God of Music

Chapter 161

50 – RU Ready?! (2) The holiday has come to the brother and sisters. I worked every day, and while I was in the rooftop room, the holiday I came to was the same for my brother and sister.

But on that sweet holiday, the war had begun.

“Lord Sejin, you are real !!”

Jusse I shouted Gorogore toward my brother. She rarely gave her an eye and even impressed her. Her hand was trembling as if she was very angry.

o . . . I should have gone quickly to do that. ”

It seemed to shrink in Noona’s momentum, but Lord Sejin did not say a word. I was at the end of the angry hair as if I was in the act of my brother who seemed to say that I was not wrong.

“Do you say that? You said you’d keep it first. Then you have to take responsibility! But now that you have lost it, what are you going to do? What are you going to do ?! ”

I have written evil not like her.

The cause was simple. I left Sejin’s business card, which I received from a person who seemed to be an entertainment CEO in the countryside station, to be kept and lost.

Sezin trembled a little.

“…Will not you be responsible? ”

“How would you be responsible? Looking for an audition? ”

“Look at the audition. Do not you have to go into a bigger company that can ignore this business card holder? okay . . . There is MG to go in the future, and there is Yunlee in the tile. There are many places to go, even if you do not have that name card !! ”

I barely touched the side Guri.

“Hey! APA “Make a sound that makes sense. Do you know how easy it is to enter such a big agency? ”

“There’s no reason not to! Heung It would be better to go to the audition than to play the concert in the street all the time. We work and shoot the streets like this. Will we die old? ”

“……” There was a saying in the state of Sejin. I thought it was my fault that I came up to work in Seoul.

‘…I was impressed with him. ”

I still had a good man who gave me a soft but strong business card. I could not go out on my life …

No, it was an excuse. So I hesitate to answer the question to go to the audition of the state Sejin.

“Anyway, let ‘s go to the audition this week. Big organizers also have regular auditions. ”

“…okay . . . All right.

When I heard it, my brother was right. It was a hundred times better to go anywhere than to work on the streets. Jusse I nodded.

‘I’ll go quickly.’ My name is Jessy.




After a great battle with Noona, Lord Sae-jin stepped out and sighed for a long time.

“…I know who that person is. It’s better to challenge from big agencies once. ”

At that time when Noona had left his hand in his hand.

—————————— – EDDIOS, COME BACK to KS TV on July 5th.

EDDIOS releases a new album this summer, comeback to the music industry. EDDIOS announced that EDDIOS is going to release a new album next month, and its ambition is to meet the expectation of fans who have waited for a long time. EDDIOS is a group consisting of leader Jung Min-ah, main vocalist Han Joo-yeon, Christie Ahn and sub vocalists Seo Han-yoo, Ellie and Lee Sam-soon. active… .


Yes? Chu Man-ji, CEO of Yunle Entertainment, looked at the EDDIOS articles that portrayed the portal site in an ornate manner.

“Lee Kang-yoon is this guy. You’re doing this job. Hahaha MG had a tight horn? ”

He was exciting, just like a man who was a pervert across the river. MG entertains the entertainer who dismissed the last son and comeback until. Chu Man-ji, CEO, laughed in his drive to cool down the first place in the industry.

And then the knight made his laughter bigger.

– Hello Tint, July 5, KS TV back in two months as a summer girl …

“Is this a fight between David and Goliath? Ha ha ha ha ha!! No, senior and junior representatives? What is this? Great. Oh, I’m a ship. Lee Kang-yoon If he fails this time, he will have a lot of losses in the investments he has made over the years. It’ll be fun. ”

Now I hold a ship and even made a giggle.

A comeback stage that takes place on the same day as EDDIOS and Hello Tint. He had no idea that the two singer comeback would be a proxy for World Entertainment and MG Entertainment.

“Oh, we should be squatting by autumn. Spit it out. ”

It is only the damage that I have to engage in such a fight. At this time, it was best to eat good-looking rice cake. He was intrigued to see whether Kang-yoon could successfully return EDDIOS or decline.

—————————— Non-dominant afternoon.

Kang-yoon was at the headquarters of SEIS portal site for EDDIOS promotional strategy consultation.

Kang-yoon, who was reading the report slowly in the meeting room, was in charge of the meeting.

“With the Showcase, I can raise the number of views because it is the EDDIOS dedicated category. It is the upgrade version of the last version. ”

Kang-yoon laughed and continued explaining when Kang-yun Hwang admired the proposal book.

Right exactly. I am going to catch people with showcase videos and various related videos. It would be better if people sort out the high-quality images and make them easier to find. SEIS video casts are managed directly by our head office, so there is no worry about the quality of the video. ”

“It’s up to post management. I mean, I’m setting up a dedicated channel on the internet … ”

Right exactly. In short, EDDIOS channel, right? ”

There was no reason to believe that EDDIOS’s momentum is not so recent. In addition, after organizing singer Min-ah’s solo album showcase, there have also been a lot of related affiliations in entertainment companies. It is anticipated that the power of EDDIOS Ramyeon, which has more influence than Solo singer Min-ah, is big.

Lee was a positive doctor.

Clear right. I will receive your approval from the CEO, and I will contact you immediately. ”

Thank you.

“We will discuss the guitar broadcasting afterwards after the approval.”

Kang-yoon and Kyeung-hwan Kang, who shook hands, rose from the seat.

Kang-yoon took the car and left SEIS headquarters.

Driving, Kang-yoon went out with EDDIOS.

