God Emperor

Chapter 2849 Kill Tiannan

The dead clan, one of the three upper clans.

The star field where the dead tribe is located is very vast, with a large number of undead planets and yellow mist worlds distributed. The Death Temple is the supreme center of power of the Death Tribe. All Death Tribe monks, including gods, must obey the orders of the Death Tribe.

Only Tiannan can be an exception.

Tiannan, located in the extreme south of the Dead Star Territory, has strong death energy, and the entire Star Territory is yellow-brown.

The "Ruins of Life and Death" in Tiannan is both a holy place and a forbidden place, hiding the biggest secret of the dead.

Not to mention foreign monks, even dead monks will be executed if they try to break in.

It is for this reason that Nan Sheng, as the successor of Tiannan Life and Death Market, is respected by all parties. When he arrives at a certain place, countless monks rush to pay him respects. Even the great sage from Tiannan will be superior to others when he goes out.

In the hinterland of Tiannan, there is a starry sky tree.

It's not a real tree, it's made up of dense star mist, outlining the trunk, branches, and leaves, with chaotic and bright air flowing inside.

It also bears countless fruits.

Every fruit is a planet. The small ones are thousands of miles long, and the big ones are tens of thousands of miles long. They are life planets and are treasures suitable for cultivation.

This tree, called the "Time and Death Tree", is the center of Tiannan and the entrance to the Market of Life and Death. You can see it from any great place in Tiannan, like a sacred tree hanging in the starry sky.

In the future, there will be an opportunity to grow into a cosmic wonder like the three World Trees in the Forest of No Return.

Under the Death Tree of Time, there are three false god generals guarding it.

They were all shocked by the powerful divine power that erupted when the master of Tiannan Life and Death Market took action. They are still shocked and their emotions are hard to calm down. After inquiries from all parties, they already knew what happened.

"It's unbelievable! For so many years, Qingzu has been indifferent to worldly affairs. I didn't expect that this time he would take action because of a new god who had just reached the divine realm. How could Zhang Ruochen be so qualified?" A god general said with a smile.

"It's hard to say what level Zhang Ruochen will reach in the future, but his talent is indeed terrifyingly high."

One of the divine generals with a dragon tail that was more than ten meters long snorted: "No matter how high the talent is, what does it matter? The world of the strong only talks about absolute strength, and only the weak talk about talent. Zhang Ruochen was at the same time and in the same realm. No one can compare to him, but Qing Zu pointed his finger across the starry sky and still made his head shatter like an ant."

"What do you think will be the reaction of the Blood Queen and the Blood God of War when they find out about this?"

"How can you react? How dare you react? The Blood Queen is just a new god. If she dares to mess with Tiannan, any adult can easily crush her to death. As for the Blood God of War, at least he survived for one yuan. The veteran gods of Hui should know the importance of Tian Nan better than other gods. If he understands his interests, he may have a lot of potential in the future. If he doesn't, Tian Nan will teach him how to be an honest person. "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. This matter has spread and caused a commotion in the world of gods. After all, the Blood God of War has the name of the God of War. He goes everywhere to marry Zhang Ruochen and show off that he has a Qilin descendant. In this matter, Zhang Ruochen was deposed. But it was his face that was slapped. Can he swallow this?"

"Yes, the Blood God of War is very defensive and arrogant by nature, even the gods don't look down on him."

The Jiao Tail God General smiled and said: "That's because there is an Immortal Vampire Clan behind him, so he can be lawless. Now that the hell world and Heaven have started a war, how can the Immortal Vampire Clan help the Blood Jue War God because of a mere Zhang Ruochen? Being an enemy of Tiannan Life and Death Ruins? This will cause great turmoil in the hell world! Just wait and see, the Blood God of War will have to swallow this... Hey, there is a message."


A message light talisman flew across the starry sky and fell into the hands of the Jiao Tail God General.

After reading the contents on the talisman, Jiaowei God General snorted angrily: "How brave you are to come to Tiannan to cause trouble."

"What happened?" asked a god general next to him.

Jiaowei Divine General said: "Shenzawa Star was attacked, and the star core was shattered by an unknown strongman. The blood and souls of the hundreds of millions of dead monks on the planet were drained."

Shenze Star is a fourth-level star on the southern edge of the sky.

"I'll go and see who is so bold as to come to Tiannan to collect blood and souls."

The Jiao-tailed God General took off, stepped on the divine steps, and traveled 129,600 miles in one step, flashing in the starry sky, heading straight for Shenze Star.

Before reaching Shenze Star, Jiaowei God General had already stopped, dumbfounded, looking at the planets in the dark and boundless universe ahead, turning into burning fragments.

The whole world seemed to be destroyed. Planets fell from the sky, and some turned into meteors and flew out quickly. Some of them have half of them left, and you can see shockingly large holes in the stars.

The starry sky was shattered, and countless dead monks from Tiannan perished.

This was a devastating disaster, and the starry sky in the south turned blood red.

The God General Jiaowei couldn't believe that such a disaster would happen in Tiannan, nor did he believe that anyone would dare to come to Tiannan to kill people. Who is it?

It can't be the Great Sage.

The Great Sage cannot break the star-protecting formations of these planets, nor can he destroy so many living planets in such a short period of time.


The ear-splitting dragon roar sounded to the right of Jiaowei Divine General.

There, there is a yellow mist death realm suspended there, which is a large realm in the Tiannan Star Territory. A blood dragon struck away, and the protective formation of the Yellow Mist Death Realm immediately emerged, with a large number of divine patterns flowing in the starry sky.


