Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 52: Natural Department · Glittering Fruit, what nonsense are you talking about!

Ordinary group owner: "You, you, hum! I won't tell you."

Ordinary group owner: "@East Unbeaten, Sister Dongfang, what did you draw?"

East Invincible: "Picture.jpg"

[Item: Natural Devil Fruit · Sparkling Fruit)]

[Devil fruit from the world of pirates, the eater can turn the body into light and be immune to physical attacks]

[Eaters are afraid of sea water and sea towers in the pirate world, and the effect of sea water in other worlds is halved]

Dongfang Invincible: "I think the European Emperor in the group needs to be added."

She has also seen a lot of memory copies of other worlds these days. Among these worlds, One Piece watched the most, followed by Pokémon.

Although the plots of other worlds are more complete, she just likes to watch unfinished memory copies.

Because that represents an unknown possibility.

She naturally knows the ability of the glittering fruit, the ability of Kiaburu Porusalino, one of the three naval admirals.

Perhaps the power is not the strongest among all Devil Fruits, but the speed must be the fastest among Devil Fruits.

Although her sunflower collection is known for its speed, compared to light, it is absolutely different!

If Glitter Fruit's ability can be developed well, then her strength will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, and she will no longer be at the bottom even in the chat group.

Ordinary group owner: "Shine...shine fruit?!"

Let's be my son: "Kola la la, is that kid Kizaru's ability really good?"

Uchiha Dance King: "It has a speed comparable to light. Although it has not been shown in the memory copy, it definitely has such potential."

Uchiha Dance King: "Good luck."

Even Madara Uchiha is somewhat envious of Dongfang's undefeated luck.

Of course, he has seen the memory copy of Pirate World, and he also has some understanding of the powerhouses in it.

Although the strength of the three generals cannot match his future when he merged with the ten tails to achieve the six paths, it is not much worse than the peaks of him and Hashima.

Worst Elf: "It's really enviable luck."

Kurumi also shook his head and couldn't help but sigh.

The lottery function of the chat group does have the temptation to quickly become stronger, whether it is the Uchiha Obito template drawn by Bai Xuan or the shining fruit of the undefeated Touhou.

If she can draw something similar, she might be able to increase her chances of defeating the original elf.

Boil Dagu into soup: "The gap between people is really bigger than people and dogs!"

Boil Dagu into soup: "I'm really envious of this luck!"

Why can't he draw a Devil Fruit!

Eudemons species do not have a natural type!

The natural type doesn't have to be a superhuman type!

Superman doesn't have any... it's okay to write a wheel eye!

Why can't I draw anything!

Golden Flash: "Although it has flaws, it is not unacceptable to be afraid of the flaws of sea water compared to strength."

Ordinary group owner: "I'm dead, brothers!"

Ordinary group owner: "Blinking fruit is my favorite!"

Ordinary group owner: "My favorite in One Piece is Kizaru. It's my dream to catch fish at get off work and get off work on time!"

Ordinary group owner: "And the Glitter Fruit is so strong!"

That is light! Not only the speed, but also the power is terrifying!


Bai Xuan also didn't expect Dongfang Bai to actually get a glittering fruit.

In his eyes, the Glitter Fruit is no weaker than any other Devil Fruit, even the Eudemons Devil Fruit.

Ultimate speed and power.

Although many people think that the speed of the Thunder Fruit is comparable to that of the Glitter Fruit, the speed of light is definitely far beyond the speed of Thunder.

Perhaps in the pirate world, the speed of the two will be similar, but in reality it is absolutely impossible.

If Dongfang Bai can really develop the glittering fruit at a speed like light, even the weakest power will be extremely terrifying.

And the glittering fruit also reminded Bai Xuan that light is also a part of nature!

The power possessed by his [Natural Authority] should include light.


You say that the light comes from the sun's rays?

The one who reaches the earth is mine!

You have the ability to keep the sun from shining!

If you think about it this way, darkness is also a part of nature!

In the following time, Bai Xuan tried to use the power of light and darkness, and as he expected, he succeeded.

It seems that [Natural Authority] is as domineering as he imagined.

This is a small episode in Bai Xuan's life, which means that [Natural Authority] still has many unknown surprises that have not yet been developed.

He is not eager to develop it either.

Now the abilities he has mastered are rich enough and powerful.

The days went by like this, until the meat of the mutant beasts accumulated in the white Xuan space ring was exhausted.

This is very uncomfortable.

I'm used to dishes made from the meat of mutant beasts, so I don't want to eat other things so much.

Then go to the nature reserve again?

"You're too embarrassed to say, those who know say you're going to investigate, those who don't know think you're going to exterminate the clan."

"Now the mutant beasts in the nature reserve run away when they see humans."

"Do you know how much shadow you have caused in their young minds!"

Huo Yu shouted loudly at Bai Xuan on the other end of the phone.

"They reproduce very and the cubs are very adaptable because of the aura."

"And I only killed mutant creatures, those who didn't mutate lived well."

"They are the creatures that should be protected in nature reserves."

Bai Xuan said strangely.

"That said, but do we also want to eat meat?"

"A complete breeding chain of mutant beasts has not been created yet, and the number is too small."

"Although there are many mountains in Hangcheng, they are too far away from each other, so... why don't you change your location?"

Huo Yu said more and more quietly, but it was impossible to say nothing.

The meat of those mutant creatures is indeed delicious, a little too much, and the effect is also very nourishing.

It is naturally impossible for the country to let go of such strategic resources.


"So, as long as I don't hunt mutant beasts in the nature reserve, that's fine?"

Bai Xuan said with a sigh.

"Actually, nature reserves are also fine, but you try to hunt and kill those fierce beasts that are more powerful and powerful."

Huo Yu thought about it and said.

"Is it because their talent is higher, if their growth poses a threat to humans, the damage is far more terrifying than other mutant creatures?"

"A little bit, mainly because they run fast, have high defense, and do great damage. It takes far more time and manpower to hunt and kill than those low-level mutant creatures."

"Too troublesome."

"And their strength has become stronger, but their bodies have not grown much. Some of the meat is tough and unpalatable. It takes a long time to cook to become delicious."

The scene fell silent, Bai Xuan took a deep breath, and hung up the phone.

Next time, please don't tell such a big truth!

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