God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 256: Black Luan Hawk

"Chu Lao, have you heard of Gluttony?" Feng Yixiu smiled mysteriously and whispered.

"Blazing fire toad? Haven't heard of it, is that your newly discovered evolutionary route?" Chu Lao was confused.

Feng Yixiu nodded his head and comforted Chu Lao said: "You can rest assured! This fire-eating toad is enough to deal with hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts!"

The more Chu Lao listened, the more unreliable it was. Hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts!

That is comparable to disaster-level Warcraft, can an overeating toad get it?

It didn't take long for a late replica of the Ram's war spirit, and a black eagle covered with steel, was sent over.

This war spirit replica is based on the gene copy of an excellent war spirit, but this replica war spirit can only survive for a week or so.

However, the existence of this replication technology makes up for the lack of manpower for many warlords, and there are some difficult tasks. No warlord is willing to pick up at all.

For example, this locust plague, the hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts, the locust tide formed is very terrible, even the war spirit king is not willing to go to the dangerous place in person.

At this time, we must rely on the replicas of excellent war spirits to complete these tasks. At the same time, this technology also has inter-epoch significance for the study of war spirits' evolution.

However, current technology can only copy mature warriors, and even advanced warriors can't crack their genetic code.

The two evolutionary warehouses were opened at the same time, and Feng Yixiu and the Ram chose one each, leading their own replica of the War Spirit and walked in.

There are a variety of materials in the evolution warehouse here, and unlike the Qingyun Academy, they need to be prepared by themselves. They are all neatly placed on the side shelf.

After all, this is the Lin Ling Academy of Forestry, and there is absolutely no place with more resources than here.

Everyone was nervous outside waiting for the results of evolution.

Chu Lao also looked anxiously at Feng Yixiu's display screen, paying close attention to the evolution here.


The screens on both sides are not as secret as Qingyun Academy, but the operation of the evolution instrument inside.

"It is worthy of being a senior researcher, this method is really skillful!" the researcher surrounded by the evolutionary warehouse on the Ram's side lamented.

Compared with Ram's technique, Feng Yixiu seems a bit rusty, but it is quite smooth.

I saw that his first choice of Warcraft crystal nucleus is a disaster-grade Warcraft crystal nucleus, but to everyone's surprise, this is an earth-based Warcraft crystal nucleus!

"Isn't this kid crazy? Could he use the Earth Warcraft crystal core to evolve the fire system?" Everyone was surprised.

What attribute of the war spirit will use what attribute of Warcraft crystal core, this is common sense for beginners!

However, Chu Lao is ordinary, but he knows the water turtle, it is the first dual-attribute war spirit.

Could it be that this kid has to create another miracle?

Feng Yixiu still evolves step by step according to the evolutionary route on the "God's Pet Evolution System".


After an hour.

The evolutionary door on Ram's side was the first to open. He was followed by a two-height black giant eagle, exuding terrible oppression.

"Perfect-level black plutonium eagle! The vice president actually succeeded!"

Suddenly, there was a cry of excitement from the researcher around the ram, looking at the tall and powerful black scorpion eagle, everyone was stunned.



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