Global Online Survival

Chapter 165: High priest

Ye Jun laughed, making all the elders of the mermaid look ugly.

Because this kind of laughter is too presumptuous. For thousands of years, no one has ever dared to do this to them?

"Mr. Ye has something to say straightforwardly!" the elder said in a deep voice.

Ye Jun naturally wanted to say, and said with a sneer: "I laughed at you too naive."

"Now, what era is it? Reiki regained and everything returned. Do you think it would be enough if you want to hide? If you want to hide, do you want to ask the murlocs to agree?"

"Although I don't know what happened in the ancient times. But it is clear that now the aura of heaven and earth has revived, and the return of all races, it must be the aura of heaven and earth that will surpass the secret realm, otherwise, they don't need to return."

"At that time, the aura of the outside world will far exceed the secret realm, and there will be more resources. The race outside continues to grow, and your murlocs, hiding in the secret realm, will only continue to consume resources and cannot be replenished. Your gap will be compared with others. The race is getting bigger and bigger."

"Of course, if you really have nothing to do with the world, just be a tortoise. But you have a natural enemy. That is the murloc."

"The murlocs, the masters are originally more than you, and the population is more than you. When the aura recovers, their development speed will be faster, leaving you far behind. At this time, you don’t want to do it, halfway overtaking. , In the future, if you fall behind one step at a time, you will fall behind step by step, and you will be beaten if you fall behind. At that time, even if you want to live in seclusion, it is not your own choice."

"Do you think the murlocs will let you go?"

"Moreover, even if there is no natural enemy of the murlocs, do you think that other races will let you go? Don’t forget, you are called mermaids. They are too good-looking, in many cases, it may not be a good thing. If you are strong, it’s okay. Race, even if you are attracted to your beauties, it is estimated that you will abide by the rules and ask for peace. If you are not strong enough, the mermaid clan will inevitably become the playthings of some big people."

"It's just alarmist!" several mermaid clan elders shouted.

However, everyone else is thinking.

What Ye Jun said is very realistic and not unreasonable.

After all, they have been in the dust for thousands of years, their minds are solidified, and things are too simple to think about.

Sure enough, be prepared for danger in times of peace.

In ancient times, how many races were wiped out?

They almost forgot about the **** incidents. At most, they only read some of the classics in the clan, and they still regarded it as a story.

But now, the aura is resurrected, and the tens of thousands return.

At that time, Wan Clan will inevitably compete, re-divide the chassis, and compete for resources.

I don't know how many races will be destroyed, and how many races will rise from it.

If you don't seize this opportunity, as Ye Jun said, one step behind, one step behind.

The mermaid clan is so good-looking, I don't know how many people covet it.

The murlocs, don't they just covet their beauty and talent, so they often steal mermaids back to breed.

In the ancient times, many races were exterminated because of their beauty, such as the Qingqiu Fox tribe, such as the Elf tribe... have all suffered catastrophes.

They didn't offend anyone, just because they were good-looking, and many rich and big people liked them, they turned into commodities and were domesticated into female slaves.

And their mermaid races are not inferior to those races, and even stronger in some aspects, and they have extremely high water element talents, and their offspring are also very likely to inherit this talent.

In ancient times, why could they avoid disaster? Is it because they love peace?

No, the elves are more peaceful than them.

The fundamental reason for everything is because their strength is strong enough.

In the ancient times, when the mermaid clan was at its peak, it surpassed ten beasts, and there were several kings.

Such a great combat power, although I dare not say that it ranks among the top of the ten thousand races, it is at least ranked in the top 100.

Moreover, their friendship with the dragon clan has shocked many races, and they are well-behaved.

But now, thousands of years have passed, and they are only left with a high priest and an old dragon.

Whether a new Kunmon can be cultivated is still a matter of fact. Even if it is cultivated, it will be difficult for Kunmon to grow up without hundreds of years.

At that time, how should they face the embarrassment of other races. In particular, there is the existence of the murlocs, a natural enemy who is staring at them.

