Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 193 Storm in 8 directions

Ye Yongqiang was not dead but was severely injured. More importantly, he suffered a mental breakdown. From the perspective of soul collapse, he looked a bit crazy and could no longer join the battle.

"Kill! Everyone must die! Everyone must die!" Ye Yongqiang was lying on the ground, shouting with his eyes closed, blood spurting out from the wounds all over his body, but he still kept struggling.

Several medical staff were pushed away by him, preventing anyone from getting close.

Compared with ordinary players, he is very strong, even if he is injured.

This also makes the medical staff timid and afraid to move forward.

Su Changxing walked forward, stopped Ye Yongqiang's struggle with one hand, looked at him and asked, "Do you still recognize me?"

Probably shocked by the powerful strength, Ye Yongqiang suddenly became quiet, opened his eyes, and stared at Su Changxing blankly:

"The... chief?"

He seemed to recognize it, and in this case, he still recognized Su Changxing.

This is not easy.

Su Changxing looked at him, was silent for a while, took out the crazy blood from the Buddha and Demon from his pocket Galaxy, and poured a drop of it into Ye Yongqiang's mouth.

If this continues, there will be no difference between Ye Yongqiang and death. He can only give it a try.

There is a certain probability that the crazy blood can cure the collapse of Ye Yongqiang's soul, but there is also a certain probability that it will kill him.

However, if he does this, Ye Yongqiang will definitely become a monster due to losing control of his mind, so there is no choice.

Immediately afterwards, Su Changxing rushed to the frontal battlefield with the flower umbrella without stopping. It was estimated that Zhou An could no longer withstand it. Not only Zhou An, but also the entire frontal battlefield of Seventeen showed a collapse situation.

Lin Xiuyu also triggered a death curse on the battlefield to the west of the mountain ridge. The surging blood energy could be seen from a distance, mixed with black mist like a colorful cloud.

If this continues, both sides will suffer, no one can get better, and it is also a situation that no one wants to see.

After all, they are all human beings, and they even have the same goal, but they have different wills and different paths, so they have conflicts.

Such conflicts are unavoidable, just like wars large and small in human history. Wherever humans exist, there will be wars, and wherever there is life, there will be struggles.

This is probably also the essence of life.

Blood infected the ground, and fresh corpses were piled on the ground one after another, forming large and small piles of corpses.

Zhou An stood in the middle of these piles of corpses, with his back straight and his tattered coat flying in the wind. He glanced sideways at the old man's corpse hanging on the flagpole with his peripheral vision, then laughed wildly and shouted to the front:

"How could you ever be my opponent? You are just a bunch of mediocre people. If you escape, you will come back. There is no place for you here."

Standing in front of Zhou An were sixteen people dressed in black uniforms. They all held a blue-black long sword in their hands. There were old and young, men and women, but their auras were very similar. If you don't pay attention carefully, If you feel it, you will mistake it for the same person.

They are the sharpest swords in the church. The sixteen swordsmen of Tianmai use sixteen different but similar fields to match each other to create the Eight Directions Wind and Rain Sword Formation.

When the extraordinary system has developed to a mature stage, it can already cultivate fixed areas in a fixed way.

This Eight Directions Wind and Rain Sword Formation has a very long heritage. It comes from Saint Mo in ancient times. Originally, only those in the First Saint Realm can use it.

However, after continuous improvements by later generations, it is now possible to use sixteen monks who have entered the divine realm to cooperate with each other in their fields. The power is so great that it is not impossible to kill a saint.

In the black mist, the sword blades flying all over the sky were constantly intertwined in a regular pattern, forming a pressure of momentum and suppressing the demon.

The Eight Directions Wind and Rain Sword Formation is majestic, and it is even more powerful if sixteen people use it together.

This was specially prepared for the devil Zhou An, who must be killed. As long as Zhou An is killed, Seventeen will probably be defeated.

Facing the sky full of sword blades, Zhou An only had one sword and a copper-yellow flying knife, both of which were mottled with rust and looked like decay.

"Death to you devil! You will not be able to escape today. It is your honor to die under the wind and rain sword array used by our senior brothers."

The leading middle-aged man said calmly to Zhou An.

If Shinawa fought alone, none of them would be Zhou An's opponent, but Zhou An would definitely die under this wind and rain sword formation today.

Not far away, a hunched old man with a white beard looked at this scene with a smile:

"This demon surnamed Zhou is indeed a unique genius in the art of swordsmanship. He has reached this point in such a short period of time. It's a pity. If he hadn't taken the wrong path, he could have been spared."

The young man in green clothes next to him asked with confusion: "Why is this? Isn't he a demon?"

The old man shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just a title. Most people are not qualified to be called a devil. They have to kill people. Ordinary people can't kill so many people."

Just as he was speaking, the young man looked down at the talisman in his hand, and his expression changed drastically: "Master, on the battlefield in the east, Tao Yunzhi, Tao Baibai, Hui Jia and others were all wiped out!"

"They seem to have new helpers entering the battlefield, most likely the previous leader of Seventeen."

After hearing the news, the white-bearded old man's expression did not change much, because he knew that nothing could change today's situation, it was just a different process.

"It doesn't matter, let him come, I want to see what kind of person he is." The old man with the white beard said unclearly, continuing to stare at the sword blades flying in the sky, as if he was admiring it.

The young man thought for a while and asked seriously: "Aren't you going to stop him? According to the news from the National Council, this person's strength should not be inferior to this devil. I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

The laws of heaven in this world finally made them constrained, so they had to arrange things carefully.

The old man with the white beard still smiled and said: "If he doesn't come, I will give him a high look."

Although the young man felt guilty in his heart, he did not dare to argue at all. He nodded to show that he understood.

Facing the majestic Eight Directions Wind and Rain Sword Formation, Zhou An showed no fear at all. He controlled the flying swords and struck out with one sword after another. Each one was very serious, and one sword was more powerful than the other.

"What a bullshit sword formation, let's wait and see if we can beat it!"

He roared and drew the sword faster. It seemed that he was launching an attack without thinking, but in fact he was carefully feeling the wind and rain in all directions.

He also knew that if he could not find a loophole in this sword formation, he would definitely die today!

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