Allure Group. (audience)

A medium-sized group company,

It involves various industries, such as medical care, beauty, news, and automobile production. Qingcheng Group has relevant departments or branches to handle any industry that is popular in Jiangli.

The hidden Luo family, Jiang Lilin family, and the chairman of Qingcheng Group jointly hold the three major shares of Qingcheng Group.

After the Luo family was destroyed by Yang Sheng, the shares were divided among Jiang Li's forces.

The office building has 50 floors.

There are three more floors underground.

The second and third floors are parking lots for company employees and leaders.


Qin Zixuan, dressed in black professional O.L attire,

Getting out of the white Audi A6.

Clicking on high heels,

She looked a little anxious, and the time would not be late.

But Qin Zixuan wanted to rush over and go to the logistics department in advance to pack her things.

She plans to resign after finishing today's logistics work.


She pressed the elevator button,

As for why you should resign?

She thought about it for a long time, but she felt very comfortable when she made the decision.


Qin Zixuan has just started college, majoring in financial management.

When I got to graduate school, I studied double bachelor's degree, and my major was actually financial management.

Qin Zixuan had organized and participated in several major national entrepreneurial projects in school.

At that time, her mentor told her that with her ability, she could definitely be the CEO of any Fortune 500 company.


Regarding her isolated character, Qin Zixuan thought about it for a long time at that time, and finally became cruel and registered her second major as news media.

She knows that the news media has to face all kinds of people and all kinds of things every day.

Maybe you can really train yourself in the news media major.

Perhaps this can help her get out of her isolation and truly fall in love with life.

Unexpectedly, later because the degree certificate was cancelled,

No company wanted her;

She could only return to Qingcheng Group and become a reporter.


She found that she dared to face the camera,

The various things that happened and were interviewed every day made her gradually fall in love with this profession.

I thought that after that time, I would be promoted.

In the end, I never expected that after three years of hard work, I would end up working in the logistics department.


The elevator door has opened.

Behind Qin Zixuan, a group of Qingcheng Group employees had gathered.

Among them are many from her former news department,

The discussion behind gradually rose,


"Isn't the person standing in front Qin Zixuan from your news department?"

"Yes, she stole the show before, but who knew she violated the company's regulations by committing suicide."

"So she was assigned to the company's logistics department. What is this called? This is called retribution. She usually has a stinky face all day long!!"

"Okay, I'm usually pretty nice, why are you saying bad things behind me like this?"

"What's wrong, Lao Liu, do you think that slutty fox is pretty, and why would you even refute my words for such a little guy from the logistics department?"

"no no."

Qin Zixuan didn't even have to look back,

He knew that the person behind him must be the one being discussed.

There was no change on her face,

Today's scene has happened many times.

Qin Zixuan has been used to it for a long time and can no longer get used to it.

But it doesn't matter, she doesn't have to come again tomorrow.


She knew that Yang Sheng's ability was very powerful, so powerful that it was difficult for her to understand.

Qin Zixuan's strong self-esteem would never allow it. She was just a vase, and she never wanted to be looked down upon by Yang Sheng.

Maybe, he doesn't care, but Qin Zixuan does.

She wanted to prove it to Yang Sheng with her own efforts.

Today is the last day of the month,

Finish today's work and get paid.

She can leave here.


The elevator door is fully open.

Qin Zixuan stepped on her high heels, wanting to walk in quickly and escape from this right and wrong zone.

However, in order to grab a good position, the few women at the back

Rushed in quickly.

Qin Zixuan was pushed directly to the corner of the elevator,

I almost stumbled and hit the wall of the elevator.

Qin Zixuan frowned.

There was a slight anger on his face, and he turned around and was about to speak.

The woman who rushed over complained first.

Liu Mei pinched her waist and said viciously,

"Tell me, you are walking so slowly in front. We are all in a hurry to get to work. How can we tolerate you like this?"

Liu Mei was in the same news department as Qin Zixuan.

Because of that show, the company finally chose Qin Zixuan, who was beautiful and pure, but not Liu Mei.

Liu Mei has always been worried about Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan pressed her breasts,

Let your anger calm down,

She knew that there was no point in arguing with such an unqualified person.

"Come, come, comrades."

"Tell me the floor you need to go to!"

"16th floor!!"

"Floor 12, 15!"

"I'm also on the 12th floor."

Liu Mei acted as a good person and pressed the buttons one by one.

Qin Zixuan just wanted to speak.

Liu Mei turned around, deliberately smiled at Qin Zixuan and said,

"Qin Zixuan, which floor are you on?"

"Oh, I seem to remember, it's the fifth floor, right?"

"I still know this floor. I pressed the elevator button for a cleaning lady before."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

There was a burst of uncontrollable laughter all around,

Qin Zixuan's expression was cold,

Liu Mei said this for a simple purpose. Cleaning is a branch of logistics.

By saying this, she obviously classified Qin Zixuan into the same profession as the cleaning lady.

There were many people around who were laughing and watching the show.

Qin Zixuan took several deep breaths,

In the end, no words were spoken,

She knew she had nothing to argue with,

I was indeed assigned to the logistics work.

There was nothing to argue about. Arguing would only make her look completely different and become even more embarrassed.

Qin Zixuan could only selectively not listen.

No one spoke for her.

She turned around,

Half of the elevator's walls are made of transparent glass.

As you ascend, you can see all the beautiful scenery around you.

This is also the reason why those people crowded over directly.

All Qingcheng International’s elevators are semi-transparent,”


"What did I see? That wonderful figure, is it the president!?"

"What!!? President? Really, let me see!!"

A group of employees crowded over.

Qin Zixuan's living space is becoming more and more crowded.

Central to the entire company,

An exclusive huge VIP elevator was set up.

The space is very large, twice as big as their staff elevator. This is the exclusive elevator for the president of Qingcheng Group.

On the elevator that looks like a beam of light,

At this moment, there stood a beautiful woman dressed in white, leaning on the armrest.

The long light and shadow shone on her body, as if she was covered with a layer of holy light!

There is no doubt that this is the current beautiful president of Qingcheng Group, Qin Zixue (I think this is a bit confusing, so I changed the word.)

At only 27 years old, he stepped from the company's vice president to the top of Qingcheng Group step by step.

The youngest and richest female CEO in Jiangli City, she ranks third in Longxinyu Forbes' list of young women (under 35 years old).

Throughout Jiangli City, countless chaebols and family lords coveted women.

"Oh my God, she is really our beautiful president!"

Qin Zixuan's face turned pale.

His breathing stopped for a moment.

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