Global Online Survival

Chapter 74: Title of Winemaker

   In the afternoon, Ye Jun started to transport supplies to the island with a raft.

   That's right, Ye Jun has already planned to use this small island as a stronghold.

   There is indeed no better place to be a stronghold than this small island. There are cliffs several hundred meters high, so there is no need to worry about being submerged by the tsunami, there are no enemies around to bother, and there is no need to worry about materials being stolen.

  Since I plan to use this island as a base, all the materials on board will naturally be moved to the island.

   Vegetables are the first to be transported.

   Ye Jun took a closer look and found many details that he had never noticed before.

   For example, the cucumber and watermelon seedlings he planted grew buds.

   If it hadn't been for Yang Chengcheng's reminder, he hadn't really noticed that the watermelon seedlings grew so fast.

   It seems that it won’t take long to eat watermelon.

   In addition to the melon seedlings, the pepper seedlings also bloomed with small flowers, and some of them were also covered with fingernail-sized peppers.

   Fortunately, peppers are self-pollinated crops, and they can be self-pollinated without artificial and insects. Otherwise, Ye Jun ignores this point, and the peppers will not be eaten.

   Ye Jun is a person who is not hot and unhappy. With chili, cooking will be more enjoyable in the future.

   Ye Jun carefully transferred the watermelon seedlings, cucumber seedlings, pepper seedlings and other vegetables to the raft, and then transported them to the island.

   The island is deserted, and there are stones everywhere, so you can’t grow vegetables just like that.

   It is still packed in wooden boxes like this for the time being. After returning to trade, some soil will be spread and a vegetable garden will be opened up.

   Later, Ye Jun ran a few times and moved all the equipment on the ship, wood, ore, generator, fresh water, and the three large barrels of rum to the island.

   Seeing that it was not early, Ye Jun quickly began to build a shelter.

  He doesn't want to sleep in the street.

   The safest refuge should be the treasure cave on the top of the mountain.

   But that kind of environment is too depressing, I still live outside, blowing the sea breeze, and basking in the sun is more comfortable.

   He found a piece of high ground with an area of ​​100 square meters. The ground was fairly flat, with a slight slope, just to prevent rain and accumulation of water.

   Before building the house, Ye Jun first used fireball to bake the ground to prevent bugs.

   As for the wood for building the house, they are all ready-made.

   Ye Jun is now an intermediate builder. Isn't that easy to build a small wooden house? !

   It took less than two hours to build a simple wooden house with two inside and outside, with things outside and sleeping inside.

   watching night fall,

   Ye Jun moved the generator to the house, connected the wires and light bulbs.

   In an instant, the light illuminates the whole room.

   With light, you can continue to work at night.

   Therefore, the electric light is the primary productive force. With lights-from then on, humans can also work overtime at night, which greatly improves productivity.

   Ye Jun spread a layer of wooden boards on the ground to separate the ground to avoid moisture and insects.

  Solid wood flooring, handmade, ingenious, safe, environmentally friendly, and formaldehyde-free, it is worth a few hundred square meters in modern society.

   Then all the beds, tables, and stools were moved into the house and laid out.

   There are also those two blue-scaled eagle eggs, which are as big as a washbasin. Ye Jun didn't think about how to deal with it for the time being, and he didn't know if they could hatch out. Put it in a wooden box for the time being, so as not to be eaten by rats at night, who knows if there are rats on the island.

The    doll is placed on the couch at the door.

   Eat, drink, sleep, everything is complete, and a complete home is built.

   This night, Ye Jun slept extremely peacefully.

   This has been the game for more than 20 days, and he feels the most stable and comfortable.

   There is no turbulence of the ship, nor can you hear the sound of wind and waves hitting the deck, let alone worry about the storm coming in the middle of the night, and the ship is in danger of capsizing.

  Here, let the wind and rain beat you, don’t worry.

   As long as there is no earthquake, even if there is a tsunami, Ye Jun can hide on the top of the mountain.

   For the first time, there is no need to worry about the anger from the sea.

