Chapter 78: The Dragon King! Yelan throws money! You just say okay? [Subscription requested.]

Liyue, Fulong tree.

The tree bends into the sky, and the huge root, carved with a dark blue light mark, is very eye-catching. The golden leaves fall like withered and withered fallen leaves.

“The rate at which the leaves are withering is faster than yesterday. In the past, the leaves would have to die in another 15 days. ”

A mature woman dressed as a scholar, with a long black skirt at the waist and a blue god’s eye.

At this moment, he was pinching the golden leaves in his hands, carefully observing, and sniffing.

In the vein in the center of the leaf, a tiny black trace appears, and there are also a few cracks on the edge of the blade.

“The smell of this leaf shows a corrosive smell very yesterday, like the number of days of mold in dead fish has been added to half a day.”

Instead of throwing it away, the woman punched out a small black box, smoothed the leaves, and pressed them on the top of the leaves in the box.

With his fingernails slightly in the lower right corner of the leaf, he drew a 7, only a white faint mark of strength. In the lower right corner of the leaf at the bottom is 6. The woman walks in front of Shi Zhenzi and looks at the text: Xuanhuang is good to be born, and the immortal king is merciful. Crush the evil dragon here, idlers do not make a mistake. Thinking about it, it was rumored that this was the place where the emperor suppressed the Ruoda Dragon King, did they really hit its idea?

In the leaf bush next to the stone town, there is a strand of green hair, which is very inconspicuous. The woman obviously saw it, and smiled inexplicably: “Did the Great Sage of Devil Descent also notice?” Sure enough, it is related to the Dragon King of Ruoda. ”

Rip and pull!

In the sky, a pitch-black crack streaked through, right beside the woman. Women instinctively want to hide, but it’s too late.

The white bracelet of one hand glowed blue, and the whole body took up a fighting stance, ready to attack.

“Empty, I’m not done with you! You TMD is gone, don’t let me go! ”

Xia Yun’s whole body floated, his hands stretched forward, and he tightly held the jade pendant with black light in his hand. At this moment, the black light of the jade pendant disappeared.

Xia Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, the resonance was over, and the jade pendant was under my control. High in the air, Xia Yun sensed the breath under him, which was very dangerous.

Looking down, a woman stared hostilously at herself. Yikes!

The arrows of the Daoist water rushed towards him, like a high-pressure water cannon. Crash!

Xia Yun quickly regained his composure, unfolded the sky blue wind wings, twisted his figure, and tried to dodge the water arrow. The cyan gemstone glows, forming a storm all over the body to blow away the water arrows.

However, the storm was too late to condense. Depend on.

Xia Yun was indignant, and hurriedly blocked his eyes and head with his arms, and his figure deflected, causing the water arrow to shoot at his non-vital parts. To hard catch water arrows.

“Huh? Wings of the Sky Breeze! Monds? ”

Xia Yun saw that the water arrow was in front of his arm, marking an incredible trajectory, passing by the side of his hair and the corner of his clothes. Xia Yun let out a long sigh of relief, felt the hostility disappear, and slowly landed.

Carefully observing the woman in front of her, the Eye of the Water System God, she is very strong.

The woman observed Xia Yun, especially the jade pendant in his hand, and asked, “Xia Yun, what is the jade pendant in your hand?” I just sensed the breath of the abyss from it. ”

Xia Yun landed, very unhappy, and said angrily: “Before asking others, please explain your identity.” ”

“Also, don’t attack a stranger suddenly.” Can’t die, but it hurts, don’t understand. ”

When I first arrived, I was almost attacked by a stranger and was in an unhappy mood.

The woman said, “I’m sorry! Mond’s hero Xia Yun is my fault. Overly alert. ”

“I am a scholar from the Meru Order, Edith Sally, who came to Liyue to investigate ancient buildings and relics.”

“What’s going on with your jade pendant?”

Obviously, the woman’s focus is still on the jade pendant, and the previous one is to speak politely.

Xia Yun stared at the water system god’s eye on the woman’s waist, and said strangely: “Investigate the Liyue ancient sites, and then try to find the secret treasure.” ”

“It could be one person, or it could be a partnership.”

As a scholar, your combat abilities are also too strong to deal with the mechanisms of the ruins. The woman smiled and said very naturally: “Of course.” Appropriate force is necessary for the defense of the treasure and self-defense. ”

The woman is very satisfied with this identity, a treasure fishing group, a good identity for thieves in other countries.

“Xia Yun, why did you come from the crack in the abyss? How can your jade pendant have the breath of an abyss? Have you ever felt unwell? It seems to be asking, whether you are uncomfortable because of the abyss. ”

In fact, the woman also secretly paid attention to Xia Yun’s situation, did she get dizzy? Do you feel vomiting? Xia Yun stared at the words that had already been taken, the evil dragon suppressed here, and then there was the Fulong Tree…

There is a little speculation – the void is plotting against the Dragon King. After feeling it carefully, he said casually: “Do you feel it?” Aside from the “surprise” you just had, I feel good. ”

“As for the matter of my jade pendant, what does it have to do with you? Why tell you? ”

Joke, for a stranger who has just attacked herself, tell her what to do?

The woman listened to the answer, and with a reference, she may have been in contact with the Demon God Remnants during the previous battle with Twalin or something else, so there was no discomfort.

The first time you come into contact with the Demon God Remnant, even the owner of the Eye of God will feel uncomfortable. But people can slowly adapt and slowly recover.

The premise is not to overly contact the Demon God residue.

Walking straight past the woman, he said angrily, “Ms. Edith, never again!” ”

The woman looked at the back and said playfully: “Xia Yun, I am a scholar of the Meru Sect, and one of my main research directions is the era of the Demon God War in Liyue, five hundred years ago. ”

Xia Yun’s footsteps kept stopping, and he didn’t care: “So? What does it have to do with me? ”

“Liyue has a long history, a vast land, buried ancient civilizations, and they have also left countless relics.”

“So what? What does it have to do with me? I’m not short of money lately! I don’t want to rob the grave and get rich. ”

“I give you 1 million Mora, and you 2.6 assist me to explore the abyss of strata once. There are remnants of the power of the abyss there. ”

Xia Yun stopped and said with a sneer: “The power of the abyss is very powerful, but the price is also heavy. You are a scholar, can you bear it? ”

The woman playfully did not look at Xia Yun, looking at the sky above the Fulong tree, in the distance: “2 million Mora!” ”

“I’m not short of money right now.”

“3 million Mora!”

“I’m not short of money right now.”

“4 million Mora!”

“Huh? I’ll think about it. ”

“5 million Mora!”

Xia Yunhuo turned around and said solemnly, “Ms. Edith, I must remind you that the power of the abyss is very strong, but the price is also heavy. You may be eroded and lose your mind. ”

The woman smiled confidently: “6 million mora!” You just say okay? ”

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