Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 234 Manda’s good show

Before dawn, Stanley led fifty soldiers and ambush on the east slope of Wuyou Mountain.

There is a path below this hillside, and on the other side of the path is a cliff. This terrain is the best place to set up an ambush.

The scouts sent a signal and the "Knights of the Holy Flower" set off. Stanley ordered the entire army to prepare for war. Everyone, including himself, put on masks.

In this battle, Manda gave them two orders. The first order was that they must win, but they did not have to annihilate all the enemies. The second order is that some people can reveal their identities, but they can never take off their masks.

The first order is very simple. Needless to say, we must win. The reason why there is no need to annihilate all the enemies is because Manda intentionally left some people to go back and deliver the message. He left a very exciting drama to the enemy. If no one delivers the message, the drama will It's all in vain.

The second order was really helpless. Manda wanted to hide everyone's identity, but he couldn't hide everyone's skills. Stanley and Siegsey were both core figures in this battle. Their names were too famous. As long as they passed Skills, it is easy to guess their identities.

But Manda still insisted that they wear masks. As long as their faces were not recognized, their identities would be doubtful. Although this was not an era of evidence, it would at least cause confusion in the judgment of the God Punisher.

The flag of the Knights could be vaguely seen in the morning mist. Encia ordered the archers to string their arrows, and Zigese was also ready. It is a blessing for a general to have the god of war by his side. Under any circumstances, eh West Asia can command calmly, which saves Stanley from wasting energy on some details.

The knights came to the bottom of the mountain, and Stanley gave the order to attack. Siegesel immediately launched the mire skill, and the knights, composed of nineteen knights and more than forty followers, immediately fell into the mud.

According to the normal course of the war, these knights will be slaughtered by archers.

But after the first round of feather arrows, Stanley realized the complexity of this battle. He had only heard of the name "Knights of the Holy Flower" before, but had never fought against them. This time, he truly understood the lesson. The opponent's strength.

Under the rain of arrows, the nineteen knights were quickly shot into hedgehogs, but they were not injured because they were wearing fine armor. Under the armor was a thick cotton coat, and there was a piece of mail under the cotton coat.

Such equipment is not something that ordinary knights can possess. Unlike the rumors from the outside world, the "Knights of the Holy Flower" are not simply devout believers selected from the noble children by God's Punisher. They are a professional army with first-class equipment. This luxurious armor allows them to ignore the archers, but what is more terrifying than this armor is their combat prowess.

When encountering an ambush, the nineteen knights and their entourage did not show any panic. They protected their horses with shields. After determining the location of the ambush, they quickly counterattacked.

Their counterattack was not directed at the archers, but at Siegset who was maintaining his quagmire skills. Siegeset was about to use the rock throwing technique to attack the enemy when he suddenly saw his body trembling, then violently twitching. After a period of heavy breathing, Siegeset lay limply on the ground.

He seemed to have been sucked dry by someone. Stanley leaned over and looked again, and the swamp on the mountain road disappeared.

Is it a resolution technique?

Judging from Siegsel's reaction, it shouldn't be as simple as a defuse technique. The other party should have followers of Aphrodite.

The third-level skill of the God of Beauty can target the source of the opponent's skill and absorb the opponent's divine power. In this way, Siegsel was hollowed out.

This once again refreshed Stanley's understanding of the "Holy Flower Legion". He had always thought that the members of the "Holy Flower Knights" were divine punishment warriors, but he did not expect that there were believers of the ancient gods among the Legion.

After breaking free from the quagmire, the "Holy Flower Knights" did not want to fight and chose to retreat immediately. They knew full well that there was no possibility of victory in such terrain.

Stanley ordered the soldiers to throw stones down the mountain, eventually killing a war horse and injuring two followers. Even the injured followers were rescued by the knights. The only gain from this ambush was the killing of a war horse.

"Take Siegsel with you and go to the next ambush location!"

