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Chapter 411: The rise of the earth!

Inside the base.

Lu Cheng and Zhao Xin slowly landed on the ground.

When Qilin and Liu Chuang saw Lu Cheng's appearance, they were also stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes, they would see Lu Cheng appear at this moment!

Only then did they know that the strange and familiar figure they had just seen who had rescued Xin Zhao was Lu Cheng!

Although it has only been separated for more than a year.


In their cognition, they have been separated from Lu Cheng for decades.


They spent most of the year in the acceleration mode of Ducao's pseudo-big clock.

The time in the pseudo-big clock is much slower than the time in the outer world!

Xin Zhao looked at Qilin and Liu Chuang's confused expressions, and smiled triumphantly: "Haha, I can't think of it, don't stand stupidly, this is really Brother Lu, the real brother Lu!"

Lu Cheng looked at Qilin and Liu Chuang, smiled, and waved: "Oh, long time no see, I'm back."

Qilin couldn't control herself anymore, ran over, hugged Lu Cheng, and cried: "Captain, are you back? Are you really back?"

these years.

She has seen too much life and death, and endured too much loneliness and pain.

Every time she was alone, she would ring up the bits and pieces of her and Lu Cheng getting along with Lu Cheng when there was no war in the past.

Although tired, but very happy!


Their Xiongbing Company is now the spiritual pillar of the entire China and even the world.

She can't show painful emotions in front of others.


Seeing Lu Cheng's appearance, she didn't know why, the surging emotions in her heart could no longer be controlled, and she burst into tears.

Lu Cheng stretched his lips, hugged Qilin lightly, and said, "Well, girl, I'm back. I have worked hard for you for more than a year."

Liu Chuang also came over and said, "Lu Team, I really didn't expect that you will be back at this point in time. Let's have a good drink later and celebrate."

"Pull up Xiaolun and General Du, they will be very happy to see you back."

Qilin also left Lu Cheng's arms and said, "It's not just that she will be very happy, it will definitely be shocked."

A group of people couldn't help laughing happily.

Reunited after a long absence, everyone was extremely emotional.

Lu Cheng said, "Although I am drifting away, I have also heard a lot about your company. Xiao Lun seems to have developed an amazing system."

Xin Zhao smiled and said: "It's more than amazing. It's simply saving China from fire and water. Our current weapon arsenal, various investigation methods, and the development of the science and technology tree all rely on Xiaolun's universe system. "

"Then I'm even more curious." Lu Cheng smiled.

Xin Zhao said: "Then Brother Lu, let's go to the base now, just leave it to the follow-up troops to handle it."

Huaxia now also has a complete battlefield combat mechanism.

Some people are responsible for intelligence and investigative work

Zhao Xin and other members of the Xiongbing Company are responsible for the frontal battlefield.

There are also departments responsible for the aftermath.

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said: "Okay, then go directly on my spacecraft. It shouldn't be long before you can get there."

The current Star is more than enough even to navigate the universe.

If you fly on the earth, it only takes three or four minutes to go around the earth.

"Okay, I haven't made Brother Lu's spacecraft yet." Xin Zhao smiled.

Lu Cheng snapped his fingers.

next moment.

Along with a wave of spatial fluctuations, a luxurious spaceship appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, what type of spaceship is this? It seems to be faster than the battleship of the Demon Legion." Xin Zhao said with a hint of surprise.

Lu Cheng said lightly: "The Sky Blade System with the Angel Nebula installed in it should be considered the top spacecraft in the universe."

"Hey, Brother Lu, there is a Sky Blade system on your spacecraft. I heard Zhixin say that this is the core system of their angels, and it is impossible for other civilizations." Zhao Xin doubted.

"It's just a dowry." Lu Cheng smiled.

"What do you mean?" Xin Zhao puzzled.

Lu Cheng said, "This is a very long story. When you can drink, let's talk slowly."

The spacecraft galloped all the way according to the coordinates given by Xin Zhao.

In just a few minutes, I arrived at the North Star!

This is also the capital of China after the war.

Whether it is prosperous, or military and other forces, they are much stronger than other cities.

