God of Thunder

Chapter 4 Expert Camp (Part 2)

Lei Xingfeng smiled wryly, and said: "Let's follow the habit. Let's find a place to live below. To be honest, it feels too awkward to be here."

Xing Feng laughed loudly, and said: "It was like this at the beginning, just get used to it, haha." He looked overjoyed, every cultivator here will always make something ugly, Lei Xingfeng is not bad .

Lei Xingfeng nodded and said: "I'll get used to it. Actually, I don't dislike this place. The scenery is absolutely amazing! The beautiful scenery that I have never seen before really opened my eyes."

Xing Feng said: "Scenery? Oh, there's nothing unusual about this." He has never been interested in scenery, that is, people like Lei Xingfeng who have memories of their previous lives will appreciate the strange scenery with emotion.

Lei Xingfeng said: "There is a house over there, do you want to go there?"

Xing Feng said: "When you get close, check to see if there is any restriction. If there is a restriction, there are usually people there."

Lei Xingfeng nodded, and he quickly saw clearly that this is a residence with a simple restriction. This simple restriction is also an early warning restriction. After touching it, people in the house will know that someone is coming, so , this building is undoubtedly inhabited, he immediately deflected the direction and continued to fly forward.

Xing Feng also went there together, he could also see this extremely simple restriction, and knew that there were people below.

After a while, I found several places, two of which were occupied by people, and although the other three were empty, the houses were too dilapidated and uninhabitable.

After flying for about ten minutes, Lei Xingfeng descended quickly. He saw a wooden building erected on a huge old tree, which reminded him of the tree house in Huya Fort, and it had a very friendly feeling.

There are no restrictions on this tree house. The two fell on the platform of the tree house. This tree house is quite large, with two floors in total. The upper floor has a platform plus a room, and the lower floor has two rooms. .

There are beds and chairs in the tree house, and there is even a thick animal skin carpet on the floor. However, no matter on the bed or on the animal skin carpet, there is a thick layer of dust. It can be seen that no one has lived in it for a long time. Pretty well preserved.

Lei Xingfeng set up a restraining formation by himself. According to the rules, no powerful and destructive restraints are allowed here, only simple early warning restraints. This is the rule that everyone abides by, and Lei Xingfeng is no exception. Xing Feng got a lot of taboos here, he will not make simple mistakes.

With a wave of Xing Feng's sleeve, a gust of wind immediately swept up the dust in the room, and he directly pushed it outside the door. After a little cleaning, the whole room was clean and tidy.

After Lei Xingfeng placed the restriction,

Returning to the room, he asked, "When will we enter the Illusory Heaven Realm?"

Xing Feng smiled and said: "Why are you in a hurry? There is also a time limit for the opening of the Illusory Sky Realm. Generally, it will be opened once every one to three years. Just wait for me. I will go out and find someone to see if I can find someone who knows the situation. people."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Let me go with you. When I came here, I saw that there were restrictions on several houses. There should be someone in the house. By the way, senior, is there anyone I know here?"

Xing Feng said: "There's a fart, even if... such a long time has passed, you will either leave or die, forget it, let's not talk about this, let's go and ask someone together."

Lei Xingfeng thought so too, Xing Feng has been trapped for so long, even if he has acquaintances, he may not know where he has gone, it is impossible to live here forever.

The two soon come to a house with prohibition.

Xing Feng grabbed Lei Xingfeng and said, "Don't break in!"

Lei Xingfeng said: "The warning restriction has a range of at least a few hundred meters, how to notify the owner of the house?"

Xing Feng smiled and said: "It's very simple!" He stretched out his hand, flicked his fingers, and a little red light flew out, directly touching the restriction.

After a while, the entire restriction was revoked, and Xing Feng said: "Well, yes, the master here did not refuse us, let's go in."

Lei Xingfeng said: "If this restriction is not lifted..."

Xing Feng said: "First, there is no one here. Second, the master is not welcome. No matter what the situation is, we will turn around and leave. Boy, remember, practitioners who can come here are not easy to mess with. If the other party does not Please, don't force your way in, offending people here is definitely not worth it."

Lei Xingfeng said: "So... if the restriction is not revoked, then turn around and leave, there is no problem with this choice."

Xing Feng nodded and said, "That's right."

The two of them hadn't walked far before they saw a few puppets coming up to meet them, and one of the puppets said, "Master is in the room, please follow me."

Lei Xingfeng said in surprise: "Puppet!"

Xing Feng said: "It is very common to use dolls here, after all, it is not suitable for low-level practitioners, so dolls are used for some chores."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Senior doesn't seem to use dolls."

