Chapter 84: Who is stronger with the rock god? Time Gems? Goyaksha Trail [Subscription requested.

No, Xia Yun suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked: “I am good in Mond, as a result, my jade pendant resonates with the crack of the abyss, I am uncontrollable, I was sucked into the crack, Xia Yun thought carefully, the resonance came from the small hole of the jade pendant, that is his own power.” ”

“My jade pendant has nine small holes, I can only condense the cyan gems of the wind system now, do you know how to condense other gemstones?”

“If I can condense seven gems, maybe I can return to my former state.”

After speaking, Xia Yun took off the jade pendant around his neck, held it in both hands and handed it to Zhongli.

Zhong Li took it with both hands, and his fingers carefully rubbed the cyan gemstone at the top, deep in thought.

Xia Yun was also not in a hurry, sitting on the edge of the cliff, dangling on the edge of the cliff with his two legs, with his hands on the back of his head, lying on the ground, gazing at the starry sky, and moaning comfortably: “Comfortable!” ”

The wind at the top of the mountain, very cold; The starry sky at the top of the mountain is beautiful.

Stars dot the quiet night sky, the bright moon is clear, even if covered by the moonlight, but the stars also glow their own light, small and brilliant.

For a long time, Zhong Li sighed: “When I last saw you in Canrea five hundred years ago, you only condensed seven gemstones representing the seven elements 21, which was your peak state in my eyes. ”

Eh, Xia Yun asked expectantly: “That, who is stronger than me and you, the martial god at that time?” I want to know! ”

Zhong Li thought about it and said seriously: “I haven’t fought, it’s hard to say.” But certainly better than Barbatos, Balzeb. ”

Morax is the oldest demon god among the seven gods, and is also known as the martial god, which can be described as one of the best among the seven gods. Xia Yun let out a satisfied “very good”.

Better than that Barbatos who doesn’t do business, it’s a certainty.

It also has to be stronger than Balzeb, otherwise, how to get the pair of sister flowers.

Zhongli shook his head, and finally didn’t say anything – the Thunder God sisters didn’t say anything?

“I’ll try to see if it’s tender enough to condense another gem for you.” Don’t get your hopes up too much, though. ”

Xia Yun lay down, sat up abruptly, his eyes staring at the gem without blinking, still looking forward to it.

Ichisumi Zhongli put the jade pendant in the palms of both hands, and the two thumbs pressed the jade pendant, and the extremely pure rock element force was like a liquid, not passing through eight small holes, and the dim God Eye was empty.

The small hole does not respond at all.

The rock element force repeatedly passed the jade pendant, and there was still no response. Xia Yun hung his head in disappointment: “Alas! Why not? What went wrong? ”

Zhong Li looked like this.

Carefully handing the jade pendant to Xia Yun, he thought, “What I can tell you now is that the abyss is using the eighth gem of the jade pendant, that is, the divine eye of the abyss system. ”

Xia Yun tied the jade pendant around his neck and let out a “hmm”.

Zhong Li pondered, and said, “The ninth gem of your jade pendant, I can’t be sure, maybe it has something to do with time.” ”

Xia Yun’s eyes lit up: “Wendy and the gem both hint that the wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes it germinate.” Could it be a time-based gem? ”

Zhong Li calmly analyzed: “You are indeed protected by the Time Demon God!” This is also the reason why the Abyss Sect and Void teleported you to the Dragon Tree a few days ago instead of strangling you. ”

“It will be difficult for them to kill you, but they can strangle you with the Dragon King of Radha.”

Xia Yun smiled bitterly: “Should I rejoice?” It’s really a good friend of mine, and they all think the same way as me. ”

If Xia Yun was an enemy, he would definitely not let go of the opportunity to strangle the void.

Is it possible to make the enemy develop and kill himself? Thinking of something, he said anxiously: “Uh! Strangle me with the Dragon King of Radha, do I really have to fight with the Dragon King of Radha? I’m afraid I don’t have to be slapped flat by him. ”

Zhongli prompted: “You are protected by the Time Demon God, but the ninth gem is not necessarily time, the time gem is more likely.” ”

“Ruoda Dragon King, there is no unsealing, but if you really fight him, I will help you.”

With Zhongli’s shield, security MAX! Xia Yun breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, “What are the rules for condensing gems?” Can you say? ”

Zhong Li thought about it carefully, and was a little amused: “I can say that this is not the scope of the contract.” ”

“Your exact words to me are

“Zhongli, it’s hard to condense gems, very, very hard, just like it’s as difficult for mortals to get the Eye of God. What about me, I have to get seven God’s eyes. ”

Xia Yun nodded with deep empathy – Sister Lisa couldn’t condense gems for herself.

“The rules for condensing gemstones – the only thing that is certain, has to do with wishes.”

Xia Yun asked: “Is it like the eye of God, do you have to have the ultimate wish?” ”

Zhongli shook his head: “I don’t know!” But it must have something to do with wishes! ”


A stone tumbled behind the two, causing them to turn their heads. Yelan jumped down from a tree behind and said easily: “I’m sorry to disturb you!” Executive Officer [Gongzi] is in the rear and wants to see you Xia Yun. ”

Yelan followed the two all the time, and shot water arrows from the ears that had ears on the wall one by one, making them roll.

Yelan also sensibly did not listen to the conversation between the two in front of her – the two made it clear that they did not want to be heard. Xia Yun sat up and smiled bitterly: “Hey! It’s a bit of a disappointment, see you next time. ”

Xia Yun sighed, and finally said the question that had always been in his heart: “Zhong Li, the Five Nights Fork who resisted the monsters of the Stratum Rock Abyss five hundred years ago, and now the situation is like 493?” Are they still alive? ”

“In the history of Liyue, I have not found a trace of Four Nights Five hundred years ago, except for General Jinpeng.”

Xia Yun deliberately searched the history of Four Nightsha, but there was no record. Xia Yun’s voice was so loud that Yelan could hear it.


The two looked at Zhongli expectantly, wanting to find a good answer.

Yelan is interested, her two ancestors, who follow the floating house Yasha of the Strata Abyss.

Xia Yun was curious, he was here, Miss Shui Fire Yasha couldn’t do it, what a loving family, what a pity to die.

Zhongli turned his head and overlooked Liyue Port below the mountain, where ten thousand homes were lit: at night, the officers and soldiers of the Qianyan Army came and went, watching over the people, while their families watched their return. As time passed, Xia Yunyelan’s head gradually lowered, and his expectations gradually fell short.

Zhong Li let out a long sigh, and finally spoke: “Go to the Wangshu Inn to find the Great Saint Ray of Demons!” For five hundred years, he had searched for information on his brothers and sisters, never stopped, never feared. ”

“What I can tell you unequivocally is that they are all alive!”

“Your answer lies in the Strata Abyss, find it yourself! I’ll help you. Xia Yun Yelan wisely didn’t ask anything more, Yasha was alive, but the condition must be bad. ”

Looking at each other, Yelan defiantly invited: “Dare to go?” ”

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