Manda stole Athena's first-level skill from Cerdan just to give the Lord of Divine Punishment a response. He wanted the Lord of Divine Punishment to know that everything he did was recorded.

This image plays a very important role. Manda can give it to Gaia as evidence of the Lord of Divine Punishment trampling on the mortal world. He can also show this image to civilians to let them see the viciousness of the Lord of Divine Punishment. and brutality.

Madesa saw Manda's purpose, so he advised the Lord of Divine Punishment to stop as soon as possible.

But the Lord of Divine Punishment didn't care: "It's not a bad thing for mortals to see my anger, and the same goes for Gaia. She may have forgotten my angry look."

At dawn, the Lord of Divine Punishment left the sky above Qixing Mountain. It was not until noon that Manda dared to walk out of the cave.

The ground was covered with red mud, carrying a pungent smell in the cold winter wind.

More than 20,000 people died in this disaster. This is only a rough estimate because there was no way to count the bodies.

There were no corpses at all. Stone rain, Liu Yan, Holy Light... only fly ashes and meat paste were left in Qixing City.

There is no Seven Star City anymore. All the buildings have turned into rubble and sawdust. Temples, houses, schools, theaters, arenas, treasuries, granaries and the city walls that the poets carefully built inch by inch have all turned into ruins.

On the first day of the new year, there were cries all over Qixing Mountain.

Manda prayed to Hermes frantically until dusk when she finally received an answer.

Hermes appeared on the altar. Manda did not speak and directly presented the scene of last night in front of Hermes.

According to Manda's speculation, Hermes would not show anger easily, but he would discuss revenge strategies with Manda in a joking way.

But unexpectedly, Hermes watched everything with a blank expression, as if he had no interest in the disaster that happened in Qixing Mountain.

"Why did you put yourself in danger even though you knew that Qixing Mountain would encounter disaster?" Hermes looked at Manda calmly.

Manda didn't know how to answer.

Should I just ignore all this?

"You are about to become a god. Don't be too attached to everything in the mortal world. Try to stay in the royal capital as much as possible. There are so many people there that the Lord of Divine Punishment will have some scruples."

Manda looked at Hermes with a blank expression. Hermes raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm talking to you, did you hear it?"

"I heard it," Manda nodded, "I'll go back to the capital right away."

Hermes left the altar and sat in the temple without saying a word.

He needed to correct an erroneous idea. He had always thought that the "good sweet bottom" that the Qingas people believed in was the Lord of Divine Punishment. But now seeing the attitude of the Lord of Divine Punishment towards Madesa, he realized that he had appeared. Serious error in judgment.

The clone of Hermes stole a total of thirteen stone slabs. If these thirteen pieces fell into the hands of the Lord of Divine Punishment, there would be no need for the Lord of Divine Punishment to risk attacking Mount Olympia for a Madesa. It was a failed experiment. The product is not worth the high price He paid.

But what if God Haotian and the Lord of Divine Punishment are not the same person?

Athena provided evidence for Hermes: "During the days when you were missing, the Lord of Divine Punishment once sent Madesa to sneak attack Manda, but was rescued by a person who looked very much like you. I thought That was you, but now it seems that it should be your clone."

Julian, the powerful clone, mentioned this matter to Hermes. Hermes thought it was just a farce directed and staged by the Lord of Divine Punishment, but now it seems that there may be something hidden in it.

The Lord of Divine Punishment wants to kill Manda, but God Haotian only wants to capture Manda. He also wants Manda to live. If Manda is in danger, he will come to rescue him.

What is the relationship between God Haotian and Manda?

The one who controls the real clone to pretend to be himself is God Haotian, and the one who uses the false clone to control himself is also God Haotian. Those thirteen stone tablets are all in the hands of God Haotian. If he and the Lord of Divine Punishment are not the same person, then the Lord of Divine Punishment And what made Seraph Madesa?

Is there anyone else stealing slates from the cliff?

Hermes bit his finger and suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly: "It's so lonely. When you encounter trouble, there is no one to discuss matters with."

He called Hema and ordered: "Add another team of guards, step up vigilance on the cliff, and continue to search for traces and stolen stone slabs that we may not have discovered."

Hema shook his head and said: "Father, I am sure..."

"There is no assurance, just do as I command!"

Herma did not dare to say anything. Hermes calmed down a little and asked him to call Sangela over.