Countless divine patterns were penetrated, and the blood dragon collided with the world-protecting formation, causing the Yellow Mist Death World to tremble.

The next moment, the body of the Blood Jue God of War, which was a hundred thousand miles high, walked out from among the broken star fragments like a giant in the starry sky, grabbed the Blood Dragon Halberd, and struck out the second blow.

"Bang bang!"

The protective formation of the Yellow Mist Death Realm collapsed.

The blood dragon's halberd pierced down and hit the continental plate of the world, erupting with a shocking force. A large number of canyons and cracks immediately appeared in the entire world.

When the blood dragon halberd was stabbed, the energy that escaped was already crushing countless dead monks in the world.

A monk under the Great Sage, faced with a blow from a god of his level, could not even withstand the flow of air.

"Practice for me!"

The Blood God of War came to the Yellow Mist Death Realm, and divine fire escaped from his body. He used himself as the source of fire to refine all living things in the Death Realm. At the same time, collect their blood and souls.

He came all the way from the edge of Tiannan, annihilating all the planets and death realms he passed.

The Jiaowei God General almost fainted from fright. He turned out to be the Blood God of War. How dare he be so arrogant and go to Tiannan to kill? The Yellow Mist Death Realm, which was protected by a large formation and divine patterns, was actually penetrated by him with two strikes.

The Yellow Mist Death Realm is naturally not a big world, but it is much larger than the Ruins Realm, and its defense is so strong that ordinary gods cannot break it even if they attack it for three days and three nights.

Although the Jiaowei God General was frightened, he was on the territory of Tiannan after all. He did not believe that the Blood Jue War God had the guts to kill a god, so he mustered up the courage to fly over and said: "Let's go on a killing spree in Tiannan, the Blood Jue War God You don’t take Qingzu seriously.”

The Blood Jue God of War stood on the ground of the Yellow Mist Death Realm, looked up contemptuously, and shouted: "Who do you think you are? You dare to stand above me and speak."

The voice of the Bloody God of War crossed the void and spread into the starry sky, causing the Jiao-tailed God General to fall straight down and fall at his feet.

The Jiao Tail God General was so overwhelmed by the might of the Blood-Ending God of War that he could not stand up. He said in a trembling voice, "You dare to kill a god? Once you kill a god, you will declare war."

"There's so much nonsense!"

The Blood God of War raised his foot and trampled him into bloody mud, and even his soul exploded.

After taking away his divine source, divine blood, and divine soul fragments, he left the Yellow Mist Death Realm, held the Blood Dragon Halberd, and flew straight to the Death Tree of Time. Wherever it passed, the halberd penetrated the planet and shattered the world of death with its palm, leaving only a broken road in the starry sky.

Under the Time Death Tree, the two generals had already seen the great changes in the starry sky and spread the news to the Life and Death Ruins.

"This is the Death Tree of Time? I wonder what will happen if I cut off this tree? Will all the planets on this tree turn into dust?" said the Blood God of War.

With Qingzu sitting in the Ruins of Life and Death, the two generals suppressed the fear in their hearts. One of them said: "You are too arrogant. If you dare to touch the Death Tree of Time, Qingzu will definitely destroy you both physically and mentally."

"What I am looking for is Qingzu. Open the door of life and death. I want to enter the ruins of life and death. Otherwise, I will kill the Time Death Tree first and then you." Xue Jue Zhan Shen said.

A god general said: "The Ruins of Life and Death is a forbidden area. Unless we die, you can't even think of breaking in."

"Okay, killing one is killing, killing three is killing, just in time to collect your blood and soul to heal my grandson. This is what you Tiannan owes!"

The Bloody God of War flew over and waved his hand towards the two generals.

The palm of his hand turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the blood in the sea of ​​blood was like a flying dragon and snake, containing the power of the God of Death.


A figure radiating blue brilliance, like a blue star, rushed out of the door of life and death and collided with the handprint made by the Blood God of War.


The bloody and blue divine light impacted, and the two false gods could not block the aftermath and flew out. The divine body turned into two skeletons, and the flesh and blood were blown away by the strong energy.

But, in the end, his life was saved.

The blue figure was named Lan Pojun. He was tall, wearing divine armor, and his skin was as translucent as sapphire.

The Heavenly Palace has a God of War, the Immortal Blood Clan has a God of War, and the Yama Clan has a God of War.

Although Tiannan Life and Death Market is world-famous for its spiritual power, it has also cultivated three war gods.

Lan Pojun is one of them.

If you want to become the God of War, you must not only be strong in cultivation, but also have to have experienced hundreds of battles and have brilliant records. You don't even need to take action, and you can scare your opponents with your records.

Lan Pojun glanced at the broken planets and the destroyed death realms in the starry sky, his eyes burned, and he said: "Zhang Ruochen brought it upon himself and deserved to have his head smashed by Qingzu. Qingzu did not kill him. I’ve given you so much face, but I didn’t expect you to be so shameless. Is it true that Tian Nan doesn’t dare to kill you?”

Thinking that his grandson had finally overcome many difficulties and stepped into the divine realm, only to have his head smashed, his cultivation was completely ruined, and he did not know whether he would live or die. The Blood God of War was extremely sad and angry. He grabbed the blood dragon halberd tightly and said: "Okay! I will give it to you too." For Qing Zu’s sake, I will only smash your head and cripple your cultivation, but I will never kill you.”

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