God of Thunder

Chapter 6 7 Layers of Lightning Seals (Part 2)

When Lei Xingfeng figured this out, he looked at this tower-shaped seven-story thunder seal, and immediately felt horrified. In other words, these were seven people's thunder seals, and six of them were all obtained by this owner. How to get it can be imagined.

The result was scary, but it gave Lei Xingfeng a new way of thinking, that is to say, since he couldn't merge, then he could graft, and it was the same if he could be grafted.

According to this idea, Lei Xingfeng re-examined the tower-shaped seven-story thunder seal, and found something strange in it.

When Lei Xingfeng figured it out, he couldn't help laughing, because he found that the restriction on connection is man-made and extremely rough, and it is completely incomparable with the restriction that grows naturally, the difference between the two is too far.

Holding the seven layers of thunder seal in both hands, Lei Xingfeng thought about how to do it.

Although this restriction for grafting is extremely rough and simple, it is very practical, and it feels a bit ingenious, but Lei Xingfeng still feels that although the design is good, the method is clumsy, if he does it himself, he will definitely not be like this.

Analyzing and judging, planning and designing, deliberating and researching, without knowing it, Lei Xingfeng spent more than half a year, and basically didn't get out of the room. It was Big Fatty Jin who sent people to deliver food, and he didn't dare to deliver it often. They are all placed at the door, and if they are not eaten by the time, they will be taken away, re-fired, and placed at the door again.

Unless Lei Xingfeng was very hungry and smelled the aroma of food, he would get up and serve food. Normally, he would never think of eating at all.

When you put your heart and soul into something, you can't feel the time.

This day Lei Xingfeng laughed happily, because he successfully separated the seven layers of thunder seals, that is to say, he dismantled the original restriction.

After dismantling it, Lei Xingfeng obtained seven Thunder Seals. Since the seven Thunder Seals were linked together, the restraints inside gradually changed and converged. After dismantling them, Lei Xingfeng quickly restrained them with a jade box , restrained them one by one in the jade box, leaving one in his hand, and he planned to graft this onto his Thunder Seal.

The first thing is to choose the material. After all, it is necessary to design a restriction for grafting. This restriction, Lei Xingfeng did not think of it himself, but transformed the original restriction.

The original design of the restraint was very ingenious and quite good. The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that the production was quite rough. Although it had been trained by Lei Yin's master and filled with materials, there were still many things that did not satisfy Lei Xingfeng. This time Let's modify it together.

Looking for materials, in fact, should be said to be gathering materials. If you are looking for materials now, it is impossible at all. You have to work hard to collect them. Fortunately, Lei Xingfeng has always insisted on collecting materials.

No matter what material, as long as he sees it, he will not let it go. Even if he does not go back to dig, he will let the people in the secret door collect and dig. In the large material library of the mirror world, there are all kinds of materials, even if there is a lack of certain materials , alternatives can also be found.

Lei Xingfeng designed and produced this grafting restriction very carefully. He went directly to the open space in the Mirror Realm, then leveled the ground, and began to set up the restriction. Swallow it with Thunder Seal, as long as it is not super big, there is no problem.

Since the restriction can be set aside, Lei Xingfeng can carve and arrange it meticulously. In the graft restriction, Lei Xingfeng also plans to put a space restriction, mainly for better energy transfer and communication. Lei Xingfeng designed the one that didn't have the Thunder Seal. According to his idea, no matter what the restriction is, as long as it is suitable, as long as it is easy to use, as long as it works, as long as it is used in the right place, it is a good restriction.

In line with this principle, Lei Xingfeng started to arrange the restraints, and now they are arranged on the ground, and then adjusted, speculated, started the experiment, and so on a series of processes.

After Lei Xingfeng completed the entire restraint, he realized that it was still far from enough. It seemed that the restraint was missing something. Lei Xingfeng sat on the edge of the restraint and began to think hard. He couldn't find any flaws in it for several days, because he was always very cautious. , so he was not in a hurry to graft Lei Yin, but put away the restraints that had been arranged, and returned to his room in the small building.

It's just one step away, Lei Xingfeng is quite crazy now, he firmly believes that once he successfully grafts a Thunder Seal, his strength will not only be doubled, but at least he will be improved a lot, this kind of opportunity is really rare, This is even more difficult than advancing. If you want to advance, as long as you persist in practicing and collecting materials, you will advance one day. If you don’t find out that there is this mystery, who would know that there is such a method?

During this time, people have returned to the courtyard of Lei Xingfeng's house one after another, but Lei Xingfeng is not in the mood to go downstairs at all, and just locked in the room, thinking about this restriction over and over again.

Every day Lei Xingfeng played with the thunder seal he got, analyzed and inspected it habitually, until one day, he discovered a secret, it turns out that there is a spirit in the thunder seal, and this spirit is the key to grafting.

Carefully inspecting the seven Thunder Seals, it turned out that there were spiritual creatures in each of them, and these spiritual creatures were all ignorant, without spiritual intelligence, and basically acted on instinct.

