I became emperor and Golden Finger came. Chapter 1107: Tensions at war.

Wang Lin didn't know what to do. He felt it was very difficult at the moment.

He carefully explored the panel with his consciousness, and at the same time checked every part of his body.

But nothing was found, as if everything was business as usual.

But this chat panel, as well as these people who keep sending messages, are showing how it is possible for everything to be business as usual.

"A place that connects all the worlds and focuses on communication and chatting?" Wang Lin felt that he might have been under some illusion.

But with his divine consciousness at the stage of becoming a god, it would be impossible for anyone in the Zhao Kingdom to cast such a real illusion on him without him being able to detect it.

What's more, even if someone casts an illusion on him, what's the point of creating such a chat group?

Are you trying to trick him into chatting?

Meng Chuan was a little tired when he saw that Wang Lin's profile picture was always on but he didn't speak.

It is really difficult to influence Wang Lin and let him integrate into the harmonious and loving family of the chat group.

If it had been Wang Lin from the Iron Pillar period, or Wang Lin who dominated the later stages, it wouldn't have been so difficult.

Tiezhu Wang Lin is very innocent, and he will exclaim as an immortal when he sees the chat group.

Wang Lin, who was invincible in the later stage, was very confident. When he saw the chat group, he would not worry too much and would believe in such a thing.

The stronger the person, the faster they will be accepted into the chat group.

For example, Meng Chuan once stood at the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Even if the Emperor appeared, it would be impossible to use such illusions on him.

So the most unlikely answer at that time was actually the most likely answer, and Meng Chuan directly accepted the existence of the chat group.

But Wang Lin, who is now in the Nascent Soul stage, has been severely beaten by the cultivation world in his previous life. He is strong even if he is strong, and really weak even if he is weak.

At this time, Wang Lin had gone through a series of drastic changes in his life, and it was when he was most wary.

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv49: @Wang Lin, you can come out and talk. We really don’t have any malicious intentions. After joining the chat group, we are all one.

The others became quiet. They all knew that this newcomer would be difficult to deal with, so they decided to let Meng Chuan go up and communicate first.

They have already made it clear that he is the same as Han Li before, so of course it will be difficult.

Wang Lin looked at Meng Chuan's news and was unmoved.

Good people will say they are good people, but bad people will also say they are good people.

Who would admit that they are a bad person these days?

Group member] Wang Lin lv4: Why do I appear here?

Fortunately, Wang Lin chose to communicate instead of remaining silent.

This is a good question. Meng Chuan also wants to know why, but the chat group doesn't look down on him.

Administrator] Meng Chuan lv49: We don’t know the specific reason. Even those of us don’t know why we joined here. It’s probably because everyone is the chosen one.

Wang Lin's eyes moved slightly. Assuming that Meng Chuan was telling the truth, that meant that they were not the owners of this chat group?

"If I want to create such a realistic illusion without my noticing it, it is far from possible for me to transform into a god, or even an infant transformation?"

Wang Lin was thinking about it. With his current Nascent Soul cultivation level, his consciousness at the level of transformation into gods, and even monks at the level of infant transformation, he couldn't do all this.

As for the monks in the Aspiration Realm...

Wang Lin didn't understand, but there was basically no possibility that the Aspiration Realm monks would take action against him.

Did I really encounter some unexplainable events?

Wang Lin was silent, thinking of the things he saw in the ancient god's memory.

The universe is vast, the starry sky is endless, and there are countless mysterious things.

It might not be impossible to have a chat group.

And the so-called connecting all the worlds may mean connecting various planets.

"Assuming that this chat group is true, then since I have joined this chat group and have fallen into the eyes of the people behind the scenes, I must be unable to escape."

"Assuming this chat group is fake..."

Wang Lin's eyes were deep, and if it was true, he could not escape. If it was false, it meant that someone stronger than he knew had taken action against him.

There is no way to escape.

You can't escape regardless of whether you are with him?

Wang Lin figured this out.

"Since you can't escape, then face it proactively. Even if you are going to die, you must be an understanding soul."

Wang Lin made a decision. The great revenge has been avenged. Even if he dies, his skills will still be inferior to others!

Then Wang Lin began to explore the chat panel, and one function after another was discovered by Wang Lin.

For the time being, he thought this chat group was real, but he had to read everything about this chat group himself before he could say anything about it.

He didn't believe what those people said.

"Store?" Wang Lin opened the store and his pupils suddenly shrank.

There is a dazzling array of things inside, just look at the names and introductions, they are all treasures!

"There are many spells that I have never heard of and cannot understand..." Wang Lin looked through the items in the store and finally saw the inherited treasures that Han Li had put on the shelves.

The world of mortals cultivating immortality and the world of immortality are both the same style of world of immortality cultivation in the early stages of the path to immortality. They are both the foundation-building qi-building pills and Yuanying deity transformation.

It was only after becoming a god that things became different, and the differences became bigger and bigger.

Wang Lin looked at the immortal cultivation techniques that Han Li had uploaded, fumbled around and put his own items on the store shelves that he had no use for and it would not matter if they were leaked, and got a lot of points.

Then Wang Lin bought a spell from the group store.

Feeling the spell that suddenly appeared in his mind and looking at the specific cultivation method, Wang Lin was shocked.

it is true!

He didn't practice it rashly, but from his perspective, he could see that this spell was feasible!

"This is also a Nascent Soul level spell, but in this group of stores, the price is relatively cheap."

Wang Lin set his sights on the most expensive items in the store. Compared with the Nascent Soul spell just now, the points required were simply astronomical.

"If these are true..."

Wang Lin was silent. Unfortunately, he had no points and could not buy it to verify its authenticity.

After taking one last look at the treasures in the group store, Wang Lin fumbled for other functions, and then he clicked on the live broadcast.

"Huh?" Meng Chuan was a little surprised. Wang Lin said a few words and then stopped talking. Why did he start a live broadcast now?

Did I remember wrongly that Wang Lin was actually a hospitable, lively and cheerful person?

While thinking about these things, Meng Chuan clicked directly into Wang Lin's live broadcast and generated a projection.

It’s all open, so I’d be embarrassed if I didn’t go in.

Not only Meng Chuan, everyone clicked into Wang Lin's live broadcast and generated projections.

Then Meng Chuan saw Wang Lin looking at these handsome men and beauties in a prepared manner, staying far away from them, with light shining in his hands, as if he was preparing a spell.

"Why are you here?" Wang Lin asked.

"Didn't you invite us..." Meng Chuan was helpless.

I started a live broadcast on the first day I joined the chat group. This is probably the first time.

Looking at the light in Wang Lin's hand, it was so enthusiastic.

"Wang Lin, don't be nervous, we are just projections and can't do anything." Gu Yi said gently.

I have to say, it’s quite contagious.

"That's right!" Lu Mingfei agreed, then ran to the side and passed through a big tree.

"It's just a shadow!"

Wang Lin, Meng Chuan, and all of them, especially stayed on Meng Chuan's face for a while.

There is no way around it, he is indeed handsome beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, Wang Lin also understood that the thing he clicked on just now should have caused the current situation.

However, this still failed to alleviate the atmosphere at the scene.

Meng Chuan was helpless, this was really the first time.

But I also admire Wang Lin very much, this is what a cultivator should be like.

Being so steady must be a person of the same kind, and he must also have a warm heart. To be continued

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