The change in the patriarch's attitude and the title of Lord Leopard naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Fatty Zhao couldn't hide his words, so he couldn't help but say: "Patriarch, you can't be called Master Leopard, so your seniority will be messed up."

"You little calf knows a lot, we have different opinions, and this is an honorary title, and Lord Leopard is worthy of this honorary title."

The patriarch said loudly, and slapped the fat man on the shoulder, almost slapping the fat man on the ground.

There is no way, the patriarch's strength is too great for Fatty to bear.

After all, the patriarch is also the strength of Hei Tie Dzogchen. The heavy spiritual power has made the patriarch's physique extremely tyrannical.

But the attitude of such a powerful patriarch when addressing the leopard is a bit flattering, which is really shocking, making people even more curious about what happened just now.

"Patriarch, just now... what happened just now, why is it rumbling like an earthquake?" Zhao Bugui opened his mouth and asked curiously.

"This...cough, Master Leopard, you are tired, go to rest first, I will give popular science to these little cubs." The patriarch looked at Li Xuan respectfully.


Li Xuan nodded, looked for a clean carriage in a flash, and lay lazily in the carriage, but soon a little girl got in and played beside him.

This little girl is Nana, the granddaughter of the third elder. She is also a very lively and lovely little girl. Ever since she was rescued by Li Xuan once, she has been attached to Li Xuan and has been by his side every day.

Li Xuan looked at Nana and said nothing. Instead, he closed his eyes and observed Ah Dai's black pot from God's perspective, bit by bit.

There is definitely a secret on this **** pot, and it is hidden very deeply. It needs to be carefully observed, and there may be more discoveries.

While Li Xuan was watching carefully, the Zhao family members outside were all looking at the patriarch, and even the elders came over, waiting for the battle just now by the patriarch Kopp.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The patriarch coughed and pondered for two seconds.

"Listen, the Bai family and the Cha family joined forces, and a total of 20 black iron-level great consummations came.

And they still have a secret weapon, but they still lost. In a short period of time, they lost a lot, and a lot of people died. "

"Fiasco? Patriarch, why is this? Although Lord Leopard is strong, how did he win so quickly in the face of so many enemies?

Moreover, there is no injury on the leopard. Zhao Dazhu said before that the leopard was hit by the rune arrow. Why does the leopard seem to be nothing? "Zhao Bugui asked in doubt.

"Zhao Bugui, let me ask you, what will happen if your fingernail is pierced by a toothpick?" The patriarch said seriously.

"Ah? Of course it won't matter. The toothpick is so small, and it has nail protection, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Leopard, right?"

Zhao Bugui was puzzled and did not understand why the patriarch asked this.

"It's a big relationship, Master Leopard just got his nails pricked, so there's nothing at all." The patriarch said lightly.


Zhao Bugui was at a loss. The rune arrow was half a meter long, and his fingernails could not prevent it, so Zhao Bugui looked at the patriarch with strange eyes.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, here is a memory crystal, you can see how powerful Leopard is." The patriarch slowly took out a crystal.

"Patriarch, you actually brought a memory crystal, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The Great Elder saw this scene, grabbed the memory crystal, injected spiritual power, and began to throw the picture in the memory crystal into the air.


A terrifying phantom appeared in the air, and a huge figure like a **** stood on the ground, looking down on the world and everything like a king over the world.

The phantom is so huge that it can even be called covering the sky, and it can crush a large number of enemies with a single foot.

Such a terrifying phantom, with such a huge body, shocked everyone present to widen their eyes, even Ah'Dai, who had just woken up, showed a look of astonishment.

"This... this is Lord Leopard? Is this terrifying figure the Lord Leopard? It's too big."

Fatty said dumbly, although the terrifying figure was the face of Master Leopard, but Fatty was still too frightened to believe it.

"When... Of course, didn't you see Lord Leopard's face, those indifferent eyes, who else is there except Lord Leopard, it's really too strong,

I guessed that Master Leopard should have a unique trick, but I didn't expect that this trick would be too scary, it was a natural disaster. "Zhao Bugui said in amazement,

"It's more than a natural disaster, it's a nightmare. No wonder Lord Leopard can easily deal with the enemy and block the rune arrows with ease. Lord Leopard is really too strong."

"Yeah, with that slap, it is estimated that more than half of the two families will die. Apart from fleeing for their lives, the rest can only kneel down and beg for mercy." The second elder said in horror.

