Global Pet Master

Chapter 277: College entrance examination scores announced, Luo Yuan’s highlight moment

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While Luo Yuan was making progress in an orderly manner, the results of the college entrance examination were officially announced.

Of course, only the top 100 in the country and the first place in each base can be mentioned.

At the beginning Luo Yuan hadn't noticed it. With the frequent appearance of his own name on the Lingnet, this guy who was about to self-isolate knew about it.

And at this moment, Teacher Yan from the evolutionary division course was also very happy to get through his phone and blessed him.


"Hello, Teacher Yan, what's the matter?"

"Luo Yuan, you guys are fine, you are the fifth in the country and the first in the Guangxi base."

"Well, thank you teacher."

Luo Yuan just learned the news, but his results are indeed within his estimate.

"So calm?"

"No, my heart is still beating unconvincingly!"


After chatting with Teacher Yan for a while, Luo Yuan hung up the phone very quickly.

There is really no way because at this time, he found that his phone was being madly broken into.

How could it be possible to continue to talk, just like this for a few sentences with him each, so that also made him busy.

When there was no phone call, Luo Yuan was free.


Friends and teachers are too enthusiastic, but fortunately, he himself was very satisfied with the college entrance examination this time.

Huaguo with more than 20 bases and hundreds of thousands of competitors in the college entrance examination of the Royal Pet Master a year, he is already very good to get this result!

This is definitely a satisfactory answer for his high school career.

Besides, Mr. Wang knew that Luo Yuan's child had won the fifth place in the national college entrance examination of the Royal Pet Master, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit more happy.

The more such children he can teach, the happier he will be, which proves that he can continue to struggle.

In fact, the older generations all hope to contribute their own strength.

As more and more genius teenagers appeared, he was also keenly aware that an era of great controversy was coming.

The burst of genius is often accompanied by many minutes of major events.

While Mr. Wang was happy for Luo Yuan, he was also very worried about the future development of the country.

It is true that Huaguo has developed very well today, and it also enjoys a great reputation in the world.

But where can they predict the world of monsters?

Geniuses are emerging from the human side, so the monster beast will definitely not be able to take over.

In this era when the enemy is dark and we are bright, how can he not worry about his old pet master?

Those genius monsters grew up savagely without their knowledge, plus countless treasures outside the base.

It’s really hard to tell which is strong and weak~

But Wang Lao didn't worry too much, after all, only when things happened did they know the specific situation.

Soon, Mr. Wang also received congratulations from the principal.

Luo Yuan can have the current results, he definitely played a big role in teaching.

It was difficult for Guangxi Base to score in the top 50, but now it is in the top five. Why can the principal be unhappy when he knows it?

It is estimated that next year’s enrollment will be full again.

As a talent training station, the better the performance, the more development and the more education and resources it can obtain.

Not to mention, this time Luo Yuan took the lead, Zhang Wenke, Wang Jiuliang and others made the bottom line, and this year's results in No. 1 are absolutely dazzling.

To say that the city lord of Guangxi base is even more happy, the negative impact brought by the monster tide can almost be ignored under such achievements.

When he knew that day, he couldn't help but jump for joy.

When a person is happy, his entire complexion will naturally improve, and he will naturally become more powerful when he works.

Immediately, the city lord brought in other persons in charge of the work under it, and discussed together the rewards to be given to Luo Yuan.

There are suggestions for everything:

Houses, cars, job opportunities, bonuses, treasure chest opportunities...

With such statistics, people can't help but start to be speechless.

But I can't stand the city owner's happiness!

Sure enough, upon hearing their proposal, the secretary took a serious note from the side, and the city lord waved his hand to decide that these rewards would be given to him.

"You set a list of rewards for him in this area, and you must let the people of Guangxi see the benefits of winning glory for the base..."

"Yes, we will discuss it well~"

At this time, the Luo family are the happiest ones.

No, it wasn't until the evening, but the family got together very much.

If tourism brought Luo's spirits up again, then her youngest son's college entrance examination scores made her float up.

The smile on his face can't stop!

Father Luo raised his thumbs aside very positively.

"Son, great!"

"Xiao Yuaner, Niubi~"

A shout from Luo Wenyu.

And sister Luo Zhenzhen was also very happy for him.

In short, at this time, the entire Luo family was filled with a joyful atmosphere, and it even became more and more intense.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart when he looked at his family's unusually happy appearance.

Being able to get good grades, be able to satisfy himself, and satisfy his family, he really feels that all the hard work is worthwhile.


In the midst of their lively discussion and praise of Luo Yuan, time passed silently.

At this time, while still talking, there was a sound of "guruguru~".

Luo Wenyu, who was still active in the field, couldn't help but hug his stomach.

Good guy, I've lost all my money and face here!


"Don't laugh, save me some face~"


"Well, we are going to have a big meal today. If we don't make it at home, we still need time to make it. We are all happy to have a good meal."

"Mom is awesome~"

"Wife is mighty~"

Luo's mother looked at Luo's father and the eldest son's roaring, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

It was her youngest son who made her face, and it was a bit more joyful thinking about it this way.

Her smiling face has not disappeared since she heard the good news today.

I really feel happy, and the whole person's emotions have reached the highest point.

So next, Mother Luo waved two psionic cars with a big hand and drove towards Qingyun Pavilion.

When they got off the car, the group rushed to the largest box, and the family of them would naturally have three places for the beasts to eat.

To accommodate so many of them, a big box is naturally needed.

A distance from the boss, the waiter felt their overly happy atmosphere, and roughly judged it.

Eat at this point, it should be because the child did well in the exam, and the whole family should come out to have a big meal!

However, this group of people are too happy, right?

Out of professional ethics, Miss Sister also came up with a smile on her When they ordered a large meal, Miss Sister was extremely happy.

Good guy, this month's commission has increased again.

The consumption of this table will not be less than one million credits.

Waiters who receive more than this quota are also rewarded for performance.

With this kind of thought, her service became more in place and attentive.

Of course, in fact, the happiest person at this time is comrade Xiaohu, who is about to fly with joy.

I'm fattening up my little master's royal beast meal!


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