Fortunately, Stanley took extra precautions. Manu immediately opened a passage on the hillside, and everyone followed Stanley to a forest.

"You're careless!" Stanley prepared for an ambush in the woods. The forest can restrict the movement of the cavalry. The main purpose of setting up an ambush is to deal with fish that slip through the net.

But the opponent had no casualties at all, and it was not a wise choice to engage in close combat with the well-equipped knights.

You should have made more preparations on the hillside just now. If you use rolling logs and boulders to attack the enemy, you will at least cause a certain amount of damage and the situation will not be so passive.

This forest is the only way to cross the Wuyou Mountain. Not long after, the knights appeared.

Stanley whispered to Encia: "Find ways to lead the enemy to Guatel."

Guatel had laid traps in the forest in advance, which was the biggest advantage in the battle. Encia quickly conveyed the tactics. When the knights entered the attack range, Verloc opened his longbow and took the lead in shooting an arrow.

I thought that arrows were ineffective against armor, but the hunting goddess's power was extraordinary. The arrow accurately penetrated the mask of a knight, and the knight fell off his horse.

The knights immediately stopped. The knights in the first row raised their shields, and the knights in the second row began to fight back.

First came the holy light of the God's Punishment Warrior. Several beams of holy light hit a big tree at the same time. The big tree was cut off by Lazy Yao, and Moira, who was hiding in the tree, jumped down in advance.

She used her best tactic, deliberately letting the holy light burn her fingers. With her flexible skills, Moira immediately climbed to another tree, condescendingly, and launched a counterattack with the holy light.

This blow had an unexpected effect, but it did not come from the power of the skill itself. The Knights know how to defend against the Holy Light, but they don't understand why there are God Punishers among the enemy.

Is this one of our own? Is there any misunderstanding in the middle?

Seeing the enemy's reaction, Stanley smiled slightly, and the drama unfolded, followed by Toca.

The knights' counterattack was a little slow. Taking this opportunity, Toka fired a series of arrows. The fierce bright light made it difficult for the knights to open their eyes. The lion girl took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack with the golden crown.

The golden light attack effect of the Golden Crown is very similar to the holy light of the God's Punishment Warrior, but the color is different. However, the strong light created by Toka blocked the color of the golden light, leaving the knights confused again.

In order to avoid the attack of the "holy light", the knights dispersed their military formation. Stanley breathed a sigh of relief and asked the soldiers to suppress them with bows and arrows, forcing the enemy troops to approach the trap area.

Several knights approached Guatel's hiding place. Guatel triggered the trap. Several small trees fixed to the ground by ropes suddenly bounced up, overturning the two knights, and another boulder hidden in the tree crown fell. , killing more than a dozen followers.

The followers of the God of Beauty discovered the traces of Verloc and wanted to use their skills to take away Verloc's divine power. Unexpectedly, Guatel brought a necklace transformed from the blood stone of Hera, and the attention of the followers of the God of Beauty was drawn away by Guatel.

The majesty of the Queen of Heaven suppressed the skills of the followers of the God of Beauty and distracted the attention of the Knights. Verloc took the opportunity to take action and shot a knight and several followers one after another. The half-dead Siegsel launched the stone throwing skill and killed several followers.

The battle finally took a turn, but all those who died were followers. The knights' losses were not big. Close combat was unavoidable. Stanley was about to let the living corpses charge when he suddenly heard a knight raising his lance and shouting: "You guys Who are they? If they are believers in the Lord, please put down your weapons, we are all servants of the Lord!"

The trick worked and the enemy was fooled!

Stanley wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at Jenkins beside him.

Jenkins jumped down from the tree, licked his lips, gritted his teeth and said, "I am Roman Wilkins!"

Roman Wilkins? The members of the Knights were all dumbfounded.

Isn’t Roman Wilkins Krejci Monchik? Why does he have the aura of the God's Punishment Warrior?

Aren't they the same person?

The second chapter tonight will be postponed to 8pm. Thank you all readers for your support.

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