Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 537 Breakthrough into the Demigod Realm


Ye Feng ignited the source of his life without hesitation, and his essence, energy, and spirit had climbed to the highest peak, pouring into the inner world.


At this moment, there seemed to be a loud explosion in the inner world, and a weak but powerful wave swept across the entire inner world.

The reason why it is said to be weak is because the amplitude of this fluctuation is really not large, just like a tiny wave.

However, its level is extremely high, so high that even Ye Feng's body at this time would tremble instinctively.

As the fluctuation disappeared, a weak flame flickered in and out of sight in the center of Ye Feng's inner world.

This is the divine fire that Ye Feng used all his energy and energy to ignite after burning his own life source.

The divine fire that appears at first is very weak, and even if you don't care about it, it will go out in a few seconds.

However, Ye Feng had already understood all the promotion processes. The moment the divine fire appeared, it was enveloped by a huge power of faith.

The power of faith was like injecting energy into this ball of divine fire. The originally weak flame quickly expanded.

And as the fire intensity decreased, the divine fire continued to spread in all directions. In just a few breaths, nearly 1 kilometer of the inner world was ignited by the divine fire.

As the divine fire becomes larger and larger, it naturally consumes more and more power of faith, but at the same time, the speed at which it spreads to the surrounding areas becomes faster and faster.

All areas covered by the divine fire seemed to be burning.

These ignited objects, whether they are animals or plants, or mountains, earth, or rivers, have not disappeared.

On the contrary, they seemed to be sublimating. The divine fire did not destroy them, but gave them new life.

All transformed objects are constantly sublimating, as if they are turning virtual reality into reality.

In this extremely sublimated stage, Ye Feng's aura also began to rise, rising steadily.

The reason why the demigods are powerful is because the inner world and the earth are ignited by divine fire and are in a state of sublimation.

If it is a normal breakthrough, you only need to wait for these transformed objects to sublimate and turn virtual into reality.

Then his inner world can be transformed into the divine realm.

This is the first and most important step.

With the divine realm as the foundation, the divine fire can continue to condense, and finally condense into the divine personality, and then it can break through and become a true god.

Of course, in this process, you have to go through the baptism of thunder and calamity.

If you succeed, you will be able to escape from your mortal body and have a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years, truly free from the world. If you fail, you will naturally disappear into ashes.

However, what Ye Feng wants now is not a breakthrough, but to stay in this state.

So he's suspending the process.

As for how to do it, it is naturally a secret method.

At first, Ye Feng planned to use the top secret method in heaven, because it could greatly reduce consumption.

It can be reduced to one-tenth of normal conditions at most.

This is a value that is very close to the limit.

However, after Ye Feng, the human being, joined the Tianyuan Divine Court and became the direct disciple of the Sixth Elder, the situation was different.

With his authority, he could naturally access a lot of information, which greatly expanded his horizons and saw more secret methods for igniting the divine fire.

Although the limit of these secret techniques is only to reduce one's consumption to 10% of the original amount.

But the difference is that at critical moments, it can temporarily increase the burning intensity of the fire of life, allowing itself to break out into a more powerful battle.

"The Secret Technique of Tianyuan Divine Fire!"

Ye Feng muttered something silently in his heart, and immediately used the top secret technique in Tianyuan Divine Court that only the true disciples of the elders could learn.

In an instant, Ye Feng used his mental power as a guide to set up an extremely complex formation in his inner world.

As each formation was continuously drawn out, the divine fire that had permeated the entire inner world seemed to be restricted by an invisible force, and the fire gradually fell down.

In the blink of an eye, the intensity of the divine fire was only one-tenth of its original intensity, and under the operation of the formation, it seemed to be fixed in this state.

Of course, if Ye Feng wants, these divine fires can burn violently again at any time, bursting out with terrifying power.

"It's done!" Although he had simulated it many times in his mind, Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the real success.

When he opened his eyes again, the four powerful true gods approaching at extremely fast speeds had only walked half the distance.

Breaking through the demigods is actually extremely fast, because there is no qualitative difference in physical fitness between a tenth-level powerhouse and a demigod.

The only difference is whether the divine fire is lit or not.

A person like Ye Feng, who is full of knowledge, can complete it in just one or two breaths.

At this time, feeling the incomparable surging power in his body, Ye Feng looked into the distance with a hint of desire.

This is also the first time that he has faced a powerful true god, and he also wants to know how far his fighting power can be now.

However, before the battle, Ye Feng closed his eyes and sensed his own changes.

In the demigod realm, due to the state of igniting the divine fire, the power of the rules has degraded to a certain extent.

Although it is still not as powerful as the true God, it is no longer without resistance.

Of course, after igniting the divine fire, the biggest improvement is that you will have some true god-level abilities.

As for what kind of ability it is, it varies from person to person.

At this time, Ye Feng was feeling the changes in his abilities.


In just a moment, Ye Feng felt that what he had enhanced was his defense.

Ye Feng was actually mentally prepared for such a change. After all, the true god-level abilities he acquired were generally what he was best at.

"Even with the trunk and branches of my tree, my defense is probably barely reaching the threshold of the true god level."

"As for the tree roots that I have been strengthening, they have reached the middle stage of True God. It is a pity that my Ten Thousand Wood Divine Body has not been able to reach perfection. Otherwise, it is not impossible to reach the late stage of True God." Ye Feng felt a little regretful.

Although it is only a small realm, a small realm of true god level is insurmountable under normal circumstances.

After sensing his own condition, Ye Feng withdrew his thoughts, looked at the four true god-level experts who were about to arrive, and took out a black and white metal ball from the tree trunk without haste.

There are dense formations on the surface of this metal ball, which represent the black and white qi of yin and yang. They are constantly flowing along these formations, making this metal ball appear to be unstable.

Facing the four powerful true gods, Ye Feng naturally cannot be careless.

Before the fight, he revealed one of his trump cards.

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