you dare to spank me, just wait for me!" The little one muttered, but he was talking in his sleep.

Meng Chuan laughed, this was really a profound memory.

"Wait for you..."

The little boy turned over and said, "That ferocious beast! I will definitely capture you and bring you back to Shicun as a gatekeeper."

He muttered, thinking about some people.

Meng Chuan had a smile on his face, wonderful.

At this time, Meng Chuan felt something hard on the little boy's head, licking his leg.

Meng Chuan reached out and touched a stone.

"He even brought a friend back and didn't introduce him to us."

Meng Chuan held the stone and smiled.

"Hello, senior, hello, senior!" The stone actually spoke.

"Not bad, not bad." Meng Chuan looked at the stone and nodded lightly.

The little one still remembers what he said, when you are alone outside, you should make more friends.

"I didn't expect to see a god-beating stone here." One of Liu Shen's branches reached over and tapped the stone lightly.

Visible to the naked eye, the stone trembled, as if it was frightened and wanted to jump up and run for its life.

After a while, Liu Shen's branches retracted, and she felt a little strange. These eight realms were really not simple.

There are really too many things related to the Immortal King level.

"Unfortunately, it is not a perfect stone, it has certain flaws." Liu Shen commented.

"It's normal. After such a big change, the Ten Evils didn't have time to let their children be conceived and born normally."

Meng Chuan didn't find it strange. After the battle with Immortal Ancient, there was no time to raise heirs for the Ten Evils.

There were even cases of posthumous children, which shows the tragedy of the time.

Since ancient times, there have only been two or three sacred stones.

Born in the Eight Realms, there was no good environment. This stone can be said to have certain congenital flaws.

But such shortcomings are not big and can be easily compensated for. They will even be compensated for automatically as his cultivation level improves.

After all, this is a stone, and the flaws are not due to the father's generation.

This thing is not a normal way of reproduction...

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