God of Music

Chapter 190

Episode 58 – They were the best in jam.

——————————- the god of music Episode 58 – They were the best in jam.

——————————- The drums that hit Hi At were intense from the beginning.

The instruments including the bass also came out in line.

‘It’s our song, it’s us!’ The feeling was different, but the face of the EDDIOS members who caught the microphone including Han Joo-yeon in the familiar melody turned on the face.

It was ‘Ready’, the title track of EDDIOS, which looks like a rocky intensity.

‘Nana.’ Han Joo-yeon pointed at him with his finger and signaled to open the door, and everyone nodded.

…Poor Seo Han-yoo was pushed out of the sequence and still could not magazine the microphone … .

With the intensity of the distortion and the bass ringing in the chest, Han Joo-yeon shouted softly.

“Someone – want comfort – more -”

Then Christie Ahn listened to the microphone, and Kim Ji-min and others started singing.

Other EDDIOS members shrugged their shoulders and choreography lightly, and vocals followed the movements of the arms and pulled up the excitement.

‘It’s good?’ Kang-yoon controlled the mixer and watched the singer playing with excitement.

At that time, Lee Hyun-ji stabbed Kang-yoon’s back from behind.

‘Can I take out a line?’ YES! What line? ”

When Kang-yoon asked, Lee Hyun-ji pointed to a synthesizer that was only keeping an empty space on one side.

‘That’s it.’ Hahaha It is good to hang out with the kids at this time. Clear right.

When Kang-yoon’s permission dropped, Lee Hyun-ji went to the synthesizer.

There was already a stand and a sheet of music, so I had to adjust the sound.

Lee Hyun-ji put the synthesizer on the middle volume and started playing right away. At the same time, Kang-yoon’s hand moved faster.

‘The light has weakened a little.’ Kang-yoon hastened to adjust the synthesizer’s volume and EQ. It seemed that the synthesizer’s volume did not match, so it affected the other sounds.

The light that weakened a little soon became rather strong.

The sound of the synthesizer is mixed well with the existing sound.


Kim Jin-dae, who was constantly beating, glanced at Lee Hyun-ji. I did not think I would be jamming with the director. Do you mean the destruction of so-called prejudice? But it was a while.

It was soon enough to bind the people with the enriched music.

“I am wrapped in you on a weary day —”

As the song went to its peak, the brass became more frequent and the solo phrases of the electric guitar were spreading brilliantly.

Five hundred fifty-five Chung Chan-kyu showed up to the light hand and tapping technique, and the high-pitched giggles showed off, shaking hands with EDDIOS members and Kim Ji-min.

‘Is it too much from the beginning?’ Kang-yoon, who thinks the flow is important, thought that such a brilliant start was excessive.

‘Oh, what are you playing at?’ It was an occupational disease. The concept is to play anyway.

There was no reason to point out these things when they were good.

Chung Chan – kyu ‘s light hand technique slowly faded, and drums and bass gorgeously finished the final.

The first jam was over.

“Oo — EDDIOS !! Oooh !! ”

At the end of Ellie Jung ‘s ending, she was all the rage.

The first song was so intense that I breathed lightly with vocals and instruments.

Lee Hyun-ji then played the piano gently.

“Oh, Kim Ji-min was the first to respond to the familiar melody.

It was his own debut song “Speak Happy day”, which he always played as an acoustic guitar at stage.

“I am new to the piano.”

Feeling relaxed, comfortable melody.

Lee Hyun-ah closed his eyes and fell into the piano melody.

“Unnie, we’re together.”

“I will . . .

At the end of Kim Ji-min, Lee Hyun-ah nodded with a god.

Other EDDIOS members also raised their hands by asking for a song.

“I still want to hide my shy mind -”

Lee Hyun-ah announced the beginning of a new song by decorating the beginning.

In line with the piano melody of the sober Lee Hyun-ji, Lee Hyun-ji added a little force to the husky voice.

“Happy Day– we -”

Kim Ji-min made a song with a completely different voice than Lee Hyun-ah.

Kang-yoon admired the white light of two different notes.

‘It’s the same song, but the feelings are quite different. Ji-min or Hyun-ah, I have a strong voice, and the nuances of the voices are different. Hyun-ah seems a bit rougher and Ji-min is softer. It is quite different. ‘ But the two of them are still in the voices.

“Making a dream of our own – Happy Day -”

As I entered the chorus, other instruments added effects and EDDIOS members also chorused. Various colorful effects were added, and the song became very rich.