"Go and carve a story for Manda. He fought with the Lord of Divine Punishment at Seven Star Mountain."

Sanjila said in surprise: "He and the Lord of Divine Punishment..."

"Don't worry, your man is still alive. He is very lucky." Hermes smiled. "There is no need to describe the details of the battle. Although it is not a real fight, he at least responded. This story can almost Let his temple be raised to the fifth level.”

Manda did not return to the royal capital. He first distributed the stored grain to the people who had escaped the disaster, then collected a batch of good wine from the surrounding villages, and led all the people to eat and drink to their heart's content.

You can live in tents if your house is gone, but you have to survive the New Year.

Three days later, Manda sent Kunta to the royal capital and asked him to continue conducting the sacrifices. He also repeatedly told Kunta to make the sacrifices as luxurious as possible and to show absolute piety to the Lord of the Gods.

He stayed in Qixing Mountain and began to rebuild his home.

Start by clearing the ruins, digging with your hands and shoulders, clearing the gravel and wood into the wilderness to the south.

There are many rewards in the cleaning process, and I pick up a lot of nails every day.

"Look at these nails, they are enough to build a wooden house!" Manda hugged the poet and laughed loudly. Looking at Manda's smile, the poet stopped crying.

Moira stood in the distance and whispered: "If you can laugh at any time, this is my man, the man I love most!"

Everyone around was laughing along with Manda, but Guatel laughed the most happily. He found a girl in the ruins. The girl was alive and beautiful, and she promised to marry him in public.

But Horna couldn't laugh. She vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Roma also noticed the abnormality and gestured to Moira in sign language: "When you play mahjong, what will you do if you lose?"

Moira said in surprise: "What else can I do? Just find a piece of cloth to cover it. Anyway, you have all seen it, and I am not afraid of embarrassment."

Roma: "What will Manda do if she loses?"

Moira shook her head: "Has Manda ever lost?"

"I lost, and I lost miserably," Holna sighed. "I was very lucky that night. Manda lost all his money. He kept laughing, just like now, but he is not a loser." people."

Medusa gritted her teeth and said, "I want to ask my grandmother for help, and I can't just let it go!"

That night, Manda had a dream in the tent. He dreamed that he had returned to Gaia's territory and the cave, and Arant was dancing a simple dance at the entrance of the cave.

He sat by the spring in a daze, holding a pitcher and filling it with water. He watched the water fill up, but did not lift the pitcher.

Arant walked to Manda and asked with a smile: "Are you sad?"

"Yes, I have no home."

"where is your home?"

"In Qixingshan, a beautiful city, I have worked hard for many years, but now there is nothing left."

Arant sat next to Manda: "You are about to become a god. Olympia is your home."

"I'm not very familiar with that place. I prefer Qixing Mountain."

"But you will have to leave the mortal world one day, and now is the time."

Arant took out a handful of mud from under the spring and put it in Manda's hand: "This belongs to you."

"This is the soil of the first sequence?" Manda looked at Arant in shock.

Alan nodded: "I give you the power to leave the mortal world. Congratulations, you have become a god."

"Becoming a god?" Manda looked confused.

"Everything in the world will have nothing to do with you. Go to Mount Olympia, obtain your name and authority of the true God, and enjoy your days of immortality."

As Arant was about to leave, Manda grabbed her lapel: "I can't leave. I want to protect my home. My home is destroyed. Have you seen it? If you haven't seen it, I will show it to you now." look!"

Arant sighed and said: "I saw it, but what can I do? That night I stared at Mount Olympia, but I didn't look at your home. By the time I knew it was all over,

If I had been there, I would have done everything in my power to stop him, but what else could I do now? Go to heaven to seek revenge on him? I don't have that strength, nor that courage, and you've seen my fear of him! "

"So my home was destroyed and that doesn't matter to you?"

"It's important! But that's all I can do."

Manda took a deep breath and returned the mud to Gaia: "I don't want it anymore. Thank you for your kindness."

Gaia grabbed Manda's hand and asked him to hold the mud tightly: "Silly boy, when you calm down, you will know what you really want. I will not tell other gods about this matter, and I will not restrict you for the time being. actions, but will still retain your demigod weaknesses,

When you really want to leave the mortal world, I will inform Mount Olympia of the news. At that time, you must remember what you said, be kind to the world, be kind to all living beings, and be kind to your home. "

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