Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 413: Origin of transaction elements

It was a dozen large trees, dozens of prey corpses, hundreds of weeds, and numerous stones and fruits.

Among them, there is even a fruit that strengthens the physique, and the lion orc is very excited to see it.

Considering the origin of the element, he felt that things were a little tricky.

Because the Divine Realm world is too special.

Every time the gods make a shot, project the projection into the world of the gods, and send things to the world of the gods, it will consume a huge amount of divine power.

In addition, if the gods intervene in the world of the gods, they will be rejected by the gods.

For a long time, the gods cannot even appear in the world of the gods, so there is no big benefit, and the gods are generally reluctant to intervene in the world of the gods.

This is also where the lion orc is tangled, because in the family, he is not favored, the ancestors in the family do not pay attention to him, and he only has a mysterious stone in his hand.

Like other lords, there are usually five mysterious stones in their hands, and some favored lords will also receive special care from the gods.

For example, gifting various treasures, helping the lords of the Divine Realm world, and creating special bloodline occupations.

This is the most envy of the lion orcs, but he can only envy, can only watch, and now he has a chance, a chance to trade.

As long as he can obtain this energy, he can develop rapidly, withstand the first wave of attacks, and thus gain the attention of the family.

"I can trade. The gods use a lot of divine power in one shot. The energy is not enough. I still need double the energy. In addition, I need a water bag of water. I don't have much water."

The lion orc looked serious, and also expressed the bottom line in his heart.

He is actually very smart. Under normal circumstances, everyone does not have much water. In order to save water, he only recruited five kitten farmers.

This also resulted in very little water at the base, which has persisted until now, even for two days.

But keep going, the water will run out sooner or later, he must think in advance, which is why he proposes this condition

"Okay, give me your water bladder."

The dark banshee was silent for a while, as if she had received an order, she said suddenly.


The lion orc poured the remaining water from the water bag into a large black pot, and then threw the water bag out.

"wait a second."

After the dark banshee finished speaking, she quickly floated into the army of skeletons and gradually disappeared.

"A while?"

The lion orc was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and some did not understand what it meant.

He clearly knew that if he wanted to find a water source, he needed to go to a shallow danger zone, and he had to fight. He couldn't get any water in a short period of time.

Now that the Banshee says so, the lion orc feels that the Banshee may be wrong.

But it didn't take two minutes.

The dark banshee appeared from the army of skeletons, stopped quickly at the gate of the base, and threw the water bag into it.

"The water is full, and the energy is also given to you."

The dark banshee beckoned to the army of skeletons, and another group of skeleton monsters came slowly with many plants and animals.


The lion orc looked at the water bag in his hand, and at the fullness of water, he was stunned, feeling a little confused.

"It actually took a while."

The lion orc was very surprised. He didn't expect it to be so fast. It felt incredible.

But he couldn't care less, because the skeleton monsters brought more than a dozen big trees to the door, and also put down many plants and corpses.

Throughout the gate, there are many energy plants listed, and the lion orcs are more and more excited.

So many things are enough for him to raise the level, even raising the base to the second level is no problem, he will naturally be moved.

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, the lion orc said while holding the mysterious stone.

"What type of element origin do you need? I will contact the ancestors now."

"Apart from the source of darkness, any other source will do." The dark banshee said sharply.


The lion orc was stunned for a second, feeling that his mind was stunned again.

He wanted to say: As a skeleton monster, shouldn't it be the source of darkness? Why not dark source?

However, he didn't ask much, but immediately injected soul power into the totem and began to communicate with the ancestors.


The space oscillated slightly, and an illusory lion projection appeared in mid-air, and his eyes swept over the lion orc with cold eyes.


When this illusory lion projection saw the army of skeletons at the door, he did not look at the man in black on the back of the bone dragon, but glanced at the darkness 800 meters away.

"Ancestor, I am completing a transaction. They are willing to provide energy plants in exchange for the source of elements. Except for the source of dark elements, everything else can be..."

The lion orc hurriedly bowed and saluted, and recounted what happened just now.


The lion projection said a word coldly, and then the space rippling, a mysterious stone and a soft candy-like element origin, drilled out of the space.

Then, the phantom lion projection disappeared, leaving only the mysterious stone and the source of the elements.

"Thank you ancestor."

The lion orc looked at the strange stone with excitement. This stone was recognized by the ancestors. With this stone, he had two life-saving cards.

This is obviously because the ancestors recognized his performance and increased the training efforts, which also made the lion orcs excited.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, the lion orc caught two things, but at this time a message entered his mind, which was a message from the ancestors.

After getting the message, the lion orc hurriedly said.

"The source of this earth element is given to you, and my ancestors said that as long as you can help me block the first wave of attacks,

The ancestors will provide another elemental source, if you block the second wave of attacks, the ancestors will take out two more elemental sources, if you can kill the dark evil tiger, then..."

The lion orc took a deep breath and said seriously: "The ancestor said, I can give you a place as an attendant, so that you have the opportunity to enter the ancient gods."

"The number of servants?"

800 meters away in the dark.

Li Xuan raised his brows when he heard this, and shook his head speechlessly.

Earlier, Lord Nancy promised the number of attendants, but Li Xuan didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that this number seems to be a bit extraordinary.

But he still said that, it is impossible to be someone else's attendant, so he ordered the dark banshee to reject the proposal and trade treasures in the field instead.


Li Xuan got the information again, and the two sides reached three conditions.

As long as Li Xuan helps the lion orcs' territory and survives the first, second, and third waves of attacks, there will be three elemental sources and one domain magical crystal.

The transaction agreement was Li Xuan was still in a good mood, but Li Xuan became more and more afraid of unknown gods.

Because as soon as the projection appeared, he found Li Xuan in the dark, and even the black-robed man stand-in arranged by Li Xuan on the back of the bone dragon could not confuse the other party.

"God, it's really a dreaded existence. It seems that you have to be careful and don't capsize."

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and fell into thought.


The dark banshee floated from a distance, and immediately knelt in front of Li Xuan, holding the elemental source in both hands.

"I didn't expect that in the world of the little fat man, the source of the elements that even the saint-level powerhouses valued, was so easily obtained by me. It's really surprising, so next..."

Li Xuan took over the origin of the element and squeezed it lightly. It felt like squeezing fudge, which was very fun.

However, the throbbing of the soul reminded Li Xuan that as long as he takes this earth element source, his earth element control ability will be like the control of darkness, and he will use it more freely in this world.

Without hesitation, Li Xuan took the candy and swallowed it.

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