The great elder was silent.

More and more mermaid elders are silent.

Even the male elders who clamored the loudest became silent.

No one is a fool after living for hundreds of years.

Even a pig can be refined.

For a long time, they lived in the secret realm, and they almost forgot the tragedy of ancient times.

The struggle of the tens of thousands of races is not a poetic thing, but a fight of iron and blood.

Even peace-loving races such as the mermaid tribe, in ancient times, have survived **** battles.

Those who can survive are strong and ruthless.

The weak have already been eliminated.

This world is like this, the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

This was the case in ancient times, and it will already be like this in the future.

The secret realm is just a place for them to recuperate, just a post, it is impossible to stay in it forever.

Because the aura in the secret realm is limited.

After so many years of consumption, the aura in the secret realm is actually very thin.

This is why, their powerhouses are getting fewer and fewer, now, there are only three quasi-kings left, and it is getting harder and harder for grand masters to appear.

If you don't go out, sooner or later, the secret realm will become as barren as the outside world.

No, it is far inferior to the outside world.

Because the aura outside has begun to recover, and it will reappear the glory of the ancient times.

One goes down and the other goes up.

At that time, whoever takes a step slower will lag behind in development and suffer a loss.

The great elder thought for a long time, then slowly said: "I think, the high priest should be invited over!"

"I am always here!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Immediately, a figure appeared out of thin air.

"High Priest!" A group of mermaid elders saluted.

"Master!" Si Shen also became like a child.

Even Si Ye, who had been dancing around, didn't speak anymore, and honestly lowered his head.

"Yes, this time you went out, you have grown a lot!" The high priest said to the priest with satisfaction.

Immediately, her gaze fell on Si Ye, and she smiled: "You, the troublemaker, have also obeyed a lot. It's a good thing. Sure enough, hardening will lead to growth."

Si Ye was so well-behaved at this time, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and he lowered his head and stuck out his tongue.

The high priest stepped forward.

She is wearing a sea-blue robe, her hair is also light blue, and her pupils are like a washed sky, extremely clear. What is even more surprising is that her lower body, not a fishtail, turned out to be a pair of long legs.

Ye Jun remembered that after becoming a king, he can transform into a human form.

Of course, you can also choose not to transform into a human form, which has something to do with aesthetics.

For mermaids, fish tails are obviously not as convenient as human legs.

"Your name is Ye Jun?" The high priest glanced at Ye Jun.

For an instant, Ye Jun seemed to be stripped off all over, and he felt a kind of creepy feeling.

Worthy of being a king who has survived since ancient times.

"not bad!"

The high priest nodded, his eyes full of approval, and said: "The last time Si Ye came back, I talked about you, but I didn't expect that in just two months, you would become a quasi-king. Quite a few quasi kings have died in your hands."

The other elders looked surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that the high priest would praise Ye Jun. You know, they have followed the high priest for hundreds of years, and they haven't received a word of praise from him.

How good is he? All the elders were a bit sour suddenly.

However, thinking that Ye Jun is so young is a quasi-king, and can kill the masters of the same level... all the elders are even more sour.

"You should have found out that I'm here!" said the high priest.

How can this be?

The others looked sideways, shocked.

The high priest is the king.

Each of them so many found out when the high priest came.

Ye Jun nodded, as an acknowledgment.

He had long discovered that someone was hiding in secret, and this person was very strong, so it was easy to infer the identity.

Who else is there except that high priest?

Therefore, Ye Jun took advantage of the opportunity just now and deliberately said that.

Rather than speaking to these elders, it was actually deliberately speaking to the high priest of the mermaid tribe.

Ye Jun wanted to see the other's attitude.

If the other party is the same as these elders, and short-sighted, they will definitely not show up, and will secretly transmit their voices to let these elders drive themselves away.

If that's the case, Ye Jun didn't plan to stay and waste his tongue either.

The sky is big, and there is always a way to think of it, and it is not only the mermaid clan that has the king.

However, he was right.

The high priest of the Mermaid tribe is worthy of being a strong man who has survived since ancient times, and his eyes are far from what these guys can match.

Having personally experienced several tragic battles in the ancient times, she has an incomparably deep understanding of the four words of the weak and the strong.

Therefore, she naturally agreed with Ye Jun's words.

However, this is not enough.

After all, this is a battle of genocide, and a little carelessness can overthrow the whole clan.

So, do you want to impress her with just a few words if you don't come up with enough benefits? It is impossible.

Ye Jun naturally understood this truth too.

He smiled and said: "I know that your concerns are nothing more than two points. First, your current strength is far inferior to the murlocs. With my help alone, you feel that you can't defeat the murlocs at all."

"Yes! Although your strength is good, it is still too far behind for the Murlocs. Not only are the Murlocs more kings than us, there are even more quasi-kings!"

"The quasi-king is not a problem!"

Ye Jun had already prepared, and with a wave of his hand, a jade bottle appeared.

"This is the quasi-king pill, presumably, you have also heard of it. One can make the person at the pinnacle of the grandmaster step into the quasi-king! There are a total of six in it, enough to make your remaining six elders all become kings. !"

Prospective Wang Dan!

In an instant, the eyes fell one after another, and the breathing of many elders became hurried.

The Mermaid tribe has about thirty elders, but only nine elders.

There are only three quasi-kings among the nine elders, and the others are the pinnacles of the grandmaster.

For so many years, they have not been able to step into the realm of the quasi-king, this is really their talent is a bit short.

If you don't enter the quasi-king, you will never think about the king.

Even if there is a king crystal nucleus in front of you, you can't refine it.

If they can become the quasi-king, now the world is recovering, all kinds of opportunities, and the elixir of extinction may reappear, they will have a glimmer of hope and become the king.

Six quasi-king pill is enough to allow all six of them to step into the realm of quasi-king.

At this time, these elders wanted to agree on behalf of the high priest.

No one can truly face the temptation of interest without being tempted.

"That's not enough!" The high priest shook his head.

Although it can give them six more quasi-kings and nine quasi-king masters, they should be about the same as the murlocs.

However, it was not enough, because the murlocs also had a king.

Soon, Ye Jun waved his hand again.

A beautiful shadow appeared.

The next moment, the high priest's eyes condensed, and his complexion changed greatly:


The high priest is like an enemy, in ancient times, has a fierce reputation and far surpasses her. It can be said that Medusa is lawless, even the dragons will kill.


The high priest soon realized something was wrong.

This is just a corpse.

Ye Jun nodded and told the ins and outs.

The high priest looked at him for a long time, a little speechless: "I really don't know whether to say you are ignorant or bold, even Medusa dared to offend. In ancient times, there was a dragon who fell in love with Medusa and was chased by her. Three years. In the end, he stood at the door of the Dragon Clan and cut him off."

Medusa dared to kill even the dragons. If you offend her, can you have good fruit?

Ye Jun smiled bitterly and said: "This is no way, who will let her **** my friend's body, so sooner or later, I will have a battle with her, which is why I am eager to become the king. As long as I become the king, I can be fearless of her. ."

"Even if Medusa has only one corpse left, its strength cannot be underestimated. This is a king's body, but without rules, it is still difficult to beat a true king. Because the true king is perfect. Yes, it is difficult for you to resist the mental attack of the king!"

Speaking of mental power, Ye Jun's eyes lit up and he smiled: "The high priest can try it. I also want to see how strong the king is!"

"Don't ask for trouble!" The other elders were unhappy, thinking that this was disrespect for the high priest.

Unexpectedly, the high priest nodded and said, "You can find me before. Obviously I am not weak. Then I will try, but you must be careful. This is not a joke!"

Immediately, between the high priest's eyebrows, a small figure flashed.

This little man was exactly the same as the high priest, and when he appeared, everything between heaven and earth was forbidden.

No, it's not things that are forbidden, but people's thinking is forbidden.

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