Chapter 86: Lady’s Past and Combat Power! Empress: Burn the old world and create a new world [subscription requested.

Dadalia thought for a while, and simply said: “You are right, Her Majesty the Empress invited [Lady] to invite you. ”

“Oh, but yes, [the lady] refused.”

“Her Majesty the Empress ordered me to invite you, and then I came.”

Dadalia observed Xia Yun’s lost expression and joked, “What’s wrong? Xia Yun, do you want to meet [Madam] so much? Want a beauty to invite you to horses? ”

Xia Yun let out a long sigh: “I have met the lady in Mond before, and I am much more familiar with her than with you, a battle maniac.” ”

Why? Rosalind, why are you deliberately avoiding me?

Yelan leaned against the trees and observed carefully, and Xia Yun was also familiar with the lady. Dadalia saw the opportunity and said warmly: “Then again, when you snatched the sky piano in the hands of the fools in Mond, you made it clear that you had no intention of making enemies with the fools. ”

“From then to now, you have never been deliberately hostile to the fools, and the fools have not been able to trouble you, and they are safe with each other.”

Xia Yun said: “Indeed! On my way to Liyue Port, I saw many advance teams of fools, and none of them attacked me, and their attitude towards me was extremely respectful, treating me as the highest guest of the fools157. ”

Vaguely, Xia Yun guessed that the lady’s order was also the order of the empress. Dadalia stared at Xia Yun carefully, and said incredulously: “Xia Yun, what charm do you have?” ”

“[Madam] gave a death order to all the fools, including all our executive officers.”

“Xia Yun’s status is equal to mine, forbidden anyone to attack Xia Yun, there is an attacker, I will definitely kill him.”

“Dare to attack Xia Yun is equivalent to declaring war on me.”

Xia Yun smiled bitterly, really like Rosalind’s style, blazing and crazy. Dadalia was very envious: “After working together for so long, I have never seen [Madame] look so crazy, and I have no doubt that if I and [Doctor] really attack you, [Madame] will definitely fight with us.” ”

“I really didn’t expect that that woman full of interests would also have a crazy side, compared with [servant].”

Dadalia’s voice on [servant] – If betrayal can gain benefits, she will swing her sword at the Empress without mercy. There was only madness in her eyes. Xia Yun asked curiously: Can you and [Doctor] win [Lady]? Wonder.

“[The Doctor] is going to attack me?”

[Gongzi] is a battle freak who wants to fight against the strong and can understand. But what about [Dr.]?

Yelan took a sunset fruit from the tree and ate it while biting, looking like she was watching a good show. Dadalia didn’t care at all, and simply said: “[Madam] I can’t win!” Her ice elemental power is too weird, and when she attacks her with water elementals, she turns into ice picks one by one, which is really not interesting. ”

“And, I always had the impression that she seemed to have a lot of secrets hiding.”

If it was just frozen with ice, Dadalia wouldn’t mind, but he had an intuition that the lady must have hidden her strength, and Dadalia, who couldn’t beat it, said leisurely: “On the day you sang [The Wind], [The Doctor] arranged for his slice in Mond to tie you back to study.” ”

Xia Yun looked suspicious, why would [Doctor] do this? He is a man of five hundred years, and it should be impossible to know about my deeds erased by history.

Waiting, Xia Yun thought of something: “I haven’t met a doctor in Mond. ”

Dadalia laughed, very cheerful: “Of course you can’t see it.” ”

“[Madame] killed [Doctor’s] slices in Mond, one without leaving one, on the grounds that – disobeyed my order, attacked Xia Yun, and declared war on me.”

“I’m also strange that I didn’t receive information about [the doctor’s] retaliation against [the lady], and the [doctor] seems to have confessed.”

“[Skirmishers] have been laughing at the Doctor’s incompetence for days.”

Yelan listened, chewing the sunset fruit, very satisfied with the taste, also very satisfied with the taste of this intelligence, the foolish executive really has their own interests, internal fighting.

Just for a moment, it was a bitter smile again, the empress of the Winter Kingdom is still there, and the executive will listen to the empress, which is a big trouble for Liyue. Dadalia finally commented: “[Madame] can defeat me, and it’s hard to say whether the [Doctor] will win or lose.” ”

“[Madam] because you have exposed part of your hidden strength, otherwise, with her strength, it will never be just the eighth seat.”

About [Captain] voice — I’ve seen him look on the battlefield, and it’s just too tough. Maybe I was too far back in my seat for him to notice me. But even if he ignores him today, tomorrow, I will let him see my strength.

Dadalia said everything generously, not caring at all that he might not be able to beat others in the eyes of others, but felt that his eyes were weak. He is the ever-stronger Dadalia, the man who will conquer the world one day.

Xia Yun nodded very gratifyingly, just like a person who left home, knowing the treasures he left at home, solving problems for his family, he was relieved and proud: “[Madam] is so good!” ”

Seeing this, Dadalia hurriedly said: “Xia Yun, [Lady] appreciates you so much and cares about you!” ”

“You also care about [Ms.] and care a lot.”

“You have also seen [Lady], she is extremely beautiful, attractive, has countless money, and in the Winter Kingdom, she is also a woman pursued by countless men.”

“Let me tell you another piece of information, [Lady] is a Mond person, once the princess of the Mond Badminton Festival, absolutely beautiful.”

“Because five hundred years ago, my lover died in the calamity of Canrea, madly destroying the monsters that ravaged Mond, and turned into the witch of flame.”

“After burning the monsters of Mond, he went all the way to the Winter Kingdom, met the empress, pledged allegiance to the empress, and became the original executive.”

“The reason for allegiance is that the ideal of the Empress of Solstice is the purest and purest thing in this world, cleansing the source of distortion of this world, and meeting her lover again in the pure white world we have created.”

Speaking of this, Dadalia recalled the empress’s ideal and exclaimed emotionally: “If you are also burdened with dreams that are not accommodated, the wounds that cannot be erased.” ”

“Unwilling to end in the day, always angry at false promises.”

“Just look up at the white phosphorescent star, that’s the flag I’m waiting for;”

“Then join me and let the military boots shake the earth like thunder.”

“I am willing to follow me and others to the White Night Pole Star, I will definitely not throw it away.”

“May those who follow me and others to the darkest place create a new world together.”

“Know that the destruction of everything will be the beginning of a new order.”

“At the end of the ring extinction, there will be a dawn without scale.”

【The Story of a Winter Pole White Star】

“Xia Yun, join the fools, burn the old world together, and create a new world!”

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