God of Learning is in Hand, I Have the World

Chapter 330: Do you believe in retribution? 24┃ Self-inflicted

Jin Yuanfei didn't tell Xu Liangliang the results of the appraisal, but just asked her to go back to the hospital and secretly get a few strands of Huang Wei's hair.

After several days and nights of training, Xu Liangliang had already obeyed Jin Yuanfei and returned to the hospital that night.

"Yo, little princess, you're finally back. Your father is going to miss you." Huang Wei said sneeringly.

Xu Yong, who was lying on the hospital bed, glared at his daughter fiercely. It is said that there is no dutiful son in front of the bed for a long time. How long has he been sick? How many days has the daughter guarded him? It seems that his previous thinking was wrong. When he was discharged from the hospital, Huang Wei still had to take off the birth control ring and have another child. This child has been abandoned.

If it wasn't for his daughter who framed that teacher, the company would not have encountered a crisis; if his daughter had not forced Xu Yaya to death, he would not have been entangled by the devil.

All the bad things are done by this unfilial girl! The results of it? He is now lying half-dead in the hospital, but this unfilial daughter is happy outside!

The more Xu Yong thought about it, the more he hated it, and the more he looked at Xu Liangliang, the colder it became.

Huang Wei also stared at the dense hickey on Xu Liangliang's neck, his face full of contempt.

Xu Liangliang didn't care what the two of them thought, she went straight into the toilet and locked the door.

She picked up the comb that Huang Wei had used, tore off all the hair with follicles, put it in a plastic bag, and went to a small toilet.

After she came out, she grabbed the attending doctor and asked about her father's condition, and when she learned that his father was improving, she left the hospital immediately.

Xu Qiang almost jumped out of the bed. This unfilial girl is really useless! He wants to change his will!

After getting Huang Wei's hair, Jin Yuanfei immediately sent it to the testing center.

He didn't go anywhere, just sat outside the hospital waiting, his mind always calm. He is an absolute atheist and never believes in ghostly things. If there really are ghosts in the world, wouldn't he have been killed by the ghosts dozens of times?

However, the moment he got the test report, he felt terrified.

"The blood you sent belongs to a woman, and the owner of the hair is a mother-daughter relationship." The friend handed over the report.

Jin Yuanfei's hand trembled. He quickly flipped through the test report, his mind was a mess, and he could no longer pretend to be calm.

Huang Wei has only one daughter, Xu Yaya, so there is no doubt that the tube of blood he brought must belong to Xu Yaya. But how is it possible? Hasn't Xu Yaya been cremated long ago? Where did her blood come from? Did it exist before?

"Is that tube of blood I sent fresh?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"Of course it's fresh." The friend looked at him strangely.

"Is it not mixed with animal blood or other people's blood?"

"It was mixed with some clean water, diluted, and not contaminated with animal blood or other people's blood. Are you doubting my professionalism? If there is a problem with the test sample, I will tell you." My friend was already impatient.

Jin Yuanfei suppressed the huge shock in his heart and left.

After returning home, he sat on the sofa in despair, unable to move for a long time. This phenomenon that cannot be explained by science disturbed all his thoughts and even endangered his three views.

Zhuang Li, who saw all this through the pinhole camera installed in Jin Yuanfei's house, let out a sarcastic low smile.

7480 wondered: "Master, are those blood really Yaya?"

"Yes or not." Zhuang Li explained: "I convert my own somatic cells into stem cells, and then convert the stem cells into hematopoietic cells, and then extract gene fragments from Yaya's deciduous teeth, replicate them, and implant them into hematopoietic cells. The blood cultivated in this way has Yaya's genes."

7480 suddenly realized, tsk tsk amazement. In ancient times, the master could be a magic stick, and in modern times, he could pretend to be a ghost. Whoever has a grudge against him will be bad for eight lifetimes.

Jin Yuanfei, who didn't know anything about this, was going through the painful process of shattering the three views.

Are there really ghosts in the world? He began to doubt himself and his life.

Out of curiosity, Xu Liangliang picked up the test report that he had thrown on the ground. After reading it, she was shocked and pale.

"The blood last night really belonged to Xu Yaya, right? Did she find it?" She grabbed Jin Yuanfei's shoulder and asked, tears streaming down her face unconsciously.

She always thought that Jin Yuanfei was her own Garden of Eden, the last piece of pure land that would not be invaded by Xu Yaya. Unexpectedly, this piece of pure land was found by Xu Yaya after all, and she is here again! She really intends to never die!

Xu Liangliang hugged her head and screamed.

Jin Yuanfei suddenly grabbed her by the hair and slammed it against the coffee table, scolding sharply, "You give me a little peace!"

How can a person who can only make love through violence to achieve a high tide can be a gentleman? At this moment, he finally exposed his hideous side.

No, it should be said that he showed his fangs long ago, but the former Xu Liangliang didn't love him, so he didn't care.

But now Xu Liangliang couldn't care less. Because she has identified Jin Yuanfei.