Most of the members of the battalion company also gathered here.


This is also the only city with aggregate protective shields.

Once this protective cover is opened, it can instantly envelop the North Star.

Power is enough to withstand the damage of Super Killing Shenwu!

Even the Void Engine developed by Karl will be affected in the North Star.

The history of the destruction of the Juxia is vivid, and the senior leaders of China are unwilling to repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, in the following years, they have been strengthening the defense system of the North Star.

Want to build the North Star into a solid city!

From the current point of view, it is indeed achieved.

Even Hua Ye's Celestial Legion wanted to break the North Star, and it was no easy task.


They would not choose to do it in the previous Tianhe City!

If they dare to do something on the North Star, I am afraid they will be destroyed before they release the two-way foil!

"I am Xin Zhao, a member of the Xiongbing Company, numbered 0005, requesting release."

Xin Zhao sent a message over the North Star through the communication system of the Star.

In an instant.

The system inside the North Star confirmed the identities of Xin Zhao and others, and scanned the Stars before finally letting them go.

The review system here is more stringent than any other city.

next moment.

The sky above the North Star.

The white light curtain split a gap.

Seeing this, Lu Cheng immediately controlled the Star, passed through the gap and entered the North Star.

In an instant.

The scenes of the North Star caught Lu Cheng's eyes.

This is a city full of high technology.

Various streets, like long dragons, criss-cross and hover in the air.

Trains passing through it, forming a series of phantoms.

The tall buildings are also lined up one after another on both sides, appearing to be scattered.


There are also floating buildings standing on top of tall buildings. I don’t know what they are for!

In the city.

There are also all kinds of advertisements, which are presented among the tall buildings in a kind of virtual image, which is very gorgeous.

In addition to this cyberpunk style, this city also has various magical technologies.

have to say.

In the past few years, China has indeed changed a lot!

War brought disasters to mankind, and similarly, it also brought great development!

Human beings are such a creature.

Always find the light of hope in the environment of suffering.

Lu Cheng controlled the Star, and docked in front of a military base.

This military base was the previous Bird’s Nest. After extensive renovations, it became the Huaxia Zongde Operation Command Center.

Of course.

This is just one of the combat centers.

Most of China's decisions are actually made in a warship outside the earth.

There are also a large number of members from various countries on the earth!

Together they formed the Earth Defense Alliance!

Xin Zhao and others came out of the star together.

Xin Zhao couldn't help but said with emotion: "Brother Lu, your Astral is really great. If it can be promoted, then we should be able to have a fleet that can formally compete with the Gourmet Legion and the Demon Legion!"

Lu Cheng's expression remained unchanged and said: "I will come back to the earth this time to develop the earth's science and technology. It is also one of my goals. I will equip this sky blade system on every spacecraft at that time."

When he left the Angel Nebula.

Angel Yan has long transferred the core data of the Sky Blade system to Lu Cheng.

As long as the materials are sufficient, every warship can be equipped with the most advanced system in the universe!

Lu Cheng knows that to realize the ambition of the rise of the earth, the development of earth technology is the most important step.

It is not enough to rely on him alone!

"That's really great." Xin Zhao smiled, "I have a heart, and this system will definitely be promoted soon. Coupled with Xiaolun's Universe system, it's simply invincible."

Liu Chuang also clenched his fists, and said, "Then we will no longer have to be angry with those gluttonous legions and the heavenly legions!"

Lu Cheng said: "You can't be too happy too early. Our earth has fallen behind the Gourmet Legion and the Demon Legion for many years. It can't be made up by a single system. However, you don't have to worry too much. This time I will come back for the earth. If you have won enough time for development, at least, the earth will not be troubled by wars for a hundred years."

"There has been no war in a hundred years, this..." The group of people all stared, not understanding where Lu Cheng's confidence lies.

Lu Cheng said, "These things will be discussed later. We have to make a long-term plan."

A hundred years, how? !

In Lu Cheng's view, there are naturally not many.

Whether it is the gluttonous legion or the demon legion, the life span far exceeds a hundred years!

The war between angels and demons lasted for thousands of years.

