God Emperor

Chapter 3262 Kill without mercy

The Bloody God of War couldn't hold his breath and said, "It's been half an hour, right? How come it's been so long?"

"It's indeed too long." Huang Tian said.

"Zhang Ruochen seems to have some resources that can be used to negotiate with Fengtian, so he speaks so forcefully. But how could this kid know the terror of the heavens? If he really wants to anger Fengtian, how can he live well today? I can't wait, Even if Fengtian wants to kill me, I have to break into the Death Palace today."

The Blood God of War and Huangtian rushed out almost at the same time, struck out a palm each, broke open the door of the Death Palace, and forced their way in.

"Fengtian, for such a big matter as the Annihilation Organization, it's better for me to talk to you... let's talk..."

Before the words of the Blood Jue Battle were heard, he was already stunned, as if he was petrified, and his heart was in a state of turmoil, but he soon realized something, and all the previous confusions suddenly became clear.

Huang Tian took a breath and was speechless.

Under the sycamore tree, Fengtian was leaning against Zhang Ruochen's arms, as if he was talking about something.

It's obviously a sweet and heartwarming scene, but it seems extremely weird.


The next moment, the extremely powerful divine flame impact fell on the three of them.

When the three of them stabilized their bodies, they found that they had left the Destiny God's Domain and appeared in the starry sky. The Phoenix Divine Fire burned through their defenses, and everyone's skin was a little charred.

"If word of what happened today spreads, rivers of blood will flow." Fengtian's voice rang out in the starry sky, and only the three of them could hear it.

"You must keep your mouth shut."

Then, the Bloody God of War glared at Huangtian again and said, "If this matter causes any gossip outside, it will be you who spread it."

Huang Tian snorted and bowed deeply to the God of Destiny.

In the Palace of Death, Fengtian's eyes were as cold as frost. If the watcher of the hell realm was not the immortal god of war, she would really want to kill people and silence them at all costs.

What a shame!

You shouldn't agree to Zhang Ruochen's unreasonable request.

Did he really become kind after Nirvana?

In the starry sky, the three of them were silent for a long time, confirming that Fengtian had withdrawn his spiritual thoughts.

Zhang Ruochen complained: "Grandpa, the Great God of Huangtian, there is the Palace of Death, and you actually dare to break into it? You still say that I don't know awe? Where is your awe?"

"I know, I know, grandpa is indeed not thinking about this matter well! But, Ruochen, for such a big matter, you must at least talk to grandpa first, right?" the Blood God of War said with a smile.

Zhang Ruochen knew that the misunderstanding had become serious and immediately explained, "Grandpa, things are not what you think."

Immediately, Zhang Ruochen told the story of Fengtian's Nirvana and Mu Lingxi one by one.

Without clear explanation, such misunderstanding will lead to big trouble.

"So that's it." The Blood God of War sighed, a little disappointed.

In his opinion, if Zhang Ruochen could really climb the high branches of Fengtian, he would have skyrocketed to the top. This would be ten or a hundred times more intimidating than the envoy of Tianmu!

This is the man of heaven!

Historically, there have been such men.

Huangtian said: "This is normal. Fengtian is by no means an emotional woman, and she cannot be treated as one. She is the concrete existence of death in the world, the heaven that despises all living beings, and the supreme fate-breaker. "

"Okay, okay, Fengtian has withdrawn his spiritual thoughts, and I may not be able to hear your flattery. Why don't you say it in the Palace of Death?" Xue Juezhan said.

Having been enemies for many years, Huang Tian had long been accustomed to the Blood God of War's words. He didn't take his words to heart at all and just pretended that he didn't hear anything.

Zhang Ruochen didn't dare to talk about this topic anymore. He didn't think that Feng Tianzhen really couldn't hear their conversation. He said solemnly: "Grandpa suppressed the Blood God Lord, right? Were there any traces of the word "quantity" found in his body at that time?"

The expression of the Bloody God of War suddenly became heavy and solemn, and he no longer smiled at all, and said: "There is no measurement mark!"

"This is surprising!"

Zhang Ruochen wanted to speak, but he glanced in the direction of the Destiny God Realm, took the Blood Jue War God and Huangtian away from the Forest of No Return, and then took out the body of the Blood God Lord.

Seeing the body of Lord Xue Yao, the God of War Xue Jue's eyes became more complicated, flickering on and off, and said: "After the battle of the Xue Jue family, we let him go because we wanted to catch the big fish behind him. Hehe, When we met again, he ended up like this.”

The eyes of the Blood Jue God of War soon became clear and sharp.

Obviously, Goddess Tianyin had already told him the causes and consequences of the death of Lord Xue Yao.


The Blood God of War discovered something. A ball of blood-colored divine energy appeared in his palm, and he sucked out a measuring mark from the body of the Blood God Lord.

"Is he really taking advantage of his chances?" Xue Jue Zhan Shen said.

Zhang Ruochen said: "The Seal of Measurement, the Mask of Measurement, and the Divine Robe of Measurement are all on him, but I don't think he is a measurer. Before, I had some doubts. But now, I have no doubts at all!"


The Bloody God of War was mentally prepared, knowing that what Zhang Ruochen said next would definitely have a huge impact on him.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Just now in the Palace of Death, I explored the memory of Emperor Huange. I found that Liangji is in the Liang organization. He is by no means a small role, but the envoy of Emperor Kui Liang."

