Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 103 Anatomy of the Devil


Although it is said that dragon teeth can cause 30% of the real damage to demons, and the numerical description is fixed, facing a demon of this level, it is definitely not 30%, but about 5%.

In fact, it only has 5% real damage, which is quite good, at least it can break through this demon's defense.

Accompanied by the roaring gunshot, the bullet hit the demon's thigh again, exploding into a larger blood flower and blowing away a large area of ​​black skin, revealing dark red flesh with clear textures on it.

When exposed to the air, these flesh and blood began to melt rapidly, as if they were soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid.

This is the flesh and blood of demons, the material for promotion.

Su Changxing fired more than ten shots at the base of the thigh again, penetrating the flesh and blood, revealing the dark, glowing bones.

According to his idea, it was definitely not digging out a piece of meat or a bone. That would be too troublesome. It might be easier to remove the entire leg and throw it into the pocket bank.

He also thought about throwing the entire demon directly into the Pocket Galaxy, but the opening of the Pocket Galaxy was not that big, and at most the entire demon's thigh could be put in.

And even if he could fit the entire demon inside, he wouldn't dare to do so. With the suppression of this world, the demon appears to be very weak, but there's no telling what will happen after entering the pocket galaxy.

He wasn't completely sure he could suppress this demon in the pocket galaxy.

The bullet hit the bone and exploded, leaving only a shallow bullet mark on the bone.

"In this case, it will be difficult to break the bone."

He looked at the rune warriors who were still fighting over there. The battle was coming to an end, with only a few small black monsters left.

Some rune warriors were also corrupted by the plague, and their systems were completely in chaos and they sat motionless on the ground.

The demon had no reaction after Su Changxing opened the flesh of its thigh, and just lay quietly on the ground.

Su Changxing then took the revolver and fired at the bone one after another. The bullet marks left on it became more and more obvious. After more than ten rounds, an inconspicuous hole was left.

Bones are quickly decomposed when exposed to the air, and coupled with the corrosion of the plague, their strength is rapidly decreasing.

Finally, at the eighty-ninth round, Su Changxing completely broke the leg bone of the demon's thigh, and dark purple marrow seeped out from the gaps in the bones.

This looked like a very dangerous thing, so he didn't touch it. Instead, he stuffed his entire thigh into the pocket galaxy.

Who would have guessed.

As soon as the thigh entered the pocket galaxy, it seemed to have regained its vitality and began to struggle violently. The wound on the thigh that was opened by Su Changxing also quickly recovered.

When he saw this situation, he knew something was wrong and immediately suppressed it with the greatest degree of control.

The demon's thighs collided with the pocket galaxy with terrifying force. Every time he struggled, Su Changxing felt a stinging pain in his head, as if he was kicked on the skull.

He knew he couldn't go on like this, but if his mental power was drained, he would lose his grip on the demon's thighs, and the entire pocket galaxy would be destroyed.

Even Keris can intervene in the pocket galaxy through this demon's thigh.

He immediately summoned thousands of data streams to divide the demon's thighs.

The destructive power of the data flow is quite astonishing, and it can easily destroy and divide the demon's thighs.

Soon, the entire thigh was divided into hundreds of pieces by the data flow, and the flesh, blood, meridians, and bones were separated.

At this time, he felt better. The struggle from the demon's thigh weakened and he was able to easily suppress it in the pocket galaxy.

He was secretly glad that he was not too greedy. If he really stuffed the whole demon into it, something big would really happen.

As the data flow divided the demon's thigh into smaller components, there was no movement at all.

After taking care of the demon's thigh, he focused on one of the demon's arms. The demon's flesh and blood could be used as a material for promotion. It was obvious at first glance that it was a good thing. Of course, the more the better.

And even if he doesn't use it, he can still use it as nourishment for Tao Yin to grow quickly.

If flesh and blood of this quality were fed to Tao Yin, his strength would probably reach the fifth level.

In theory, the undead have no growth bottlenecks or upper limits, as long as they have enough flesh, blood and souls.

The advantages and disadvantages of the undead are very obvious. They can easily be killed during the growth process and become food for others.

Then, Su Changxing used the same method to break open the skin of the demon's arm, and saw the dark red flesh. He fired more than seventy shots in succession, breaking the bones of the arm, revealing the purple marrow.

After the demon's arm was thrown into the pocket galaxy, there was also a violent struggle.