Violent sex. Love is a kind of taste, but extending violence into her life, she began to realize what she would encounter if she continued to get along with this person. Being beaten and bruised will become her daily routine.

She hit her head with blood and tried her best to push Jin Yuanfei away and ran away.

Jin Yuanfei was stunned for a while before chasing out.

Xu Liangliang, who had nowhere to go, finally returned to the hospital. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she was stopped by the head nurse: "You are Xu Yong's family, right? His hospitalization fee should be paid."

"Did Huang Wei not pay the hospital fee?" Xu Liangliang asked in embarrassment, clutching her forehead.

"We couldn't find Mrs. Xu. She didn't come back after she went out at noon today." The head nurse handed over a bill of charges, and the total treatment fee was hundreds of thousands.

In order to recover as soon as possible and to preserve his appearance, Xu Yong used the best medicine, and it cost tens of thousands of yuan to hang a bottle of water.

Xu Liangliang had to swipe her own card to pay her father.

She opened the text message from the bank and looked at her balance, which was less than five digits. For some reason, she felt an extremely ominous premonition in her heart.

Seeing her push the door and walk in, Xu Yong immediately widened his eyes with anger on his face.

Xu Liangliang didn't care about her father's attitude at all, she just lay on the sofa in a daze. The world is so big, and she has nowhere to hide. This deep-rooted loneliness and helplessness is probably what Xu Yaya felt before her death.

Her father was still staring at her, and she finally recovered from her trance and looked straight back.

"You think I'm like a rubbish, don't you? What right do you have to look at me like this? You are the most disgusting rubbish! Do you think I don't know what you did to Xu Yaya? Once you were in the study When I raped her, I hid in the closet and watched you! She was only ten years old at the time, and I **** vomited!"

Xu Liangliang walked slowly to the bed, leaned down, looked at her father, and said through gritted teeth, "I swear at the time that one day, I will kill you disgusting things! My world has been polluted by you!"

Xu Yong looked at her in disbelief.

Xu Liangliang chuckled: "And Huang Wei, that bitch. If it wasn't for her, my mother wouldn't die. Do you know what she's doing outside now?"

Xu Yong wanted to sit up, but his body was bandaged and unable to move. He vaguely realized something.

Xu Liangliang nodded and said, "That's right, just as you thought, she was fooling around with other men outside. Hahaha, do you know who arranged that man?"

Xu Yong's eyes were full of red blood.

Xu Liangliang nodded again: "You guessed it right again, that man was arranged by me. What's even better is that the man also had AIDS, hahaha, are you saying it's fun or not?"

Xu Yong collapsed on the hospital bed softly, his chest heaving violently with anger. He didn't feel bad about what happened to Huang Wei at all, and even felt happy that the woman who betrayed him should end up like this.

But at the same time, he was also soberly aware that he had raised a beast who did not recognize his six relatives. The foundation that I have worked hard for many years must not be left to Xu Liangliang!

Knowing his son Mo Ruofu, however, this sentence is the opposite in the Xu family. Xu Yong didn't know Xu Liangliang at all, but Xu Liangliang had already seen him through.

As soon as Xu Yong showed a cruel expression, Xu Liangliang grabbed his neck and threatened, "Don't think about changing your will, I have a thousand ways to make you paralyzed in bed for the rest of your life."

Xu Yong didn't dare to move, his eyes were bulging, his nostrils were swollen due to difficulty in breathing, and he looked like a ridiculous frog.

So Xu Liangliang laughed sarcastically. She let go of Xu Yong's neck, wiped her plaster-stained hands with a white quilt, and said cheerfully, "I really want to see what Huang Wei's expression will look like when he learns the truth. Will she be like A mass of mud fell softly at my feet, would I cry and scream in fright, collapse and go crazy. Hahaha..."

The more Xu Liangliang thought about it, the more happy she became. She slapped her palms and said, "It's decided. When she returns to the ward, I will tell her the news that she has AIDS."

Xu Yong closed his eyes and breathed hard. He had developed a deep fear of this daughter.

However, Xu Liangliang waited all night.

Until ten o'clock the next morning, Huang Wei had not come back. Xu Liangliang couldn't contact each other at all because they both threw away their mobile phones.

The more she couldn't wait, the more Xu Liangliang wanted to see Huang Wei's expression of collapse and despair, so she bit her head and went back to the haunted old house. Only then did she learn from the housekeeper that Huang Wei went home at noon yesterday and packed a lot of luggage. , Said to be taken to the hospital for a long stay.

"She didn't go to the hospital." Xu Liangliang said gloomily.

"Then where can she go?" The housekeeper was very puzzled.

Xu Liangliang seemed to realize something, and hurriedly ran into her father's study and opened the safe to check.

It was empty inside, nothing left. Stocks, securities, real estate certificates, jewelry, cash... all valuable things were swept away by Huang Wei.

There was a letter lying inside, and the envelope was scribbled with a line of words—[Xu Liangliang personally opened].

Xu Liangliang grabbed the envelope and opened it randomly, quickly read the thin page, and then slumped like mud.

Her current expression was probably the expression she wanted to see on Huang Wei's face before.

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