"Is it worthy to be the measuring envoy of a measuring emperor?"

Immediately afterwards, the space beside Zhang Ruochen shook, and a temple appeared, getting bigger and bigger, lying across the void.

In the temple, a mask with the word "non" and a divine robe flying out.

"This temple is Xue Changjin's foundation in the Mist and Cloud Realm. It just so happens that the non-character mask and the divine robe of the Envoy are hidden in an extremely secret place in the temple. It took me a lot of thoughts to find it. If I guess That’s right, Xue Changjin’s measuring mark is hidden in the divine robe.”

Zhang Ruochen struck out with his palm and hit the robe of the God of Measurement. As expected, the word "measurement" appeared.

Huangtian in the distance immediately looked towards this side with a strange expression and said: "You actually deceived Hun Qi. It seems that I have underestimated your scheming."

"I didn't lie to him. What Hun Qi asked at that time was whether Xue Changjin had the Envoy Mask and the Divine Robe. The Mask and the Divine Robe were not on him," Zhang Ruochen said.

The Blood Jue God of War's expression was frighteningly ugly, and he had already thought of a lot.

Zhang Ruochen looked at the Blood Jue God of War again and said: "When Hun Qi asked, I had actually found Xue Changjin's Liangshi mask and Liangshi robe. The reason why I didn't dare to say it at the time was because I still had illusions in my heart. Grandpa You should understand me, right?”

Xue Jue Zhan Shen said: "Tell me, tell it carefully, from when you encounter Xue Yao, to when Xue Yao dies, to when you are chased by the gods of hell, don't miss every detail. It's best to use images, Presented.”

Zhang Ruochen waved his hand, and divine light suddenly condensed in the starry sky. The man in black robe wearing a messenger mask stepped out of the divine light and hit a ship in the Santu River with a tower-shaped supreme holy weapon...

What happened that day gradually emerged, including everyone's conversations.

Xue Jue War God's face became darker and darker, and said: "The ancient god Yu Ying was killed too quickly, and nothing was left behind. Xueyao was clearly just a scapegoat. Xue Changjin was right and wrong. In this case, the only way to measure It’s Yuying, or... Tianyin.”

Huangtian said: "Don't shirk your junior sister any more. Tianyin is the one who measures the machine. If Yu Ying is the machine, how can he control the blood glory? But Tianyin is different. You have forgotten that Tianyin married Emperor Luo Yan. That day was also Xue Yao’s wedding day.”

The Blood God of War couldn't refute, because after careful reflection, he found that there was something wrong with the way Xueyao looked at Tianyin before.

He didn't think much about it before. After all, he, Xueyao, and Tianyin have known each other since the Holy Realm. They have experienced many things and can be called close friends to each other.

The Bloody God of War finally understood the reason why Zhang Ruochen had tried so hard to hide it from him and had not spoken out until now.

Because if there is no conclusive evidence, once this matter is leaked, Luo Yi will be ruined. Emperor Luo Yan is most likely a Lianghuang. No matter how high his cultivation level is or how special his status is, he is still like the Sansha Emperor. He still cannot escape death!

The blood-killing war god's murderous aura surged, showing the ferociousness that an undead vampire should have, and said: "No matter who dares to plot against me or my grandson, she will definitely die!"

Zhang Ruochen was in a depressed mood and could not kill as decisively as the Blood Jue God of War. He said: "I asked Hai Shang Youruo to take Xue Changjin's soul light to the Tianluo Kingdom for the final test."

A cold voice sounded: "What else do you need to test? You, Zhang Ruochen, are too emotional. Tianyin must be a measuring machine. If you don't get rid of her, how can you transform into a measuring machine and infiltrate the organization? Are you going to infiltrate and die?"

Fengtian walked out of the dark deep space of the universe and said: "After the measuring machine is unplugged, the power of the measuring organization in the hell world can be truly cleared up."

Zhang Ruochen didn't want outsiders to know about this at all, but he still couldn't avoid it. He never expected that Fengtian would follow him silently.

What's she doing here?

In the Divine Realm of Destiny, rays of divine light flew in, each exuding the powerful aura of the Great God Taixu, and landed behind Fengtian. Among them are extremely powerful people like Master Yin Yang!

Fengtian said: "You lead the army of the Temple of Destiny to the Kingdom of Tianluo to capture Tianyin and Ancient God Yuying, including everyone related to them. The crime is collusion with Heaven! Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy."

"Fengtian!" Zhang Ruochen said.

Feng Tian said: "If Zhang Ruochen dares to participate in this matter, he will still be killed without mercy."

"Take orders!"

The gods of the Temple of Destiny said in unison.

Although Fengtian's order was a bit shocking to the world and would definitely cause great turmoil, they were already numb today. Because just before, the Ferocious Temple had been cleansed, the Divine Prison of Destiny Mountain had been filled, and corpses were piled up into mountains.

Moreover, there are gods rushing to various underworlds, planets, and even starry sky battlefields to hunt down suspected monks under the Horror Palace.

There is a strong intention to destroy this palace!

The crime is also to collude with heaven.

What the truth is, no god dares to ask.

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