The process of merging more than ten notes into one was vividly presented in front of Kang-yoon.


‘argent?’ As the chorus of EDDIOS was added up, the glowing foreign body began to appear in white light.

Especially when the notes from Ellie Jung were added, the sense of heterogeneity in the light was getting stronger.

‘Would you like to boost it a little?’ Kang-yoon raised the volume of the microphone held by Ellie Jung a little. And adjusted the EQ.

Then, the white inside swallowed the foreign body feeling, and the foreign body in the white light began to mix.

But there was a problem. When Christie Ahn’s notes were combined, the effect of the impulse was slightly reduced.

‘I gave my neck a lot of power.’ Christie Ahn’s voice is very beautiful. However, the lack of capacity. It seemed that he was blocking his ears and he was screaming because his voice could not be heard.

Kang-yoon raised Christie Ahn’s voice from the monitor speakers and lowered Christie Ahn’s voice from the entire speaker.

‘Was Ji-min lacking in the song, was it a chorus?’ Kang-yoon clapped unwittingly to the discovery that coincidence had made.

‘Speak Happy Day’ was a song that was finished just before releasing silvery at the debut stage. But I will find the clue here.

As the song continues to flow, the piano melody has turned into a string. With it drums and basses were eased and the tone of the electric guitar softened.

I was heading towards the end of the song.

“We are full – we are – we are already in love —–”


In the end, the white light changed to silver color at the end and it glowed beautifully. I made Kang-yoon’s heart refreshing with him.

“Teacher? Do you have a good day? ”

When Kim Ji-min finished the song with a questionable expression, Kang-yoon shrugged and replied.

“I have a pleasant day.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll tell you later. That’s right.

Kang-yoon turned on the stretch and headed for Kim Ji-min. Then she picked up an acoustic guitar lying next to her.


Jung Min-ah, who had a chorus next to the microphone and asked for a question, asked Kang-yoon with a smile.

“Everyone is having fun, but if I fall, I will. Let’s play together. ”

Hahaha Everyone laughed, and the mood grew even higher.

‘envy. mee too On the other hand, humanity who watched this process distantly looked at the singer with envious eyes.

—————————— “Huh, I’m glad.”

Joo-ah, who came to MG Entertainment’s headquarters, was drinking coffee at Lee Han-seo Director’s office.


“You’re standing there for the time being. Fortunately, I have a place to breathe. ”

Lee Han-seo always laughed at the outspoken Joo-ah.

This sunny girl always looked the same. Past or present b.


‘How is this company going?’ As time went on, this Company seemed to be strange.

He signed a contract with Gideoko Construction Company and started to raise funds.

The loan is also huge. I heard it firmly even when it was in the air.

“A cup of tea and tea to enjoy … ”

“I like coffee.”

“……” Joo-ah’s coffee love was still there.

Lee Han-seo, director, said in a nod and said again.

“Have you increased your fortune schedule a lot?”

“Iknow, right. The rest period is shortened … Well, now that you start shoveling, you’ll get more busy. ”

“Foot. Shovel. ”

Lee Han-seo Joo-ah laughed and laughed as the director moved on.

“You’re right, shovel. Why are you building an alternative office? I am building a gorgeous office like a studio for the purpose of attracting tourists. Will it be our fund now? Oh, I do not want to think about it. I have to work. ”

“…It might be better. ”

Lee Han-seo also sighs briefly at the stuffy company situation.

‘When it comes to sudden difficulties in funding and the need to sell stocks … Ew, No way.

No matter how frustrating they are, they will not be so stupid.

“Oh, stop talking about this. Oh, I met Minjoo last time … ”

Joo-ah turned the conversation over and said that they had a sore head, and they continued conversing with each other.

—————————— “You go again to me -”

The voice of Kim Jae-hoon and the voice of Seo Han-yoo were chords and various instruments were decorated around.

“Only good memories – only beautiful moments -”

Seo Han-yoo drowned in emotion and closed his eyes and shook his voice.

In front of her, Jung Min-ah actress in the fortress has raised the atmosphere with modern dance.

Kim Ji-min and Lee Hyun-ah who went to the chorus decorated the song beautifully with soft chords.

The culmination of the song slowly poured out cheers from all the people.

WOW The atmosphere explodes today! ”

I stole my sweat from the forehead, and Jung Min-ah laughed. Everyone gathered and fell into the dance without any thought and it was very good.

Others have already experienced the effect of consensus that music has already had in their eyes.

