The Emile Manor is brilliantly illuminated!

Countless guests come and go!

Everyone's eyes looking at Jiang Fan were full of excitement!

Not only because of Jiang Fan's fame, but everyone has heard that because of him, the old Emil has not only lifted the curse of "life-absorption", but also has a life span of 20 years for nothing!

Everyone didn't believe it at first, but when he saw the rejuvenated old Emil, everyone was excited!

After all, who doesn't want to live for decades?

Especially, rejuvenation!

This temptation is too big!

If it weren't for the relationship between Jiang Fan and the Emir family, they would have rushed forward and greeted Jiang Fan by various means!

But even so, these people are starting to figure it out!

If it's hard, then buy it!

For them, as long as they can get a lifespan and rejuvenate, what is a little money worth?

However, they didn't know that Jiang Fan's appetite could by no means be satisfied with a little money!

These people, in Jiang Fan's eyes, are all causal points of walking!

If it weren't for the old Emil, he would have forgotten that he still had such a means of making money!


Busy all day long!

It's so painful and happy!

Jiang Fan looked melancholy!

But at this moment, the patriarch of the Vincent family, Florent came over!

Not only did he come in person, he actually prepared a great gift!

A pair of exquisite gemstone earrings, and a jade pendant finger!

Although the pair of earrings are made of gold, they are exquisitely crafted, and they are inlaid with top emeralds!

And that jade pull finger is even more excellent in texture, especially on the top, there is a faint energy fluctuation!

Curtis, who was following Jiang Fan, was excited when he saw this thing, wearing a big mask!

This thing looks like jade, but in fact, it is a rare energy spar!

"Mr. Water, Miss Su, our family didn't know about the interview this afternoon. It was Leo's own idea!" "This little gift is our family's compensation for the two of them. Please don't get frustrated! "

Florent smiled sincerely!

"Mr. Florent is polite!"

Jiang Fan smiled and accepted the gift directly!

Florent finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Jiang Fan's willingness to accept gifts means that he has let the Vincent family go!

"Mr. Water, Leo is too ineffective. I have already told the family in the afternoon and expelled him from the Vincent family. I hope not to delay our cooperation because of him!"

"This is Mr. Florent's personal affair, but please rest assured, myself and the crew have always respected the spirit of the contract!"

"That's great!"

Florent completely put down the big rock in his heart!

"Then I won't bother too much!"

"You please!"

When Florent left, Jiang Fan immediately handed the earrings to Su Lingyu, and then, with his right hand, he threw the precious ring directly to Curtis!


"Praise you! My generous master!"

Curtis Le’s teeth are about to fall!

This spar is not top-grade, but it is enough to engrave a spell below level 7 in it!

At the critical moment, this thing is a life-saving thing!

Unexpectedly, I got such a good thing in less than a day with Jiang Fan!

My previous luck has never been so good!

Now it seems that following Jiang Fan is not necessarily a bad thing!

As soon as Florent left, a pot-bellied man leaned forward with a wretched smile on his face!

"Mr. Water, hello, hello! It's Gauss of the Amber family, this, I heard that you, can increase people's life?"

Following Gauss' questioning, the ears of the surrounding people were all erected directly!

"This one……"

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly!

"Hehe, Mr. Water, although our Amber family is not as good as Emir, there are some industries. Don't worry, as long as you are willing to sell, I am willing to pay 10 million yuan per year!"

Ten million, and it's still Euros. For normal people, this is definitely a sky-high price!



Jiang Fan suddenly sighed!

"Mr. Gauss, this is our China's life-borrowing technique. Although it can borrow life, it hurts me a lot! Life will be lost!"


Gauston was startled!

However, he reacted immediately!

"Hehe, it's because I didn't think about it! If that's the case, then I will add another 10 million! How about 20 million a year?"

"Mr. Goss, you misunderstood! The money is to me, it doesn't make any sense!"

"Then, what do you want?"

Goss was stunned!

This is already a sky-high price!

Could it be that this takeaway star is still not satisfied!

"Mr. Gauss, it is true that this method of borrowing is not unlimited! No matter how strong I am, I can only lend a hundred years of life in this life!"

"Before, I had borrowed a lot for people, now, only fifty years are left!"

The lifespan of the leaves of the tree of life is more than three hundred years!

However, the scarcity is the most expensive, the less you say, the more you earn!

Idiots know the truth of hunger marketing!

It's just that when Jiang Fan spoke out, everyone was stunned!

next moment!


A group of people couldn't care about the temptation anymore, and rushed up crazy!

"Mr. Water! I pay 30 million a year!"

"I pay 50 million!"

"I pay one hundred million!"

"I don't just pay! As long as you give me ten years, I will marry your daughter! Even let you be the first heir to my family!"

"Go! Mr. Water, don't listen to him! This bastard's daughter is uglier than a wild boar! Marry my daughter!"

The crowd is almost crazy!

Eyeballs are red!

Even Lu Bu was squeezed aside!

"Everyone! Please listen to me, I really don't care about money!"

Jiang Fan shouted directly!

The crowd was stunned again!

"No money, what do you want?"

"Do you want to be famous? It doesn't matter, all of my media companies will spare no effort to package you!"

"Or do you want to continue filming? That's okay! You can choose any one of the big directors who want to go to the dock!"

"It's okay if you want rights. Several members of Gaul are supported by my family! They can even help you run for president!"

The crowd shouted!

"No! I don't need any of these!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!

"Everyone, what I want is actually very simple!"

Jiang Fan's face turned straight, and his whole body exuded a wave of righteousness!

"I have a dream!"

"I hope to protect those, the antiquities handed down in history, and the treasures full of stories!"

"I hope that one day everyone can see and appreciate these things!"

"I hope they are placed in an exhibition hall that is visible to everyone, rather than locked in your cabinets and getting dusty day by day!"

"I hope that when our children can see these things, they can think of our human wisdom and greatness!"

"I hope, I hope... Woo, I'm sorry, I'm so excited!"

Speaking of the emotional place, Jiang Fan directly choked and wiped, the tears that did not exist in the corner of his eyes!

The crowd is silent!

for a long time!

"It's great!"

"Mr. Water! Oh, I, I'm so touched!"

"What a great sentiment this is! What a noble personality!"

"I don't hesitate to damage my body and borrow my life for such a lofty ideal!"

"Ashamed! Too ashamed! Mr. Water! I am willing to donate three antiques just for you!"

"And me, I donate five pieces!"

"Me too! I am willing to donate the first edition of "Dante's Comedy"!"

The eyes of the crowd looking at Jiang Fan are full of admiration and touch!

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!"

Jiang Fan choked and suddenly spoke emotionally!

"Everyone, thank you for your generosity! You are the real noble!"

"I decided to hold an auction tomorrow night to donate all the fifty years of life!"


The crowd is boiling!

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