Global Fog: Get the StarCraft System at the Start

Chapter 168: Scourge bombing, all beings are equal

"All unarmored soldiers, retreat behind armored men!"

The marines shouted loudly through the external loudspeakers.

After hearing the words of these blue armors, the soldiers guarding the 069 shelter instinctively obeyed.

All the people, including Shi Weidong, withdrew behind them.

It's just that it's almost time for them to fight hand-to-hand with Taotie.

So their retreat was not smooth, as long as their fire suppression weakened a little, some Taotie would jump up and knock some soldiers into the air.

These soldiers, although they were very scared, did not panic. They knew that at this time, as long as they were in chaos, even if they had support, they would fall directly.

With the cooperation of these soldiers, the marines threw aside the heavy storm sword in their hands.

The spike rifle in his hand began to ring out regularly.

Those who had been raging on the city wall for several minutes suddenly began to suffer large-scale casualties.

But I have to say that the defense of these gluttons is still okay, the penetration power of this spike step can only faintly penetrate it.

After the kinetic energy of the bullet penetrated the second two gluttons, it hit the third one. It could only break the skin of the third one, and embedded it on its skin.

But a spike bullet, although it can cause them a lot of damage, is not fatal.

Unless they hit their vitals directly.

Of course, these gluttons would not foolishly line up in a straight line for the marines to attack.

After they felt a huge threat to their lives, they even used their speed to sneak attack the marines on the city wall.

You must know that there are only 2,400 marines in this group, and they are distributed on the four walls.

On this side of the city wall, there are only 600 marines on the city wall for several kilometers.

If the marines were there when they first attacked the city, it might not be as difficult as it is now.

But now that Taotie's siege has been completed, the marines will face attacks from all directions.

"Captain, these monsters really don't have the slightest fear!"

The marines couldn't help sighing in the internal communication:

"It's no wonder the shelter here can't stop it. If it's placed in the City of Dawn, no matter how many monsters there are, we won't be able to let them attack us on a large scale."

"Don't be distracted, this is a battlefield, and these monsters are not afraid of death, and their strength can push us off the city wall. I think you don't want that to happen."

The voice of the captain came from the communication.

However, he saw a few marines from another team a little closer to the outside of the city wall, and more than a dozen Taotie rushed out from below, trying to push them down.

There are so many gluttons under the city wall, if it is pushed down, even with the protection of the CMC armor and the protection of the spiritual shield, it is basically hopeless.

But fortunately his teammates rescued him in time, otherwise,

Ten minutes after they came to support, the first victim was born.

After hearing the voice on the comm, the marines fell silent.

They didn't want to just bury their lives like this. They finally came here with the commander. It will take a long time in the future. They still want to fight with the commander. How could they bury their lives here.

After that, they didn't talk any more nonsense, and concentrated on cleaning up the Taotie in front of them.

In the communication, apart from some cries for help, only the continuous gunshots and the screams of Taotie before he died.

The battle continued, and they showed no sign of retreating, as if they were determined not to give up until they took down the shelter.

And the marines were the troops who dared to fight the Zerg, so they had no intention of shrinking back.

The two sides fought back and forth for control of the city wall.

After going on like this for nearly an hour, the city wall was covered with corpses of gluttons.

At the same time, the original blue armor of the marines was abruptly changed by the blood of these gluttons.

Green blood stained their armor, dripping drop by drop on the ground of the city wall.

During this more than an hour, more than 2,000 marines were on the four walls of the city, killing countless gluttons.

At the same time, the marines were also attacked by them and fell under the city wall and lost some, but nothing serious.

Since Lin Yubai loaded their armor with spiritual shields, the casualties were still within an acceptable range.

As for the casualties of the soldiers in the original 069 Shelter, it is impossible to count them. After all, they have no armor, only some bulletproof vests, and they are completely unable to resist the sharp claws of Taotie.

Shi Weidong's heart was bleeding when he saw the casualties on his side. They were all soldiers he had worked so hard to train.

At this moment, the sky darkened again, and the transport plane descended again.

Lin Yubai's second batch of support troops arrived.

At the same time, there are ten squadrons of Viking fighters and Wraith fighters, carrying a large number of air-to-surface missiles!

As soon as they arrived, they surrounded the 069 shelter and began to bombard the troops of the glutinous rice ball.

A large number of missiles are projected down, directly causing a large number of faults in their attack.

A single air-to-surface missile may not be as powerful as a cruise missile, but it cannot withstand the large number of these fighters.

Each fired one can deal them a lot of damage.

The gluttons who were attacked instinctively wanted to jump up and fight back, but they were just crawling creatures on the ground, and they had no choice but to bite the bullet and beat the air units flying hundreds of meters above.

The missile bombing of the fighter planes made them attack faults, which also made the marines less stressed than before.

Those who climbed the city wall can be killed faster.

In addition to nearly 2,000 marines, the second batch of transport planes also brought them five teams of siege tanks, four teams of medical soldiers, and ten teams of scvs.

The transport plane slowly lowered the height according to the predetermined position. Fortunately, the walls of their 069 shelter were wide enough, otherwise the siege tank would not know where to put it even if it was transported.

The first time the marines came down, they cooperated with the first batch of troops to clean up the surrounding area, and then greeted the arrival of the siege tanks.

After the siege tanks came down, they did not start the siege mode immediately, because there are still many places on the city walls that have not been cleaned up.

The steel tracks of the siege tank rolled forward, directly crushing those blocking the way into meatloaf.

After thoroughly cleaning up the remains on the city wall, the siege tanks slowly launched the siege mode across a distance.

Under the escort of the marines, the execution of the condemned bombing procedure began.

Under the bombardment of divine punishment, all living beings are equal!

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