‘This time, I will be able to unfold the publicity strategy aggressively from broadcast to online. In the meantime, the kids are well laid out. Now the blank in the USA has disappeared. The problem is how much this album meets people’s expectations. ”

The public’s interest was how EDDIOS would show up to the public. One member, each member of the activity, every time when you can see the work together to show the interest in the event was revealed. One of the reasons why Jung Min-ah’s single album did well was because his fans met that expectation a bit.

As he raised the side brakes and was waiting for a signal at the intersection, his phone rang loudly. It was a call from the CEO of SEIS.

“Yes, Lee Kang-yoon.”

It has not been less than an hour since I left the office. But I was wondering if I had already received payment.

just as expected. The answer was not so positive.

Our apologies. I uploaded the papers to the CEO, but it seems hard to come together this time.

Kang-yoon was embarrassed. Thinking about Jung Min-ah, it was hard to imagine that I would reject EDDIOS, which is a bigger thing. But he calmly asked again.

“May I ask why?”

– EDDIOS plan was positive, but there is singer who unfortunately proposed to showcase it in the same week. We can not have the capacity to do both at the same time …

Lee Won – hwan, the managing director. His sorryness has been passed across the phone.

Kang-yoon felt something went wrong.

“…Clear right.

Our apologies. The CEO is so stubborn …

First of all, I had to find out what happened. At the same time, Kang-yoon was especially concerned about two places.

It was known for the first time that internet live broadcast content was useful to music because of world entertainment, and SEIS side also actively used it for marketing. Kang-yoon, however, was terrible because SEIS had been in the back of his head.

However, Kang-yoon did not do foolish things such as anger.

“I can not. I hope you’ll find something better. ”

Kang-yoon ended his conversation with the managing director of Kyeung-hwan Kang, who can not hide his emotional feelings.

‘At the same time? Who? MG? ”

Kang-yoon went back to the Company with his thoughts.

I went back to my office and turned on my computer and connected to SEIS, so there was a banner in the main portal site.

(A refreshing encounter with six angels. We invite you to the Hello Tint Showcase. Wednesday, July 4) Looking at the banner floating in Maine, Kang-yoon was full. I did not get caught by people.

Before talking with him, it was clear that he was already in the process of negotiations with MG. Considering the time of banner making and the time it takes to upload to the internet, it was said that Kang-yoon had already been in discussions before his work talk.

Lee Hyun-ji, who had heard about Kang-yoon’s surprise, also gently grew it.

“I ate MG properly.”

From SEIS ‘s point of view, it would be advantageous to sign a contract with MG Entertainment, which is big. Lee Hyun-ji, however, did not hide his anger.

But it was already past. Kang-yoon was cool.

“I think it’s hard to make an alliance with SEIS this time. MG’s breathing is working. ”

“……” Lee Hyun-ji was silent. It was unanimous agreement.

“But the good news is that the EDDIOS kids are doing well in unit activity. I think it’s better to focus more on that side. I think online will be able to follow the showcase’s publicity to some extent if I go in the direction of utilizing Tune. Still, the movie is well-chosen, and if you raise the quality of the performance video and the broadcast video there, you can attract enough people. To do that, I think I need those Camera Companies that I mentioned last time. ”

“Ah. I’ve done everything. The result is on CEO’s desk. ”

Thank you. EDDIOS is a full-time video specialist, I hope to catch up with. ”

“…It’s hard. All right.

Lee Hyun-ji sighed, worried about the van’s vacancy. I was afraid that I had to buy a bus.

As she materialized Kang-yoon’s idea, her head was complicated.

—————————— ‘It looks here.’ The reporter of the New World stood in front of the building with the sign “LUNAS” written on the sign. It was a little disappointment to the appearance of the shabby building although it had a little expectation because it was a company performance hall.

He was guided by the caretaker and entered the building. But unlike the exterior, I was very surprised by the clean interior. He was amazed at the design that seemed to mix the club with the small workshop.

‘Lee Hyun-ji, where you are, is different from something.’ The new reporter was admirably small and guided by the caretaker to the practice room upstairs. As the caretaker opened the door, EDDIOS dressed in a clean awaited him.

“Are you Annyeong? EDDIOS. ”

“Ah yes. Annyeong-hase-yo. ”

The clock was 30 minutes before the appointment. The New World reporter was stunned. However, I remember that EDDIOS was a group that had a thorough time concept in the past.

Kang-yoon, CEO of World Entertainment, and Lee Hyun-ji, director, went inside.

“Reporter, Annyeong-hase-yo?” “Huh? This CEO! ”

Lee Hyun-ji expressed the pleasure of grabbing hands as he was a sphinx reporter and sphere. Especially, the face of the reporter of New Year had a smile on his face.

“I beg you, my children.”

Hahaha Certainly. Do not worry. Oh, this one … ”

“Do you Annyeong. It’s Lee Kang-yoon. ”

The reporter of the New Age gentleman swallowed the saliva to the appearance of one of the bigger Kang-yoon than himself.

Kang-yoon expressed his generosity, saying that he would grab his hand and ask for a good article. There was already coffee and refreshments in it.

A reporter who did not even think he would be treated like this was scratching the ball with smile.

“I do not know if it’s against fairness because it is so favoritism.”

Kang-yoon also laughed and replied to the jokes of the reporters.

Hahaha Then we are good. ”

whew! Before entering the interview, the atmosphere brightened. EDDIOS, which lost its name, was in a recovery now. I did not even think I would be treated to such a powerful singer.

Kang-yoon and Lee Hyun-ji were cleared to interview with ease. The EDDIOS members also provided a place for Shinsegae reporter to concentrate on their work.


It was not easy for Star to be treated like this. His mind was as bad as it was.

The interview started in such a bright atmosphere.

50 – RU Ready?! (2) The End

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