God Level Farm

Chapter 136: The sister is too busy to come

"Auntie, I will give you a glass of wine for Mr. Lin Ban!" Ye Lingyun said, "The Lin Banchang is gone, and Xia Ge and I will honor you for him!"

"Good... good boy..." said the mother of the tiger with red eyes and a glass of wine.

"Come and come, smart, we also accompany a cup!" Xia Ruofei said with a smile, "We are a family in the future!"

"Yeah!" Lin Qiao's eyes are also a little moist.

In her impression, since the death of her brother, there has never been such a warm Spring Festival.

Every time she celebrates, she and her mother, listening to laughter and laughter from other people's homes, and their homes are especially deserted and lonely.

Therefore, since the death of his brother, Lin Qiao has been particularly afraid of the holidays, especially the Spring Festival, such as the United States and the same day.

This year is not the same, she feels the warmth of home and feels the joy of Chinese New Year.

After everyone clinking glasses and drinking, they ate and chatted. The restaurant heard laughter and laughter from time to time. Even Ye Lingyun, who was not good at words, said a lot.

After eating the New Year's Eve, Xia Ruofei wanted to help the tiger's mother to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by the tiger's mother, saying that she did not need Xia Ruofei to do things in these things.

And Lin Qiao can't wait to go and put the firecrackers. In fact, the genius is just black now, but seeing Lin Qiaoxing is so high, Xia Ruofei does not want to sweep her, laughing and yelling at Ye Lingyun, the three together holding a lot Fireworks and firecrackers came to the outside farm.

The splendid fireworks bloomed in the night sky, illuminating the smiling faces of the three people, and brought a lot of festive atmosphere to the slightly clean farm.

After a while, the fireworks were released, and Lin Qiao still wanted to continue. Xia Ruofei said that he had to leave some time when he was in the New Year, and she was still trying to stop.

The Spring Festival Evening started almost, so everyone came to the living room and stayed in front of the TV.

There are fruits and snacks on the coffee table in the living room. The four people eat and talk while watching TV. The atmosphere is very happy.

The mother of the tiger is also very good. She has been ringing the New Year’s bell on TV. She has not returned to the room to rest.

In the distance, there was also a sound of firecrackers coming and going. The direction of Sanshan City was illuminated by the entire night sky.

Xia Ruofei took Lin Qiao and Ye Lingyun, and took the remaining fireworks and firecrackers to go out and start to discharge.

After more than half an hour, Xia Ruofei’s fireworks were all finished, and in the distance, colorful sparks were seen in the sky.

Xia Ruofei and Ye Lingyun and Lin Qiao, who was still unfinished, returned to the villa. Lin Qiao went back to sleep in the urging of the mother of the tiger, and Xia Ruofei and Ye Lingyun also returned to the room.

After returning to the room, Xia Ruofei began to take out his mobile phone and call New Year.

Of course, he estimates that Professor Tian, ​​Tian Huilan, Ma Xiong and other elders have already taken a break, so they mainly call a relatively young person.

Liang Qichao, Zheng Zong of Xijiangyue, Guo Zhan of the Lone Wolf Commando, Niu Meng of the Provincial Military Region, and Wu Liqian, the deputy head of Changping County... After the retiring of Xia Ruofei, the circle of communication is not complicated, so the call to be made is not counted. many.

Guo Zhan, the captain of the Lone Wolf Commando, was very pleased to receive the call from Xia Ruofei. He also asked him about his condition with concern on the phone. Xia Ruofei told him that he had been using the Chinese medical law since he retired. The condition has been effectively controlled. Guo Zhan learned that Very happy.

Xia Ruofei also told him about Ye Lingyun. Guo Zhan was also impressed by this soldier who was quite prominent in the training. After listening to it, he was also deeply impressed and expressed his appreciation for Xia Ruofei’s behavior of helping his comrades.

Xia Ruofei and Guo Zhan talked a lot about the things in the army, and both of them were embarrassed.

As for Liang Qichao and others, Xia Ruofei is more of a courtesy greeting. He simply hangs up a few words and then hangs up.

After he made a phone call, he was ready to play Ling Qingxue.

In Xia Ruofei's mind, Ling Qingxue and others are still somewhat different. The two have not broken the window paper, but they are far more relative than the good friends in the general sense.

Therefore, Xia Ruofei also left the phone for Ling Qingxue at the end.

Just as Xia Ruofei was preparing to dial, the phone rang first.

He looked at the electric display, which is a relatively strange number.

"It's all in the middle of the night, who will call?" Xia Ruofei said to himself.

However, he still chose to answer: "Hello, who?"

There was a shy voice on the phone: "Is it Big Brother?"

"I am Xia Ruofei." Xia Ruofei felt that the voice was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was, so he asked in confusion, "Which are you?"

"Dia Big Brother, I am Jiang Yue!" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little joy. "Long classmates... Last time at the school gate pharmacy..."

"Oh! It’s you! Hello, hello!" Xia Ruofei remembered the shy girl, who had just retired and saved her in the small alley in the shantytown.

"Good summer brother!" Jiang Yue saw Xia Ruofei think of it, and he was very happy. "I... nothing, just call to give you a good old age, I wish you a happy new year..."

"Thank you! I wish you a happy new year!" Xia Ruofei said with a smile.

"That... I heard you say that you opened a farm in the suburbs?" Jiang Yue asked. "Xia Big Brother, can we come over and visit after school?"

"No problem!" Xia Ruofei said with a smile. "But our farm has just been done well, and I haven't planted it! You are expected to be disappointed..."

"No, I want to see you..."


"Hey... look at your farm..." Jiang Yue said in a panic.

"Well! I want to call me when I am!" Xia Ruofei said with a smile, and said that the girl said how to speak and still gasp?

"Well! That summer big brother, goodbye!" Jiang Yue said quickly.

"Goodbye!" Xia Ruofei hung up the phone.

In a small mountain village in southern Anhui province, hundreds of kilometers away, Jiang Yue’s face was red, and his hands were holding his mobile phone on his chest, his face was shy smile, and his bright eyes sparkled with joy.

Xia Ruofei and Jiang Yue have already finished a little faster after the end of the conversation, but considering that the big snow will not sleep at this time, so she has been dialed directly to her.

When the phone rang, it was connected, and Xia Ruofei heard the voice of Ling Qingxue.

"How have I been busy with your call? Is there too much girl, and the phone is busy over the years?" Ling Qingxue asked jokingly.

Xia Ruofei suddenly had a cold sweat, and the heart said that the sixth sense of the girl is really horrible, but fortunately, I have no worries!

He didn't call his sister, it was obviously the sister who called it...

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