   Ye Jun stayed asleep until the next day, and was awakened by a knock on the door.

   Peaceful sleep made Ye Jun almost think that he had returned to modern society. Especially the rapid knock on the door made Ye Jun think that he had returned to that small rental house.

   Except for that rude old lady from the landlord, who would knock on the door so hastily?

   Ye Jun sleepy eyes opened the door and took a look.

  Big eyes to small eyes!

   good fellow!

   turned out to be nine thousand years old!

It turned out that the nine-thousand-year-old fell into a deep sleep after eating and drinking. When Ye Jun was carrying supplies, he moved it off the raft and put it aside. After building the house, he didn’t think of moving it to the house. .

   Nine thousand years old woke up and saw that he was alone at the beach, the waves slapped, and he was about to be swept into the sea by the high tide.

   Nine thousand years old followed the taste and found the wooden house. Hearing the snoring noise in the house, it was almost impossible to love.

   This master is too unreliable.

  Is there a master like you?

   I almost lost it, you know?

   Ye Jun scratched his head, also feeling uncomfortable.

   I was too busy yesterday, I forgot about this guy.

   Of course, this cannot be admitted.

   How could I forget you? Are you a turtle? I put you on the beach to get close to nature and absorb the breath of the sea.

Yes, it is like that!

   Ye Jun smiled and looked at the nine-thousand-year-old, and said, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I want to roast chicken wings. Would you like to eat it?"

   Nine Chitose nodded angrily.

   "Fortunately, very smart, knowing that eating is more important than being angry!"

   Ye Jun laughed.

   After nine thousand years of evolution, it is indeed getting smarter and smarter.

   Breakfast is to grill the wings of the blue-scaled eagle, brushed with the honey from the trade, and the wings are grilled golden and fragrant. It is a pity that the bones are too hard, otherwise the bone scum will be chewed up.

   After breakfast, Ye Jun contacted Yang Tianxing and asked him to dig more mud.

   Yang Tianxing There is a large amount of black land, which is very fertile, and is the best choice for building a vegetable garden.

   Yang Tianxing went to dredge, and Yang Chengcheng began to distill the liquor.

   Ye Jun was watching the whole process.

   Yang Chengcheng is responsible for controlling the heat and temperature, while the swallow with a broken arm is a coolie, responsible for adding wood and burning the fire, and adding water to the sky pot.

  Distilling wine is not Although Ye Jun has never done it, it is nothing more than using the different boiling temperatures of the wine materials to distill the wine out by heating.

   This batch of wines are all made from fruits, the degree is not high, after distillation, the degree is not high, about 30 degrees.

   still needs a second distillation.

   This kind of fruit wine is distilled and it is called brandy. The grape brewed is called grape brandy, the apple brewed is called apple brandy, there are cherry brandy, banana brandy...

   In short, the technical content is not high.

   Unlike oriental liquor, there are dozens of light flavors. Not only are the raw materials different, but they are also divided into Daqu and Xiaoqu. Even if the same raw materials and the same koji, there are different fermentation techniques. Only the feet of young girls can step on the unique scent of wine abroad. Is the wine that old ladies stepped on smelly?

   After two distillations, Yang Chengcheng's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, and said: "I got the title of a winemaker!"

   "There is still this benefit!" Ye Jun was slightly surprised, why didn't he make his own wine before?

   Yang Chengcheng acquired relevant knowledge and said: “Fruits in nature also ferment to produce alcohol. Therefore, the basic fermentation of fruit wine is too low to be used as a judge. Distilling high-quality wine can only earn the title of winemaker.”

   Yang Chengcheng not only got the title of winemaker and gained a lot of knowledge about wine making, but also increased 10 points of strength and 10 points of endurance.

   Ye Jun doesn't like this little strength, he can rise up by eating ten catties of meat. But at 10 stamina, Jun Ye is still very greedy.

   I want to try boiling distilled alcohol too!

  PS: The author also makes wine occasionally at home, but he makes sweet rice wine. Try making some rice shochu next time.

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