“Oh, the atmosphere is the best, the best.”

“I hope I do this every day.”

Kim Jin-dae and Chung Chan-gyu all had the same idea.

Kang-yoon headed to the human rights hall where he was sitting, when he was not sure where the mood was going.

“Do not go.”

“……” “Humanities.”

“…YES! Looking at the singer who was jamming with envious eyes, Humanities hept at Kang-yoon’s call.

“Why so surprised?”

Oh, that’s …

,Come here.

Four Is it me? ”

In the call of Kang-yoon, humanity hesitated and hesitated, and Kim Jae-hoon helped.

“Come this way.”

“Oh, I … ”

uniee This way.

As Kim Ji-min approached, the Humanities often stepped forward.

Kang-yoon said when Kim Jae-hoon handed the microphone to human beings.

“How about the last trot?”

“How about ‘trip’?”

In the invitation of Kim Jae-hoon, humanities nod carefully.

The trip was a trot song that no one knew so much as to be called a national trot.

The response of EDDIOS members was half.

‘Is that a good Unnie?’ Well Han Joo-yeon and Christie Ahn were conservative, but Jung Min-ah and Seo Han-yoo were slightly different.

“Unnie, fighting.”

Paiting The human being received the microphone with the support of the younger younger than himself and the slightest margin of glance.

Said Kang-yoon.

“Let’s go to the key C.”

Got Lee Hyun-ji was the most welcoming of Kang-yoon’s words.

The C key is normal for the performer, so it is easy to proceed.

Soon, the drums began to beat, and the performance began.

Along with the sound of a synthesizer reminiscent of a saxophone, the bass was firmly supported by the bass, and the voices of composers came out from the humanities.

“My love and my journey to leave -”

Five hundred fifty-five Humanities! Human beings! ”

Jung Min-ah and Seo Han-yoo started to pop the trainee junior.

Human beings have added strength to their voices as the ball is flooded.

“Okay if I’m with you – I have to get up today”

“Oh Oh!”

Kim Jae-hoon and Kim Ji-min also excited.

In the meantime, the practice room was changed to a cabaret atmosphere filled with monsieur (?).

‘Really, Moon Hee … ‘ While enjoying the acoustic guitar, Kang-yoon made a surprised look.

In the voice of humanism, there seemed to be something magical. Kang-yoon was unaware that she fell into her voice and felt a force in her hand.

“Yow Yow Yow -”

Han Joo-yeon or Christie Ahn, who seemed to be the first to watch, was also holding a microphone and putting a chorus. Seo Han-yoo and Jung Min-ah were already enjoying the mood of dancing.

‘…Senior. The world atmosphere is very nice. ‘ Yeah, right. Did you feel that way too? ”

The staff who shot the video had to take care of their shoulders for a long time.




All the songs to be shot today were finished after the song of Humanities.

“Good work.”

The words of Kang-yoon followed, but everyone’s face was full of disappointment.

Lee Hyun-ji said he knew what everyone thought.

“CEO. I’ve done everything to shoot, but let’s just play with us? ”


Then all the singers headed toward Lee Hyun-ji.

“What?” I can not do it if I’m busy. I set it up pretty well, and all of them were together, but I think it is too short.


Kang-yoon also looked at the singers. But all of the facial expressions were reminiscent.

‘Some more, some more !!’ Kang-yoon could not have known the greedy expression of the singer.

He eventually shrugged.

“So let’s play a little more.”

“Oh Oh!”

Kang-yoon again listened to an acoustic guitar and cheered everyone.

So the jam of the World Entertainment employees has lasted for a long time.

—————————— Several videos have been updated on the Pinestock EDDIOS fan page.

It was a video that says, ‘We play like this.’ “What’s this? Han Seong-jin, a long-time fan of EDDIOS, clicks the video to make a 0 to 1 hit.

By the way…

“U huh huh !!”

What is this !! It was a video that everyone, including EDDIOS, was playing in a space that looked like a practice room.

Jung Min-ah danced, and Seo Han-yoo was playing chorus with other singer singing freely.

By the way…

“This is playing? is not concert?! ”

It is said that it is simply playing, but the live concert videos are cheeky cheeks level.

Han Seong-jin has been in the video without knowing it, and has been watching for 3 hours.

“Ah, goddesses … Do not let it down! ”

He made a recommendation to the EDDIOS fan cafe, and he made an exclamation.

Episode 58 – They were the best in jam.

The End

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