But this time he was very experienced and had the data stream ready to be divided. He quickly divided it into hundreds of parts and completely suppressed it.

After such a process, he focused on the devil's body again. If there was anything more valuable than the devil's hands and feet, it was the devil's body.

This is also natural to think of.

But at this time, the devil's size had shrunk a lot, and he appeared to be dying, as if he would die at any time.

However, Su Changxing did not dare to throw the whole thing into the pocket galaxy, fearing that he would suffer serious consequences if he failed to control it.

He fired dozens of shots at the demon's chest, breaking open the black skin on the chest, revealing the intertwined black bones.

Unlike human bones.

These bones are very dense layer by layer, completely covering the entire body without leaving any gaps.

Su Changxing also seemed a little helpless when he saw this scene. It would take a lot of effort to break this bone.

Moreover, these bones are very different from the bones of the hands and feet. There are dense lines on them, which are twisted divine inscriptions.

"So the devil is a creation of the gods? Created by the gods?"

When Su Changxing saw these divine inscriptions, he had a guess.

This demon was obviously controlled by Kairis. If it was created by Kairis, it would be reasonable.

He didn't give up either.

All the rune warriors over there have fallen to the ground, and the remaining few small black monsters have also been analyzed and destroyed by this world.

He and this half-dead demon were the only ones left here.

Su Changxing began to work diligently again, using his revolver to blast the demon's chest one by one, removing the bones piece by piece, layer by layer.

"It's like peeling off the skin of an onion, layer by layer."

He thought of a very vivid metaphor and felt that it was the same as peeling an onion, but it just required more effort.

After the demon's vitality weakened, its strength also began to decline significantly. Under this ebb and flow, the world's suppression of it became stronger, and the other two limbs had completely melted away.

Therefore, the density of the bones also dropped quickly, and Su Changxing opened a large hole in the demon's chest faster than before.

It was pitch black inside and couldn't see clearly.

Four eyes opened on Su Changxing's cheeks, with blue fish patterns on the whites of his eyes, glowing with a strange light.

Through his empty eyes, he could see the patterns and changes in space.

The space in the demon's body has been distorted, forming different rules from the outside world.

Su Changxing did not go in stupidly, but removed all the bones bit by bit outside, allowing the space inside to have extensive contact with the outside world, and the space inside would naturally return to normal.

Gradually, the space in the demon's body returned to normal, and an extremely foul smell filled the air.

Su Changxing took a few steps back, stood on the edge and squatted down, vomiting heavily. There was a lot of blood in the vomiting, and he felt dizzy in his head.

Even with his strong physique, he could not withstand the stench emanating from the demon's body, which was so deadly and toxic that most people would have died on the spot if they smelled it.

There was nothing else in the demon's body, just a pile of large and small rotting internal organs soaked in the dark, smelly dark green water. There were some long straw-like hairs floating on the water, trembling constantly.

Just by smelling this smell and looking at this scene, Su Changxing felt a twinge of pain in his spirit, even signs of distortion.

The powerful mental power that he was proud of was insignificant in front of this demon. If it weren't for being suppressed, a random movement would have caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

Su Changxing squatted on the ground and calmed down for a while. His face recovered a lot. He took out a can of golden Crazy Blood from his pocket Galaxy and fed it to himself to strengthen his spirit. Then he took out a gas mask and put it on.

He had found what he was looking for. It was in the demon's body, surrounded by a large number of ring-shaped twisted bones, and he could see the purple light coming from the gaps.

It was a huge beating heart, four or five times larger than his entire body.

This is the devil's heart.

Creatures like demons do not have hearts in the first place. They have no obvious weaknesses. Even if their bodies are severed, they can survive and recover quickly.

But if they are about to die, a heart will appear in their body, which is also the organ that condenses the final strength.

This is what Su Changxing wants. According to the message on his cell phone just now, the devil's heart can also be used as a material for promotion, and it is a more advanced material.

Su Changxing stood on the edge of the breach and shot at the bone surrounding the heart. The bullet bounced off after sparks, leaving no trace.

These bones surrounding the heart are harder and more unbreakable than before.


Some green fluorescent, moss-like material appeared at the roots of those bones.

"You deserve to die!"

"Despicable human being, how can my body allow you to trample on me like this? Even if you die, I will not let you go!"

At this time, the demon spoke again, and the voice came from the beating purple heart.

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