Chen He got the news as soon as Tao Yunzhi died, and because of the death curse, he had to retreat further away from here.

Tao Yunzhi is very powerful, stronger than he looks. He can control Samadhi True Fire. Only the ancestors of the Maoshan Sect can beat him.

He always has reservations on the battlefield, probably because he retains a compassionate side in human nature, like a not-so-bright flame burning blazingly in the darkness, continuing and continuing.

The two sides had started discussing the armistice before, but it was not that simple. They were both suspicious of each other, and if given the opportunity, they would definitely choose to kill the other party.

After Su Changxing saw the strength of the young Taoist priest, he was confused. He couldn't imagine how Shi Qi could resist for so long, and even fought back and forth with him before.

"Is there anyone in No. 17 Middle School who can match the strength of that Taoist priest?" Su Changxing asked Tan Xiuqing.

Tan Xiuqing chewed a large piece of dried meat in her mouth, with blood oozing from her face, and said vaguely: "No, they are too powerful. Only Commander Zhou can rival them, but this is enough."

"Commander Zhou killed them all by himself. In the war we first came into contact with, more than ten of these outsiders died on the battlefield, under Commander Zhou's sword."

"Although we still lost that battle, it was enough to scare them. These people are very afraid of death, more afraid of death than they imagined, because they never thought that they would die when they came here."

Su Changxing thought for a while and said, "It seems that Zhou An's strength is really strong now."

Zhou An is now recognized as the number one person on the forum, the number one extraordinary person. It is precisely because of his existence that Shi Qi has been able to fight until now.

The further you go toward the center of the battlefield, the more people die.

The long-dead corpses were left on the ground riddled with holes, with many insects crawling in and out of them.

They saw a blood-red lake from a distance on the top of the mountain. The water was blood-red and had a strange luster. Mountains of corpses were densely piled up around the shore.

At this time, a robot with a mutilated body and a laser knife ran out of the forest, came to them, and made a mechanical voice:

"Nice to see you again, sir."

This is the voice of Dwarf T3. Compared with other robots, its timbre is unique, with a hint of vibrato that sounds like a circuit is stuck.

Su Changxing nodded and said: "T3, what is the current situation?"

The robot's eyes flashed red, and then it said: "It was at a huge disadvantage before, but after casualty replacement, the situation has improved."

"We have made strategic arrangements and are cooperating with the main force to press forward and interfere with the enemy's high-end combat power's control of the battlefield."

Su Changxing looked thoughtful and asked:

"After all this time, is there still no way to create advanced robots?"

The robot continued to convey the message of t3: "The knowledge I have accumulated and the existing technology are all flawed, and no critical materials have been found."

"But we are now able to create more units by deconstructing the extraordinary crystals."

Su Changxing also had a general understanding of the situation on the frontal battlefield. The mechanical legion itself was one of the important supports of the Seventeenth and played a huge role in this war.

The laser cannon arrays were also constructed by the mechanical army and were able to accurately strike single high-intensity targets of the enemy.


Even for the Mechanical Legion, it would take a lot of effort to build such a laser cannon array. By this time in the battle, most of the laser cannon arrays had been destroyed, and they had no time and space to repair them.

at the same time.

Su Changxing received news from Lin Xiuyu, saying that a Chenhe army was pressing in their direction from the front, and there were at least three powerful outsiders among them.

Hua Xian's existence has been known to Chen He, and they have also responded, seemingly preparing to come and strangle Hua Xian.

Su Changxing asked Lin Xiuyu: "When you know that I have come back, you should stop this ridiculous plan."

Lin Xiuyu was silent for a while, and then sent a message: "It's too late, we can't stop."

"The situation on Zhou An's side is very critical. If he can't face more than a dozen seventh-order extraordinary beings by himself, I'm afraid he won't be a match."

"I need you to go to support first. I will handle the curse, trust me."

Su Changxing frowned and added, "You seem to be more willing to believe in yourself than in me. You have to know that smart people are often more likely to make major mistakes because most of them are overconfident."

Lin Xiuyu: "There is no way around it. Just like what you chose in the first place, you have to make a choice."

Lin Xiuyu lowered his head, looking at the messages on his phone with one eye open, his chest heaving and breathing heavily, and cold sweat on his forehead.

"You really shouldn't do this." Cai Jing held a black flag in both hands and said coldly, "If the captain is still here, you will never be allowed to do this."

Lin Xiuyu shook his head, his white hair stretched in front of his forehead, which was full of wrinkles: "Things are different now. Even if he were here, he would still do this. We can't put all the pressure on Su Changxing alone. "

“And this is a once-and-for-all approach that may prevent the third round of doomsday from coming, and that’s what’s most important.”

"Otherwise it would be destruction...I saw it."

Cai Jing seemed silent and had this expression for a long time: "Are you going to die? I hope you live."

Lin Xiuyu shook his head: "It doesn't matter. We have already gone this far. It doesn't matter whether we die or not."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, still looking very energetic.

However, this huge superpower is about to crush his body, and he may fall down at any time, maybe the next moment, maybe for some time.

He devoted everything he had to this war, including all his energy and life, and it was considered a gamble.

He felt that this was their last and only chance for the rest of their lives.

In this world, many people can see the future, different futures, going in different directions.

The process experienced may be long or short, with ups and downs, but the result is often only one, and that is destruction. Destruction in various ways can be regarded as the real doomsday.

He often thought that everything would eventually be destroyed, so what was the point of all the efforts they were making now.

"So this destruction must be prevented!"

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