However, there are no so-called spiritual objects in my thunder seal. If I want to successfully graft, at least one spiritual object must be generated in my thunder seal, no matter how weak it is, and there is no spiritual intelligence. Spiritual objects are two concepts.

Lei Xingfeng could only shake his head and smile wryly. Spiritual objects are too rare to come by. In this life, he has seen a spiritual object, which was made of wood, and was subdued by Lei Xingyao. That thing can produce spiritual liquid for ten thousand years. It is an absolute treasure. As for the spirits of the thunder system, let alone seeing them, I have never heard of them. I didn't expect to get a tower-shaped seven-story thunder seal, and there were seven spirits that were not formed in it. This was too scary. How powerful it is to find so many spiritual objects.

In fact, Lei Xingfeng also misunderstood, this spirit is not from outside, but produced by Lei Xing itself, until a long time, Lei Xingfeng's own Lei Xing also gave birth to a spirit, only then did he know that the Lei Xing had reached a certain level, Spirits will be self-born.

But Lei Xingfeng is now stumped by this spiritual creature. You must know that there is no spiritual creature in his thunder seal. If he is forced to graft, he guesses that the grafted thunder seal will counter-accus his own thunder seal. At that time, It is estimated that there will be a big problem.

After more than a year of delay, Lei Xingfeng finally came to his senses and knew that he could not delay any longer. He and Xing Feng still had an agreement to go to the trading place.

However, Lei Xingfeng calculated the time and couldn't help shaking his head. It was too long, and Xing Feng probably left long ago, so he was not in a hurry.

Staggering down the stairs, Lei Xingfeng came to the wooden shed, he saw Wu Yang at first glance, and after a little inspection, Lei Xingfeng smiled and said: "Congratulations, congratulations to the Patriarch."

Then he saw Gucci again, and he immediately knew that Gucci had also advanced, and said with a smile, "Congratulations, master."

Wu Yang said happily: "Yes, it is worth celebrating!"

Gu Qi patted Lei Xingfeng's shoulder, smiled and said nothing, the relief and love on his face were all revealed.

Lei Xingfeng asked: "Grandpa hasn't come back yet?"

Gu Qi said: "Your old man is still in the big crack, maybe it will take some time."

Anyone who goes to practice with colorful water and colorful light will be promoted. As for Wu Yang, he almost reached the junior king, which is a pity. However, Wu Yang is already very satisfied.

Lei Xingfeng thought about it and said: "Recently, everyone, hurry up and practice. If you can reach the king level, I will take you to the Illusory Heaven Realm."

Wu Yang smiled bitterly and said: "If there is no special opportunity, it will be really difficult to advance."

Lei Xingfeng shook his head and said: "Master Patriarch, you still don't understand the power of colorful water and colorful light, that is almost a complete change, even if you don't have any special opportunities, just practice like this, as long as you have enough materials, you will definitely be able to advance to King class, and it won't be too long."

Wu Yang was a little bit unconvinced, he said: "It's not so easy to advance."

Lei Xingfeng laughed and said: "Master Patriarch, don't look at things with old eyes. When we were in our hometown, it was really difficult to advance to the next level. It was because of the wrong number of cultivation methods. Now there is no such problem. The new one With the way of cultivation, plus various means and treasures, it is relatively easy to advance."

Gao Ye nodded and said, "Yes, that's true. Now that I've advanced, sometimes I don't even believe it."

The overall promotion of the secret door's senior management is great news for the secret door, which means that the secret door has a certain amount of self-protection power.

Lei Xingfeng also understands that only a few people in the secret sect can advance to the king level, and most of them stop at the Taoist level at most. Even so, it is a very remarkable achievement. If you dare to think this way, it is almost impossible to have such an achievement.

Wu Yang and the others took this opportunity to ask a lot of questions, which were all about cultivation. In the Mirror Realm, Lei Xingfeng was at the top, and he was the only one who could answer everyone's questions. No one else could. Invisibly, Lei Xingfeng's position has been consolidated.

After answering everyone's questions, Lei Xingfeng returned to the dark river. The restriction here has recovered a lot, but after the space restriction is completely destroyed, there is no threat to Lei Xingfeng. Restricted by the harvest, Lei Xingfeng continued to move forward.

After a while, I encountered another restriction, and the restrictions here are also layer upon layer. If no one has come, the density of this restriction is absolutely desperate.

The dark river here is very narrow, about 500 meters wide, with less than 10 meters left on the river bank, and there is a stone wall on the side. Lei Xingfeng began to be careful, and he carefully observed the restraining formation.

After a long while, Lei Xingfeng said to himself: "Interesting, there is still a space restriction, this restriction... Interesting!"

Suddenly, someone said: "What space restriction? What's interesting?"

Lei Xingfeng was startled, looked up, and saw a person hanging on the stone wall.

Chapter Six: The Seven Layers of Thunder Seal (below:

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