The mechanical prompt sounded slowly, and Li Xuan, who was in the dark, slowly saw red, or saw a red world.

"This is!!"

Looking at the steaming gas and the rolling red bubbles in front of him, feeling the scorching high temperature, Li Xuan was really surprised this time.

"Magma? I'm actually in the magma?"

Li Xuan looked around carefully, looking at the slowly flowing red magma and the magma waterfall flowing down from above, Li Xuan was completely restless.

This kind of terrifying hot environment, he used to be discouraged, but now he is actually soaking in the magma, which really surprised him.

"Magma caves, creatures living in magma, I really can't imagine."

Li Xuan swallowed his saliva and carefully observed the surrounding situation. After confirming it three times, he completely accepted all this.

With shock, Li Xuan closed his eyes and began to observe the memory of this body.

Magma beasts lived in the depths of the huge crater. Because they couldn't go out, they lived alone for many years, and finally died of old age here.

This is the life of a magma beast, simple and lonely, lucky and pitiful.

Here, it can live freely, no one disturbs it, and no one dares to approach the magma, so it is very safe.

But it has no companions, no friends, and can only look at the only exit above alone, longing and looking forward to the appearance of birds.

Every time a bird appears, it makes it happy for a while, because this is its only pleasure.

Li Xuan even saw his own figure from the memory of the magma beast. It was the scene where he flew from above after being reincarnated as a **** dove.

"Magma beasts, creatures living in magma, are really magical worlds."

Li Xuan took a deep breath and began to investigate his newly acquired abilities, as well as the level of magma beasts.

"Black iron primary summoned beast? Not bad, and the passive ability has reached advanced level, which is really an unexpected gain."

Li Xuan was very surprised. The passive ability of the magma beast is magma survival. There is only one skill. The reason why there is no second skill is that it has fully chosen to improve its passive ability.

"One is worth it. Such a passive ability is quite perverted."

Li Xuan was in a happy mood. He raised his paw and moved the hot magma a few times. It felt like he was moving water. It was very fun.

"It's a pity that this body is too old to continue to use." Li Xuan shook his head, not ready to use this body.

A body that is too old is really not worth it. Anyway, you can continue to reincarnate. There is no need to use a body that you don't like, so Li Xuan is ready to commit suicide.

"This time, I won't blow myself up. I'm always annoying when I blow myself up. Let's use your claws this time."

Li Xuan said, raised his paw to aim at his heart, and stabbed it sharply!


Hot blood was sprayed, and pain appeared in Li Xuan's heart, which also made Li Xuan feel the rapid passage of life.

"Is this what death is like? It's a wonderful experience."

Feeling the rapid passing of life, Li Xuan opened his heavy eyelids and looked at the world again.

In front of everything, white and black spots of light slowly appeared, just like the snowflakes in an old-fashioned TV, making it difficult to see.

In the past, he had been reincarnated by self-destruction, but now using this method, it really feels different and novel.

Silently closing his heavy eyes, Li Xuan's consciousness gradually disappeared into the darkness.

【Ding! You are dead, randomly resurrecting...]

With the sound of the machine, the dark and lonely world reappeared brightly, and the green branches and leaves appeared in front of them.

The breeze, the warm sun, and the chirping of insects and birds, everything was so comfortable. The focus was on a huge tree, which attracted Li Xuan's attention.

"There is even a wooden house on this big tree. It's so small."

Li Xuan instinctively flapped his wings and slowly flew to the front of the wooden house, carefully looking at the room decorated with pink flowers inside the wooden house.

This girl-biased scene made Li Xuan stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized something.

"Yeah... Shouldn't it be?"

A sweet voice sounded. This was not Li Xuan's speech through simulated communication, but a voice made through this body.

This voice made Li Xuan panic completely, and hurriedly looked at himself.

Snow-white little hands, slender arms, and a soft body. Obviously, this time he reincarnated into a humanoid summoned beast, and he seemed to be a girl.

This result made Li Xuan somewhat unacceptable, and his complexion changed.

Taking a deep breath, Li Xuan suppressed the shock in his heart and calmed down his emotions.

"Raise the fireball level first."

Li Xuan regained his senses, quickly took out the materials he had obtained before, and began to eat quickly, and soon heard a prompt tone.

【Ding! Your Intermediate Fireball, upgrade to Advanced Fireball. 】

"Yes, it's advanced. Next, open the data panel and see what I have reincarnated into." Li Xuan said without hesitation.


Name: Li Xuan, 16,000 honor points

Physique: Elf in the palm [Lower Black Iron]

Soul: Black Iron Upper Rank

Master: Qin Yue

Ability 1: Intermediate tornado, speed enhancement, portable space, simulated communication, intermediate stealth, intermediate change, Dzogchen defense, Dzogchen self-healing.

Ability 2: Advanced Magma Survival, Advanced Fireball, Advanced Healing, Advanced God's Vision, Advanced Giant, Advanced Dragon Might, Advanced Ground Thorn, Advanced Earth Wall, Advanced Poison Resistance, Advanced Ice Freeze, Advanced Wind Wing.

Ability 3: Extraordinary Power


"The elf in your palm? An elf the size of your palm?"

Li Xuan paused for a while, and found that there was an intermediate skill in his ability, that is, the intermediate tornado, which was a good range skill.

"The ability is good, but unfortunately this body is not suitable for me, although it has given me a new experience of being a human being."

Li Xuan sighed slightly. When he obtained the ability to change before, he also tried to become a human.

But I don't know why they failed, and I don't know if the skill level is too low, or the size gap is too big, or something is wrong.

Afterwards, after Li Xuan tried several times without success, he gave up completely, and was ready to try again after his ability to change was improved.

"Continue to reincarnate. Although I don't know whether I am a man or a woman now, I chose not to investigate, nor to read my memory. Well, that's what I'll do."

Li Xuan murmured, raised his fair little hand, and prepared to commit suicide again and change his body.

Also at this time.

The mysterious summoning circle suddenly appeared, shrouding his body.

Anxious and frightened emotions continued to come out from the summoning circle, and Li Xuan faintly heard the cry, which was Song Xiaomei's cry.

This kind of crying, as well as the weak vitality from the contract circle, caused Li Xuan's complexion to change slightly.

"There must be something wrong with Qin Yue!"

The cold light in Li Xuan's eyes flashed, and the killing intent was constantly rippling in all directions, and the figure disappeared in the magic circle.

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