Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning

Chapter 10: The fantasy of supernatural power, the temptation of slippery fruit and sweet fruit

But it was precisely because he couldn't find it that he believed more and more that there were mysteries in this world, and that these mysterious organizations existed, but they couldn't appear in front of the people because of their own reasons.

However, as he read more and more novels and learned more and more knowledge in reality, his fantasies about these became less and less, and finally he could completely distinguish between reality and fantasy.

But now it's different, the spiritual energy is revived, and they have even awakened their supernatural abilities.

Regardless of whether the rejuvenation of spiritual energy will affect plants and beasts, there will definitely be some people who have other thoughts after human beings awaken their abilities. Even to manage them, the country will establish relevant organizations.

I just don't know if this organization will be open to the public, and those who meet the standards can join it.


The old class didn't know what to say for a while, do you have such a big brain hole?

The supernatural power that was awakened yesterday, and today you are thinking of competing for the supremacy of the earth? Are you thinking of the end of the world tomorrow?

But don't say it, what this guy said is quite reasonable.

But... Lao Ban's face darkened.

"Do you think your class teacher is qualified to know about this kind of thing?"

How can I, a little head teacher, speculate about the idea of ​​the country; besides, if I speculate wrongly, I will lose face?

"You'll know about this later."

After the head teacher perfunctory Zhang Weiyang, he looked at the students in front of him solemnly.

"Classmates, I know that the awakening of supernatural powers has a great impact on everyone."

"Perhaps this symbolizes a new era and a new opportunity. In the future, China and the world will undergo drastic changes because of our ability to awaken."

"Although I am a teacher, I am not qualified to ask you what you must do."

"I just want everyone to remember, don't rely on your own ability to do things that violate the law and taboos. If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are successful, you will help the world."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility; even if you don't want to take the responsibility brought by your ability, I hope you don't take the initiative to destroy this hard-won peace."

"Of course, our current abilities are still very weak, and it is only an exaggeration to say that it affects the world. What we can do is to cooperate with the country's actions and complete the filing of our own abilities."

"I also hope that all the students can take the initiative to cooperate and not cause trouble to the country."

In different times, the way of education is also different.

Novels, anime, and movies have a great influence on a person's thinking.

It can not only magnify the good side of a person, but also stimulate the evil side of a person; after all, being a good person is difficult, but being a bad person is easy.

He would not ask his students to be good people, but he also hoped that his students would not become evil people.

They have awakened their abilities at this age, and they are all pretentious, and if they are not careful, they will cause irreversible consequences.

As their teacher, he didn't want this to happen to his students.

And the students can understand what the old class said, so they all said seriously:

"Don't worry, old class, we will definitely cooperate."

"Yes, yes, although we are talking about a new era or something, we also know how precious peace is."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Maybe I can't do selfless dedication, but I can still do what I can."

"It's just a registration, it's not a hassle."

"Yes, yes, I used to envy those who had the ability to register at the police station."


As long as it doesn't involve being experimentally researched, the students are still very cooperative.

And they also understand how precious peace is. Just look at those war-torn countries to know how terrible war is.

They don't want their country to be like that.

And the head teacher nodded in relief when he heard the students' words.

"Okay, now please stand up for those who have awakened their abilities."

"Follow me to the playground for registration."

"Don't worry if you haven't awakened powers. Everyone's physique is different, and the speed of power awakening is also different. And no matter how the world changes, reading is our first task as students."

"You wait in the class for a while. The math teacher will come to teach you after registration."

After hearing the head teacher's words, the eyes of those who didn't have the awakening ability instantly lit up. They thought they didn't have the aptitude for the awakening ability, but they didn't expect it was just because of their constitution.

so far so good.

As for the "study is the first task of students" behind the head teacher, it has been omitted by those who only have supernatural abilities in their minds.

"It turned out to be because of my constitution. It scared me to death. I thought I was a supporting role."

"It's the supporting roles who are awakened by supernatural abilities. Haven't you seen such a large proportion? Those like us who haven't awakened yet, that's the trick."

"Nonsense, the first round of awakenings like this are all tricks, and the protagonists are the last ones to appear, okay? Haven't you heard of Wastewood?"

"That's true."

After knowing that they could wake up, their originally lost and even hopeless mood instantly calmed down; smiles appeared on their faces again.

He can even use the theory of protagonist and supporting roles to comfort himself who has not awakened for the time being.

"That being said, UU reading but I still envy them for awakening."

"Yeah, at least they already have their abilities, and we imagined them."

"Hey hey, I hope my abilities are stronger, I don't ask much, just come to a space department, and time is fine."

"Space? Time? I see you're thinking about farting."

"I'm not as greedy as you are. Just have an ability like Luffy's rubber fruit. It can be long or short, thick or thin."

"Hey, that's disgusting."

Everyone was away from him in an instant. He even drove at a young age. Do you have a driver's license?

"What's the point of rubber? Invisibility is king. Do you understand? A sunny boy like me should have such abilities."

"Hey, stinky shameless!"

"I want abilities like Slippery Fruit or Sweet Fruit."

"But aren't you a man?"

"What happened to the man? It's about gender, it's about appearance!"

This person said righteously, and many people around him nodded thoughtfully.

Makes sense.

Now the appearance is the most important, and the ability of smooth and sweet fruits is also very strong.

Hiss~~~, it doesn't seem to be impossible.

Bai Xuan and the others couldn't help rolling their eyes when they heard what they said. They really thought about it.


At this time, there were already a lot of people in the playground, not only Bai Xuan's class, but also many other classes; at the forefront, many teachers were able to demonstrate their abilities and register.

One teacher actually grew a furry fox tail, which made them take a second look.

Well, it's really just two eyes.

I promise!

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