"Master Leopard is worthy of being a holy beast, and only holy beasts can have such terrifying strength. My Zhao family is on the right track this time."

The first elder was very excited. With Lord Leopard here, even if he ran away every day, he had no regrets, because with Lord Leopard, they would make a comeback sooner or later.

"A'Dai come here, listen carefully to what Master Leopard has to say in the future, don't make Master Leopard angry, learn more and read more, be smarter, understand?" The patriarch said to Ah'Dai.

"Okay, I get it now."

Ah'Dai scratched his head, looking a little stupid, but he remembered one thing, that is, he listened to the words of Lord Leopard, because Lord Leopard was the strongest, a holy beast, and no one dared to provoke him.

With this mentality, Ah'Dai finally went back to the driver's seat of the carriage where Li Xuan was.

At this moment.

Li Xuan in the carriage came to the driver's seat and looked at Ah Dai.

"A'Dai, put down your **** pot and let me take a look." Li Xuan said seriously.

"Ah? Oh, good Leopard."

Ah'Dai is now obedient, and quickly put down the **** pot, just looking very reluctant.

Ding ding dong!

Li Xuan tapped the **** pot lightly, and used his sharp claws to scratch it again, but no scratches were left.


Li Xuan's expression finally changed. Although he didn't use extraordinary power, even ordinary power was enough to cut gold and jade.

But now, this **** pot has no scratches, which makes Li Xuan even more curious.

"Unfortunately, the level of God's perspective is a bit low. If you can upgrade to the Great Perfection, you may be able to see through the mystery of this **** pot.

Elevating the perspective of God requires the essence of light. I don't know where to get it, and I can't find it in several worlds. "

Li Xuan frowned secretly and turned to look at the patriarch.

"Patriarch, have you heard about the Essence of Light? I wrote on the list last time to focus on finding the Essence of Light."

"I heard that, in fact, the major forces are also looking for this thing, but no one has found it from beginning to end, but there is a group called the contract survivors, which may have this thing." The patriarch explained.

"Contract survivors?" Li Xuan wondered.

"It is said that the covenant survivors have the bloodline of the **** of the contract, have a scroll to rewrite the contract, and a large piece of dark essence and a large piece of light essence,

However, the contract relics may be extinct. The major forces have been looking for the contract relics for many years, but so far they have not achieved the slightest gain. "The Zhao family leader explained helplessly.

"Extinct? Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Li Xuan shook his head, preparing to go to other worlds in the future to see if he could come across such a good thing.

Li Xuan, who was slightly disappointed, returned to the carriage with the **** pot and began to study it carefully.

the other side.

At the place where Li Xuan fought just now, two figures stood quietly, looking at the huge footprints on the ground.

Of these two people, one of them is the city lord of Bailing City where the Zhao family is located, and his strength has already reached the bronze level.

But at this moment, the city lord bowed and stood in the back, standing like a servant.

In front of him is a figure wearing a skull mask. This person exudes a strange dark Originally wanted to use the Bai and Cha people to test the strength of the white leopard, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be Gave me a big surprise, is this the strength of the holy beast?

If I can grab the contract, tsk tsk tsk, I'm getting more and more excited. "Skull Mask Figure Shadow said pitifully, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Master, do you really want to use that scroll? The woman from the bereaved family just said that using the rewriting scroll will consume a huge amount of vitality." The city lord said anxiously.

"It's just a small amount of vitality. You just need to monitor the Zhao family. When I finish interrogating the woman and confirm that the scroll is used correctly, it's time to start." The skull masked man said coldly.

"It's the master!" The city master knelt down on his knees, and knelt down deeply with sincerity and fear.

"The woman of the contract survivor also has a son. The essence of light is on that kid. Find him for me."

"Yes, Master!"

The city owner continued to kneel, not daring to get up at all. After waiting for a long time, there was no sound around, and then he dared to get up, only to find that the man in the skull mask had disappeared.

"The master is getting more and more terrifying, but why isn't the master afraid of consuming his life force? Could it have something to do with the dark essence he got?"

The city owner couldn't figure it out, so he could only blame the dark essence.

the other side.

The Zhao family continued to drive the carriage forward. After this war, they also scared a lot of forces, and many forces chose to give up.

But the bigger storm is still condensing, because there are more summoned beasts following the Zhao family, and bronze-level summoned beasts are often seen flying in the sky.

When night falls, everyone starts to recharge their batteries.

Ah'Dai took advantage of the night with a dagger and slowly got into the carriage where the white leopard was, with a hint of determination on his face.

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