Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 78: The Mysterious Appearance of the Big Black Pot

"Not bad, very good."

Li Xuan glanced at every material, especially Yun Yunguo, which was more difficult to handle, feeling that Ah Dai finally had an advantage.

Ah'Dai even handled Yun Yunguo very well, which is worthy of praise. Even Qin Yue took a long time to learn to handle Yun Yunguo well.

"Dai, have you learned alchemy before?" Li Xuan asked.

"Alchemy? What is that?" Ah'Dai was at a loss, with no concept at all in his mind.

Li Xuan saw that Ah'Dai's expression didn't seem to be a fake, and asked Nana again, she also had a cute look, as if she had never heard of alchemy.

"Could it be that there is no knowledge of alchemy in this world?" Li Xuan secretly guessed, but could not be sure.

"Forget it, let's make alchemy first."

Using God's perspective, Li Xuan saw five tyrannical figures hidden in the lush grass under a crooked neck three kilometers ahead.

The strength of these five people surpassed the black iron level, four of them are bronze lower rank, and one is bronze middle rank.

Such strength is enough to dominate one side, but these people actually choose to hide their breath and prepare to attack.

"Since these people like to lie down, let them lie down there."

Li Xuan immediately stopped the team, then took out the alchemy furnace from the portable space and started alchemy.

"Dai, Nana, Zhao Bugui, be smart, give me what I want later, remember?" Li Xuan urged.

"It's Master Leopard, we must." The three nodded hurriedly.

The rest of the Zhao family looked puzzled and didn't understand what Leopard Master was doing.

"it has started!"

Li Xuan started alchemy. Anyway, they also produced alchemy together. Li Xuan planned to refine some more and then throw them in the auction house.

At that time, when someone buys direct transactions, they can also get more materials, and maybe they can get good things similar to the essence.

This kind of thing can improve his skills to the Great Perfection, and Li Xuan very much hopes to get it.

In such anticipation, the refining of medicinal pills began, and Li Xuan also fell into a serious state.

Such a state is rare. He usually looks lazy, so when his state changed, the Zhao family became serious.

"Patriarch, what is Master Leopard doing? What is this smoking thing? Is it a cooking tool?" The fat man pointed at the alchemy furnace and asked.

"I don't know either. It's the first time I saw this scene." The patriarch shook his head, also a little dazed.

Seeing that the patriarch didn't know, Fatty turned his head to look around, and found that everyone looked dazed.

This made Fatty unable to figure it out, so he could only wait.

Three kilometers away.

Crooked neck under the tree.

The five men in black were lying on their stomachs quietly, ready to fight, waiting for the Zhao family to return.

"Captain, that white leopard is very difficult. Can the five of us really handle it?" The vice-captain said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I brought a scroll to imprison the summoned beast, which can hold the white leopard for half an hour, which is enough time to kill it.

When the white leopard dies, we can not only **** the secret treasure unscrupulously, but also take the white leopard's body and go back to dissect it for research, and even use its skin as a decoration. "The captain in black said to himself.

"Then don't worry, the Zhao family's strength is very weak. The five elders and one patriarch are all Black Iron Great Perfection, and I alone are enough to kill three." The deputy captain said proudly.

"Well, but it should also be noted that the soul level of these people has reached the lower rank of bronze, but they lack spiritual power and have been unable to advance."

The black-clothed captain explained it earnestly and seemed to agree with the talents of the Zhao family.

"Is the soul already in the lower ranks of bronze? It's a bit of a skill, but the treasures of heaven and earth to increase spiritual power are rare, and it is impossible for them to advance in this life.

Even if their souls reach the lower rank of bronze, I can kill two of them. "The vice-captain said to himself.

"Indeed, I can solve them myself. Unless they advance to the bronze level, they will die today." The black-clothed captain was cold and arrogant.

The people around them all agreed, and they didn't put the Zhao family in their eyes. The only thing they valued was the white leopard.

Time passed slowly as they waited, and soon half an hour passed.

After such a long time, the Zhao family hadn't arrived yet, so the man in black was a little anxious.

Mainly because there are a lot of mosquitoes in the grass, and some bugs got into their clothes just now.

"Skinny monkey, are they still standing still?" The captain in black frowned.

"Yes, Captain, that white leopard seems to be cooking, it's very strange." A thin man in black nodded, using the reconnaissance summoned beast to continue to observe.

"Is this white leopard out of his mind? He actually learned to cook like a human." The black-clothed captain was annoyed.

"That is, I will imprison the white leopard later. I have to goug out its eyes and let it die in fear." The deputy team was also indignant.

There were several bugs that bit him just now, and the most important thing was his butt, which made him depressed.

But there is no way, the enemy may set off at any time, they can only continue to wait.

Time passed, and another half an hour passed.

When the people in black were waiting to get angry, they saw that the Zhao family team finally set off.

"Finally gone, Mad, I'm so anxious, **** white leopard, I have to stab it a hundred times and strip it of its cramps." The deputy captain said depressedly.

"Okay, stop talking, get ready."

"It's the captain."


On the other is in the Zhao family team.

Li Xuan looked at the plate of moisturizing pills on the carriage and nodded with satisfaction. He felt that within a few months, he would no longer be busy concocting pills.

In the process of alchemy, it is inevitable that there will be a flawed medicine pill, just like now, there is a slightly bad medicine pill.

"Such a medicinal pill can't be sold for a price. Give it to Ah'Dai. This kid is too weak. One day he is killed, and I will not be able to get feedback. His feedback is four times higher than that of ordinary people."

Li Xuan muttered secretly, looked at Ah'Dai who was driving the carriage, and threw the medicine pill away.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Mr. Leopard."

Ah'Dai took the pill in surprise and looked at it curiously. For some reason, he looked at the pill very kindly.

There was even a vague feeling that prompted him what to do.

With this feeling, he dripped his blood on the medicine pill and put it into the **** pot.

Suddenly, a black light flashed on the **** pot, and at this moment, the flawed moisturizing pill turned blood red.


Li Xuan rushed out like lightning, squinting at the medicine pill.

"The level of the medicinal pill has been improved, and the advanced level is the Bloodline Moisturizing Pill."

When Li Xuan was in the alchemy room, he had seen relevant introductions. The medicinal pill with blood was added, and only people of the same bloodline could take it. This was a means of protection.

But this does not improve the level of the medicinal pill, but now the moisturizing pill has become a blood moisturizing pill, which is very shocking.

"What secret is this **** cauldron hiding?" Li Xuan thought of Heimang, then modeled the **** cauldron, and suddenly said loudly.

"Stop the car, set up a tent, and don't leave today."

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