At this moment, Guangmingding!

Guangmingding is the general altar of Mingjiao, like a town built on a mountain!

In the most central location, there is an unusually tall bluestone building!

Here is the meeting hall of Mingjiao!

But now, several Mingjiao figures, Mingjiao left ambassador Yang Xiao, white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng, blue-winged bat king Wei smiled, and five scattered people, all lying helplessly on the open space in front of the main hall!

Behind them, hundreds of Mingjiao congregants looked desperate!

And in front of everyone, a handsome young man was standing in front of everyone covered in blood!

Opposite young people, there are endless six schools with different costumes!

Shaolin, Wudang, Kongtong, Emei, Kunlun, Huashan!

After a rough calculation, there are thousands of people!

"Zhang Wuji! Just the way you are now, absolutely can't stop my last palm! You will definitely die!"

A grim-faced old nun looked at the young man with a grin!

Zhang Wuji!

This young man was really saved by Jiang Fan back then, Zhang Wuji!

However, the plot has obviously undergone major changes!

Zhang Wuji, who should have been unfavorable in the past, was already seriously injured before he even took the three palms of the Exterminator Master!

"Extinction! I, Zhang Wuji, did what I said! If you can't take your last hand today, my Mingjiao people will take care of you!"

"But I want to take over, your six major factions will all quit Guangmingding!"

Zhang Wuji gave a shout!

"Wuji boy!"

"Master! No!"

"You were conspired by Cheng Kun, and you were seriously injured! This old nun even attacked you with the Heavenly Sword!"

"You took two palms before, and the lamp is gone! If you take her last palm, you will definitely die!"

"Master! You go! We are fighting with their six major factions!"

Yin Tianzheng Wei smiled and waited for others with a look of grief and anger!

Before in the discussion hall, Cheng Kun sneaked in, got soft muscles in everyone's drinks, and then attacked Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and the others!

Zhang Wuji reluctantly blocked Cheng Kun's three "phantom Yin fingers" for everyone, and was already seriously injured!

Immediately afterwards, the six major factions besieged Guangmingding. The Exterminator too used the ignorant Zhou Zhiruo to approach Zhang Wuji, and then he attacked on one side and directly stabbed Zhang Wuji with a sword!

Later, she even used the Mingjiao people as a threat, and agreed with Zhang Wuji that as long as she could take her three palms, she would let the Mingjiao people go!

However, everyone knows that to extinct, they clearly want to take the opportunity to kill Zhang Wuji!

Zhang Wuji had already received two palms before, and if he took another palm, he would definitely die!

"Master! Master! Please! Let go of Wuji!"

"You used me to sneak attack on Wuji, and you have ruined Emei's reputation. Don't make mistakes again!"

Zhou Zhiruo, who was as beautiful as a fairy, knelt beside Extinction, begging desperately!


"Go! Bitch!"

Extinction kicked Zhou Zhiruo!

"It is my Emei's vocation to eliminate demons and defend the way! If you don't take the opportunity to kill Zhang Wuji today, when he recovers from his injuries, who else will be his opponent in the world?"

Extinction sneered and looked directly at Zhang Wuji!

"Zhang Wuji, take over!"


Extinction was full of anger, suddenly flew up, and slapped Zhang Wuji with a palm!

Just watching this palm hit, a crimson color appeared in her palm, and she knew the power of this palm!

Level eleven!

Extinction turned out to be an eleventh-level master!

Seeing the extinction came, Zhang Wuji's heart was suddenly desolate!

If it wasn't for him to be seriously injured, it would be an extinction, which is his opponent!

However, for the sake of Mingjiao these people, as the leader, he can only insist on it!

That's it!

Although he would definitely die if he caught this last palm, but the Mingjiao people could survive!

You must not lose this kind of character of giving up your life for righteousness!

You know, that's what En Gong did back then!


Where are you?

I really want to eat it again, your takeaway!

Zhang Wuji gave a wry smile, suddenly raised his hand, and patted it against the extinct right palm!

Goodbye, grandfather!


The palms of the two intersected, and the extinction looked happy!

Zhang Wuji!

You're dead!

As long as you die, the six major factions will completely kill the people of the Guangming Sect!

As for the agreement?

Hey hey, what **** promises to tell your magic sect!


The smile on Extinction's face had just appeared, and it suddenly turned into a look of horror!


How could Zhang Wuji's internal strength suddenly resemble a landslide and tsunami, so violent!

Simply Peimo can be used!

In front of him, it was like a moth fighting a fire!


"Ah! Yacht butterfly!!"

Extinction suddenly screamed, and the whole person flew upside down, desperately retreating like a meteor!


The extinction smashed two houses behind him, a dozen giant trees, and then they were firmly embedded in a big tree!


Extinction suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of blood!

"No! Impossible!"

"You, how could you suddenly be so powerful!"

Extinction stared at Zhang Wuji, horrified!

"Of course he is not so good, but me, I still have that ability!"

Accompanied by a hearty male voice, everyone was shocked and looked behind Zhang Wuji!

There, an unusually handsome and powerful man was slowly moving the palm of his hand away from Zhang Wuji's back!

Just now, this person turned out to be a temporary passer-by for Zhang Wuji, which made him burst out a fierce palm!

"Who is this person?"

"What a tyrannical internal force!"

"I'm afraid not under Zhang Wuji!"

"This momentum is even more amazing, I have never seen such a character!"

"So handsome! It makes people feel happy!"

As soon as Zhang Wuji heard this voice, his whole body trembled with excitement!

Suddenly he looked back, staring at the man firmly, and after a long time, suddenly fell directly to his knees!


Jiang Fan!

This person is amazingly, Jiang Fan who finally got here and turned the tide!

"Good boy, it's me!"

Jiang Fan smiled!


"Woo woo woo! Blessed man! Wuji, Wuji misses you so much!"

Zhang Wuji suddenly hugged Jiang Fan, crying bitterly!

"Benevolence! When you said goodbye, Wuji thought you were killed!"

"Wuji, Wuji, Wuji chants for you every day, I didn't expect that God has eyes, and Wuji really makes Wuji look forward to you!"

"Hey! Get up! Don't cry!"

Jiang Fan was also a little excited!

I didn't expect Zhang Wuji to be so affectionate!

Everyone was shocked!


"The leader, the leader actually cried!"

"Yun Gong? Is this person Jiang Fan who rescued him desperately as the leader said?"

"Then, isn't this person the benefactor of my Mingjiao?"

All of the Mingjiao people suddenly knelt down in front of Jiang Fan!

"Mingjiao congregation, pay homage to Grace!"

This sound is like a mountain whistling a tsunami!

Jiang Fan waved his hand at random, then smiled slightly and helped Zhang Wuji up!

"Unexpectedly you have grown up like this!"

"Yes, Wuji has grown up, but Blessed-in-law, there is no change at all!"

Zhang Wuji looked excited!

"Time doesn't make sense to me, of course there will be no change! Come on, your takeaway!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already taken out the big plate of chopped pepper fish head!

"It smells good!"

Zhang Wuji was surprised!

"You eat first, as for the next thing, leave it to me!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank, and he looked at the six major factions abruptly!

"Today, Mingjiao, I, Jiang Fan, saved it!"

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