Xing Feng said: "I used to have some dolls, but they were lost or given away, and I didn't trade them for some later."

The two walked while talking, and followed the puppet into the room.

An old man with white beard and pigtails, with a red belt tied on his head, and wearing a gray-black coat, looked very hot. The old man sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the two people come in slowly. He said: "It's rare, it's rare that there are visitors to the door, and two of them came. It's very interesting."

Xing Feng was not polite, he sat directly in front of the old man, Lei Xingfeng sat next to him, Xing Feng said: "Xing Feng."

Lei Xingfeng also said: "Lei Xingfeng."

The old man said: "Poison waves."

This guy's name is very special, but Xing Feng said lightly: "The poison family?"

Du Lang opened his eyes wide and narrowed in surprise, and said, "You also know the Du family?"

Xing Feng nodded and said, "Of course, I know two people from the Poison Sect."

Du Lang was surprised: "Who? Someone you know, what's their name."

Xing Feng said: "Poison is like water, poison attack, it happened a long time ago, I don't know if they are okay?"

Du Lang stared at the boss, and said: "Oh, they have been missing for a long time. I came here this time to find out where they went and when did you see them?"

Xing Feng said: "I can't remember clearly, I just know that it was a long time ago, and I didn't meet here. I have been away for too long, and I don't know many things, so I asked someone to understand the situation."

Du Lang's eyes narrowed again, and he said, "That's right...it's such a pity, what a pity, what a pity, by the way, is there anything you want to see me for?"

Xing Feng said: "I just said that I came to understand the situation. Well, there is another small question, when will the Magical Sky Realm open?"

Du Lang stared at Xing Feng and said, "Can you enter the Illusory Sky Realm? You, you have thousands of thorns?"

Xing Feng said: "Of course!" He is not afraid of people knowing that the practitioners in this world cannot be snatched, and his strength is super strong, so he looks indifferent.

Du Lang said: "How many people can you bring?"

Xing Feng said: "I can take two people with me!"

Du Lang said: "How about adding me...?"

Xing Feng smiled and said, "It's okay to add you, what's the price?"

There is no free lunch in this world, everything needs to be paid, of course the price is high or low.

Du Lang is very aware of this rule, he said: "Well, let me think about it, maybe I have something...you need."

Xing Feng said: "With your strength, going together will make us a lot stronger, so I don't care too much, it's almost enough, alas, I just couldn't find such an opportunity at the beginning!"

Du Lang said: "If you are lucky, it will be delivered to your door. If you are unlucky, nothing will work. Haha, this time, my luck is very good!"

Xing Feng muttered, and said: "Your luck... is really fucking good!"

Du Lang laughed obscenely.

Xing Feng shook his head slightly, and said, "Tell me, when is the last time it will be turned on?"

Du Lang said: "After half a year, your luck will be good. If you are late this time, you will have to wait. If you miss this time, you will have to wait for three years."

Xing Feng said: "Okay, okay, this time is not bad, don't wait too long."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Is this place always so quiet? By the way, how many practitioners are there?"

Du Lang said: "This is the base camp of our practitioners. As for why it is so quiet, to be honest, I don't know. Haha, I still don't know how many practitioners there are here! Haha!"

Lei Xingfeng looked at the old guy speechlessly.

After a while, Du Lang finally laughed enough, and he said: "No one would ask such a question, little guy, there are actually a lot of practitioners here, but they all have their own affairs. If nothing happened, everyone would not come out." of."

Lei Xingfeng said: "Did you not communicate with each other usually?"

Du Lang said: "You have to know that the cultivators who can come here, unless they have known each other before, generally speaking, they will not take the initiative to communicate. They are all a group of arrogant people, and it is difficult to get together."

Xing Feng said: "The other two forces... are there any movements?"

Du Lang suddenly laughed, and he said: "Little guy, you can see that he has got the point. Recently, the two forces are not very stable. At present, the balance of the three forces is not bad, but recently the star beasts and the aliens came out. It is more frequent, as for why, I am not very clear, if you have nothing to do, it is best not to leave this area."

Xing Feng said: "When I came here, I basically didn't find anything, it was very quiet."

Du Lang said: "Because it was too quiet, it was abnormal. Some time ago, there was a commotion, and I don't know what it was for. It is said that there were several fights, and the scale was not very large."

Lei Xingfeng said: "If I want to go out, how far can I move?" This is what he cares about the most. He has been coveting the mineral deposits and materials here all the way.

Du Lang said: "It's relatively safe to surround our camp, that is, the 100 kilometers outside the mountain, because if something goes wrong, you can escape back."


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