Feng Yixiu slowly walked towards the position of the queen of thorns. All the ghosts of the war spirits did not say a word along the way, as if they were very scared.

"Are you the queen of thorns?" Feng Yixiu stood in front of the magic book and said in a deep voice.

However, the magic book in front of him didn't care about the wind and repair, and still floated in the air indifferently.

Feng Yixiu frowned, and he was ready to reach out to touch the magic book.

But before he actually touched the magic book, a few red thorn vines whipped towards Feng Yixiu's arm.

Feng Yixiu quickly released his hand under the pain, but his hand was still drawn with a bright red scar.

"Stupid human, don't touch the emperor!"

A cold and domineering female violently swayed, and the wind was too scared to step back a dozen steps.

"Good momentum!" Feng Yixiu said solemnly.

The temper of the Queen of Thorns doesn't seem to be too good!

So many war spirits are fighting to become their own war spirits, but this queen of thorns seems to despise herself!

However, this small setback could not allow Feng to modify his own ideas, but made him more firm in his beliefs.

Feng Yixiu quickly contacted the system and said in a deep voice: "System, I choose the Queen of Thorns!"

As Feng Yixiu's choices were completed, all the demon collections in the whole world of consciousness slowly disappeared, leaving only the Queen's Demon Collections.

Feng Yixiu also slowly recovered from a deep sleep and returned to the real world again.

The first thing he does after he wakes up is to check his success.

"Demon Book, now!"

Feng Yixiu concentrated his spirits and began to summon his own magic book.

Suddenly the first magic book appeared on the right of Feng Yixiu, it was the white jade magic book.


Immediately afterwards a group of red wooden elements slowly condensed, a red wooden demon collection appeared on his left.


Feng Yixiu couldn't wait to grab the wooden magic book, this time there was no embarrassing situation in the world of spiritual knowledge.

This book of magical spirits did not appear to resist the wind and repair itself. The thorns and vines around it were very clever and moved their positions.


Feng Yixiu took a deep breath, and solemnly opened the first page of the magic book.

What greeted me was a humanoid war spirit with long fiery red hair and a waist, and the red thorns on his body were entangled, forming a thorny armor full of spikes.

She stood calmly and indifferently among the bushes of thorns, and the thorns and vines around her were automatic without wind, like tentacles of hell.

A vague and indifferent face can be seen vaguely, which looks noble and cold.

Feng Yixiu glanced at the name of the war spirit, the thorny demon.

This is the name of the queen of thorns at maturity. It can be described as the name of the person, charming and ghostly!

As Feng Yixiu prepared to turn the second page, he suddenly thought of a key issue.

If the Queen of Thorns didn't absorb a magic card, wouldn't it mean that her first magic card could absorb the gold magic card?

"Hope not to disappoint me!"

Feng Yixiu held his breath, and his trembling hand turned the magic book to the second page.

What came into view was an empty card slot. Obviously, there was no magic card!

Feng Yixiu then turned several pages in a row and found that all the card slots are blank, which means that he can absorb the magic cards at will!



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