Chapter 76: Dain Disgusting? Strangle Xia Yun? After the restoration of the country [ask for subscription.

Dain quickly moved forward, stood in the center of the two, facing the Wind God Statue, and said anxiously: “Xia Yun, do you choose to join the Abyss Sect?” ”

“Empty, give up Canrea’s plan to restore the country, your restoration will bring havoc to the life of the continent.”

I sensed the breath of the abyss in the morning, but this breath was in Starfall Lake.

After fighting with another abyss apostle, he finally arrived. Understand that this is empty blocking.

Xia Yun smiled and said casually: “Of course not!” Nor plan to join. The power of the abyss is too dangerous. ”

“And, most importantly, everything I guard is fine, what do you do by joining the abyss?”

If everything he guarded was destroyed, and he needed great power, Xia Yun could really join the abyss for revenge. Dain was a little lucky: “That’s good.” ”

The Abyss Sect alone made Dai Yin tired of coping, and if there was another Xia Yun, Dai Yin would directly declare failure. There is no way to fight at all, and it can’t be beaten.

The Apostle of the Water Abyss sarcastically said: “Dainsreb, captain of the palace guard, Lord of the Last Light Sword, your behavior is disgusting. ”

“Chasing down the former Canrea people and preventing Canrea from restoration, are you also worthy of being a Canrea people?”

The eyes of the audience were a little strange to see Dai 880.

As a Canrea, your kingdom has been destroyed, and you don’t want revenge, and you even prevent other people from taking revenge. What kind of logic is this? Are you from Canrea?

Empty indifference, ignoring Dain at all, he has advised such people too many times, and now there is nothing to say.

Dain is very calm, in the struggle with the Abyss Order for five hundred years, such a vision, such words, has been satirized N times, and has been habitually ignored.

Sora sighed,

“Let’s go! If it was any later, she would have to come. ”

In front of everyone, the Abyss Apostle of the Water Abyss cut a pitch-black crack, tearing it open, and behind the crack was darkness.

Xia Yun said leisurely, “Is your sister Ying?” She’s been looking for you. Don’t go see her? ”

Kong looked towards Xia Yun, smiled softly, and instructed: “Meet her!” But now is not the time. ”

“Xia Yun, my sister, take more care of her when you have time.”

“This is a battle between the two of us, less affecting her.”

For his younger sister, emptiness is infinite tenderness, and if Xia Yunken takes care of it, he will take care of Ying.

“I will also try to avoid affecting the people you protect.”

With a grim gaze, he turned to the people on the side: “Of course, if you have to stop me, I will not show mercy, and I will do whatever I want.” ”

Sora will not be soft on the enemy, otherwise, what is this for those who follow him?

You have a war, taking into account the life or death of the enemy, and it does not matter whether your own people live or die?

Xia Yun joked: “Don’t worry.” For now, it seems that your sister Ying is on the side of us. ”

“How do you feel that your sister has become your enemy? I’m curious. ”

Ying, the future will work with Dain to stop you.

For example, your plan to transform Twalin was stopped by your sister. Empty directly does not care, this question is not easy to answer.

Maika cut the crack and said boldly: “Your Royal Highness, if Xia Yun does not join us, should we immediately strangle him?” ”

“General Xia Yun was too strong five hundred years ago, and with his blocking, our actions will be greatly hindered.”

Even after five hundred years, Myka was shocked, Xia Yun, the wife is too strong, this is simply not like a person!

In Myka’s opinion, the seven earthly rulers, so the rock god can be compared with him.

But the problem is that the rock god is a demon god who has lived for thousands of years, and Xia Yun is a person, not a person who is not as big as Myka. Moreover, what was even more outrageous was that the Abyss Sect was still using Xia Yun’s items.

Empty shook his head, a little regretful, did not shy away, and said generously: “As early as when he refused my invitation, I wanted to kill him.” ”

“Unfortunately, we can’t do it now.”

Myka had no choice but to give up, if he could do it, he didn’t mind fighting to the death and killing General Xia Yun, in Myka’s heart, Xia Yun’s status as a general, even if he killed his people, was much higher than Dain, and the wind god laughed “hehe”.

Kong disdained: “Fengshen, your current strength has not been restored, even if you recover, you can’t beat me.” ”

“Who do you think you are? Morax? ”

Sora admitted, Morax, the demon god, really worthy of being a martial god! The combat power is too fierce, as for the wind god, uh, forget it.

Wendy said lightly: “Of course I’m not an old man. However, taking Xia Yun away, it can still be done. ”

Sora scoffed


, slowly walking towards the crack.

Wendy said casually: “Dispel the idea of strangling Xia Yun!” The wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes it germinate. ”

The empty footsteps stopped, and he repeated helplessly: “The wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes it germinate.” ”

Xia Yun really has a relationship with the Time Demon God, and it seems that it is difficult to strangle him. Kong stopped in front of the crack and sincerely invited: “Xia Yun, you have countless opportunities in the future, join us.” ”

“We, the Abyss Sect, have been waiting for their generals, waiting for the Qingfeng generals who bring them victory, bring them light, and bring them hope.”

Maika said excitedly: “General Xia Yun, join the Abyss Sect!” Subvert this false world and overthrow the order of the gods. ”

“We await your return, look forward to your return.”

Xia Yun said with some emotion: “If I remember correctly, I should have killed the people.” ”

“Are you still waiting for me like this?”

Xia Yun was distressed, his memory of five hundred years ago in Canrea, the words General Qingfeng came out, and the subconscious reaction was no. Abominable God!

Empty in front of the crack, Longing said: “Xia Yun, your soldiers, your followers are waiting for your return and leading them to victory. ”

“Of course, after the destruction of heavenly principles, after the restoration of the country, we will also fight each other, regardless of victory or defeat, as an end to a period of hatred of five hundred years ago.”

Kong is sure that the killing of Xia Yun five hundred years ago must have an end, otherwise he is too sorry for the people who were killed. What the? You say, can’t you make meritorious deeds?

Can you bring the dead people to life? Save the people who have sacrificed their lives in the abyss for 500 years to restore the country? Can’t you pull what?

It must end with death.

“Those who survive, shouldering the hope of the dead, become the new king of Canrea, and lead their people to build the continent of Tivat, no longer bound by fate, no longer sanctioned by heaven.”

“It was also at that time that it was strictly forbidden to use the power of the abyss to develop civilization.”

“It would be a brand new Tivat, a hopeful, real continent of Tivat. It’s not a fake continent of Tivat anymore. ”

These are some of the ideals of the Void and Abyss Order for the future, and of course, the biggest ideal is the restoration of Canrea. