Ding Zhaotian smiled faintly, noncommittal!

Everyone looked at the wonders and waited.

All are waiting for the end of the chaos in the sea.

Good profit.

However, the chaos in the sea, which lasted more than 20 minutes, did not end.

The scene of the carnage shocked many people!

In order to avoid causing discomfort, Ding Zhaotian stopped the live broadcast of this scene, moved the scene of the sharks killing each other, and looked at Yufan instead.

Everyone eats in the cabin. The reason why they don’t eat on the outer deck is because the smell of the sea is too strong.

Gives a feeling of wanting to vomit.

This is a special feeling, and Ding Zhaotian himself has it.

Ding Zhaotian's sea spirit orb abilities have great magical powers, but they can't stop the nausea.

This makes Ding Zhaotian feel amazing!

The smell of blood was so heavy that it was too late for everyone to hide. Some people simply asked Lao Ding if he could wait in the sleeping cabin for a while.

Everyone said: "If this goes on, I will vomit!"

Ding Zhaotian agreed.

But send Zhao Dingbang, Qu Fanfan and others to monitor the sea, and nothing else happens!

An hour and a half passed in a blink of an eye, and this one and a half hours, Ding Zhaotian felt that it was okay, neither long nor short, but for some people, it can be regarded as suffering!

As you can see, there are many bodies floating on the surface of the sea, and the sharks have dispersed.

The pack of killer whales was gone.

But the sea is far from clear.

Because there are too many floating fish carcasses. They are all white shark corpses.

Ding Zhaotian gave an order and everyone went down to get it.

It took 4 hours to fish before it was over.

This is a huge amount of labor, and everyone is exhausted.

Ding Zhaotian gave some beer and rum for everyone to drink, then rested for half an hour, and then continued to fish for shark carcasses!

Everyone encourages each other and perseveres.

The main reason is that I played too crazy before, which led to this situation.

Everyone is lazy. I am a little uncomfortable doing such a heavy job right now.

In addition, have to endure the smell of blood.

Very strong smell of blood!

This is one of the difficulties that everyone has anticipated before.

The second difficulty is that the shark is too heavy, divided into pieces, and the amount of labor is large enough...

As night fell, Ding Zhaotian formally ordered that after collecting the shark fins, all the others should be discarded!

Part of the shark meat has entered the ice store.

Give up the rest!

It's going to set sail overnight!

Some people in the barrage were puzzled, and asked, "It's 11:30, what are you going to do in the middle of the night?"

Ding Zhaotian said: "You don't know if you are not there, the fishy smell is too strong."

Everyone also said: "Now it is the smell of sharks, it can't be sailed!"

The fat man stopped joking, and said: "This, this is too strong, this smell, hurry up!"

Everyone evacuated.

Soon, after leaving the sea, everyone started to come to the deck. Most of the night, they were breathing fresh air!

The breeze was blowing.

Everyone felt very comfortable. All made a comfortable gesture.

That piece of sea, gradually far away from everyone's vision!

At this time, Barrage asked: "By the way, Old Ding, are you going to West Coast Technology?"

Ding Zhaotian said: "Everything has been sold, so naturally I have to go to the west coast to see my two new ships!"

At the same time, Ding Zhaotian thought about recruitment.

Want to recruit a group of ocean-going seafarers.

Of course, it is still recruited in China.

Recruitment conditions are not so strict. They are not as strict as the last time the forty people were recruited. However, at least, one is fishing skills and the other is water-based.

All must be good, and morality must also be good.

Ding Zhaotian attaches great importance to character!

In addition, Ding Zhaotian wants to cooperate with Tianyu's operations department in terms of recruitment.

Because now and Mr. Di are already very good friends!

Di Xiaolong, the general manager and CEO, can help recruit people.

It was naturally not someone who worked for Tianyu's official website, but a new crew member for Ding Zhaotian...

Ding Zhaotian was on the mobile chat tool, and for the first time talked about this with Mr. Di and Manager Zhao. The other party did not hesitate and was very happy!

Manager Zhao Sisi said: "Congratulations, your business map has expanded! You are no longer alone!"

Ding Zhaotian is also very happy!

For the next three days, everyone had enough shark meat.

I can eat shark fin, but the taste is average.

Including Fat Master, it is not very rare.

At 2:30 pm on the third day, everyone had lunch and decided to go back to the Internet. At this time, it was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

There are some coral islands and a few rocky islands.

However, there are few large islands, very few.

Many sea breams came up on Ding Zhaotian's net!

The sea bream is delicious and very tasty when cooked.

Many people like snappers, bigger than sharks!

Sea bream rice is also one of the common dishes for everyone.

The braised sea bream is also a favorite dish that everyone loves and talks about.


This network has improved everyone's food, and the fat man sighed, "I think there is something to do with this matter!"

Ding Zhaotian said, "You mean?"

The fat man said: "It's about recruiting workers and establishing a company! I think I'm going to have a play!"

Ding Zhaotian smiled, made a sign to ask, and said, "Excuse me, fat man, are you going to go to the captain? New ship!"

The fat man said, "It would be great if it were to command a group of crew members on a new ship, but, but..."

Ding Zhaotian said, "But what's wrong?"

Gu Zixuan also came, seeing the fat man look sad, and said, "What's wrong with you, fat man?"

The fat man said: "But, I can't bear to bear with him, I can't bear with him!"

Pretending to cry.

Everyone laughed together!

Haha laughed.

At this time, the sea breeze was blowing, and Gu Zixuan saw the fat man’s face and said, “Did you eat too much fat recently? How do you feel?”

Ding Zhaotian glanced at the fat man and said, "How many catties are you?"

The fat man said: "It's a bit embarrassing to say, I've been lazy recently and haven't run for exercise anymore!"

Ding Zhaotian said: "You can walk, if you are more than two hundred catties, running directly will hurt your kneecap!"

Everyone nodded!

The fat man said: "I'll eat less sea bream and shark meat!"

Ding Zhaotian nodded.

On this day, Yu Xiaomeng was cooking, Xiao Wu shouted: "Ah, it smells so good?"

The fat man was lifting dumbbells and said, "Yes~www.readwn.com~ It seems like fried dough sticks!"

Zhao Dingbang came out and said, "Fatty is the nose spirit, it's really deep-fried dough sticks!"

Everyone laugh!

Yang Dawei said: "It's really fried dough sticks!"

Qu Fanfan said, "I miss the taste of childhood. The fried dough sticks from my hometown seem to have this flavor. They were fried with rapeseed, right?"

At this time, chef Yu Xiaomeng came out and said: "The peanut oil I use is mixed with rapeseed oil, it will be better!"

Everyone nodded.

At this time, a miracle appeared.

More than 20 crew members were attracted by the fragrance.

Said: "Is this delicious fried dough sticks?"

Many people laughed loudly!

You Tiao is fried and eaten right now, Fatty and Ding Zhaotian were the first to eat it!

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