It's just a mere hundred years, and it's nothing at all.

not to mention.

With his current ability, it is enough to speak in the meeting of the gods.

Interstellar war, after all, is the war of gods!

The reason why the earth has been beaten all the time, in the final analysis, is the lack of a powerful god.

For example, Keisha of the Angel Legion, Morgana of the Demon Legion, Carl of the Gourmet Legion, Pan Zhen of the Lieyang Star...

These gods are the pillars behind these legions.

Xin Zhao nodded: "Let's go, I have already contacted Xiaolun and other members of the Xiongbing Company, but I didn't inform them of your return. I just asked them to come here for an emergency meeting. Hey, I will give them a surprise later. "

Lu Cheng shook his head: "With Xiaolun's current investigation system, what do you think is happening on earth that can be kept from him?"

As soon as he came back, he made such a big noise on the earth.

I'm afraid it's not just Ge Xiaolun, Morgana and the leaders of the various legions know that he has returned!

Xin Zhao scratched his head: "Oh, I forgot about this, no wonder Xiao Lun agreed to come over so quickly."

"Let's go." Lu Cheng smiled.

A group of people just entered the lobby of the command center and saw Dukao and other acquaintances waiting for them at the door!

Du Kao was dressed in a military uniform, his figure was still burly, and his appearance had not changed much, but his hair was a lot whiter.

Du Kao brought the members of the Xiongbing Company to Lu Cheng.

"Lu Cheng, welcome home!"

Dukao paid a military salute to Lu.

Lu Cheng smiled: "General Du, it's been a long time."

Ge Xiaolun also stood aside, ran over and gave Lu Cheng a hug: "Brother Lu, welcome back!"

"Xiao Lun, I haven't seen you for a year now, you have become much more stable than before." Lu Cheng patted Ge Xiaolun on the back.

Ge Xiaolun touched his nose: "Hurt, time makes people grow old."

"Lu Team." Rui Mengmeng also said hello.

"Mengmeng, become pretty." Lu Cheng smiled.

Rui Mengmeng scratched her head in embarrassment.

Lu Cheng glanced at the other members of the Xiongbing Company again, but there were a lot of new faces.

It seems.

When he was away, Du Kao discovered many children with Shenhe civilization genes.

Du Kao said, "Lu Cheng, let's go. Many senior leaders know that you are back and want to come to see you."

Lu Cheng knows that these senior China executives are very concerned about what he has experienced outside for more than a year.

not to mention.

Before, Hua Ye also announced to the public that he would set Lu Cheng's bones down!

This made them even more curious about Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng nodded: "It just so happens that I also need to discuss some things with you, which is related to the future of the earth!"

The meeting of the gods will be held soon.

This determines the future destiny of the earth.

Lu Cheng also needs to discuss various issues with the senior management before going to the meeting of the gods, the future development strategy of the earth and so on.

The best thing is to send a few more people over with him!

"Let's go, everyone is in the meeting room now." Du Kao said.

Xin Zhao opened his mouth and said, "It's not suitable for me to go through a meeting like this, Brother Lu, waiting for you to have a drink at night."

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"Okay." Lu Cheng nodded.

Not long.

He followed Du Kao to a spacious conference hall.


In the hall.

In addition to the various high-levels of the earth, there are representatives of other countries.

Of course.

The representatives of these countries all appeared in the conference room in the state of virtual projection.

This is also the normal state of meetings in various Seeing Lu Cheng coming in, the senior officials of all countries stood up and applauded.

Lu Cheng also had some doubts in his heart.

Before he left the earth, he was just a small captain of the male company.

Having only fought a few battles, he is not a big man at all.

Now this posture always feels like welcoming a new leader!

Du Kao explained in a low voice: "Lu Cheng, before you come back, the new Angel Queen Yan and Lieyang Star’s general Pan Zhen have contacted China Huaxia through various means and expressed the hope that you will be in the future. If they can lead the development of the earth, they will also give us a great degree of support."

"So, although these people don't know what you did outside, they also know that you are important now."

Lu Cheng nodded suddenly: "It turns out that it is."

He sorted out the draft, and walked towards the front of the stage.

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