Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 351 Welcome to the Age of Extreme Heat

Meng Ren took the phone from Liu Shishi, and it was clear that Tong Manyin had re-established a group on his own, and a group of people were currently chatting enthusiastically in the group.

Everyone was complaining, and it was obvious that Lu Wenjie's behavior made them very dissatisfied.

However, seeing that these people had no intention of including him in the group, Meng Ren was not surprised at all. After all, the two sides just had a conflict not long ago. Even if these people invited him, he would not pay attention to them.

But just as Meng Ren was thinking this, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he picked it up, it was Tong Manyin who pulled him into the chat group.


Meng Ren couldn't help but smile, and then refused without hesitation.

He had no interest in talking nonsense to these people, and judging from his understanding of these people, if he went in, Tong Manyin would definitely want to use him as a spear user.

He didn't think these people would really be so kind.

In the villa on the other side, Tong Manyin saw Meng Ren rejecting her without hesitation, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"What are Meng Ren doing? Why are you rejecting me? Doesn't he know what's going on?"

Thinking of this, Tong Manyin immediately called Meng Ren.

The call was connected a moment later, and Tong Manyin immediately asked: "Meng Ren, Liu Donglai over there disbanded the owner group, do you know about this?"

"I know, what's wrong?" Meng Ren said calmly.


Tong Manyin was surprised and wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

"The owner group has been disbanded. Do you know what this means?"

"Liu Donglai and the others are already planning to go back on their word. I'm afraid you don't know that they have no intention of helping us repair our solar panels."

"Now in the whole community, only Villa Zero has electricity. Don't forget that we people spent real money to buy the villa."

"We agreed at the beginning that we would always provide services to us, but now we have gone back on our word midway, which completely violates the spirit of the contract." Tong Manyin was very angry when he said these words.

Meng Ren on the other end of the phone was already laughing out loud: "So what? What does this have to do with me?"

"I still have spare solar panels here that I can use anyway, I don't care about these things."

These words made Tong Man feel so angry that he was so angry.

Meng Ren, this guy, is so poor that he doesn't understand the meaning of her words at all.

Tong Manyin wanted to say something else, but at this time, Meng Ren made it clear.

"Okay, stop pretending. I don't think you are looking for me to unite with me. I am not the same person as you."

"If you want to seek justice from Lu Wenjie, then you can go alone. I have no interest in what happens between you. I just want to live my own life."


When the last word was said, Meng Ren hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, the expression on Tong Manyin's face stiffened.

At this time, Zheng Wenbin sent a message.

"What's the situation over there with Meng Ren? Why hasn't he joined the group yet? Didn't I ask you to bring him in?" Zheng Wenbin said with deep doubts in his tone.

Tong Manyin's expression could be described as gritting her teeth instantly. Her expression was extremely ugly and she replied: "Meng Ren rejected me, and he saw through our thoughts."


This sentence shocked Zheng Wenbin: "How is it possible? We haven't done anything yet. How could Meng Ren see it so quickly?"

"If he doesn't join us, how can we fight against Lu Wenjie?"

Tong Manyin looked a little at a loss: "I...I don't know, we are no match for Lu Wenjie at all. What should we do next?"

The two looked at each other, and for a moment no one could give a specific solution.

They are now in an awkward situation, and their previous dreams have been completely shattered.

According to their thinking, even if the era of extreme heat comes, they only need to reserve a large amount of food and water in advance, and then stay safely in the villa to get through it easily.

After the Extreme Heat Era, they can live the comfortable life they once had.

Even in the era of extreme heat, there is sufficient food, safe protection, and the entire villa has complete air conditioning and power systems.

People like them will never taste the pain caused by the era of extreme heat.

You can still enjoy life every day when you stay in a comfortable air-conditioned villa.

But now reality has dealt them a severe blow.

Only then did they realize that the situation they had originally imagined did not exist at all.

Everything about them was just a fantasy made up by Lu Wenjie. Now that Lu Wenjie took the initiative to burst this bubble, they were completely exposed to reality.

Without the solar panels, there was no electricity in the villa, and they had endured many hot days, forced to stay in the basement during the day.

But even so, the sweltering temperature in the basement still made them suffer.

After finally waiting for the matter to end, I thought I could live the same life again, but who knew that Lu Wenjie was not willing to continue playing with them.

Without Lu Wenjie's support, they now have big problems with their basic lives.

The truly cruel aspect of the Age of Extreme Heat unfolded for them.

If Meng Ren could know what these people were thinking at this time, he would definitely say something to these people with a smile.

【Welcome to the Age of Extreme Heat! 】

Time passed quietly, and another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the portable space, I can see that both the farm and the pasture have undergone considerable changes.

During this period, Ou Mingxue and others were renovating the farm and ranch. After all, the original farm and ranch were built by Meng Ren alone, and they had many imperfections.

But after Ou Mingxue's transformation during this period, both the farm and the ranch have undergone tremendous changes.

The farm's guardrail has been completely constructed, and the entire farm is divided into different parts according to different crops. More than thirty different crops are planted here.

From the most basic cabbage, cucumbers, corn, potatoes, cauliflower, to rice, green peppers, etc., dozens of different crops are planted on the ground, most of which have sprouts.

Looking from a distance, the entire farm is green, full of life and poetic.

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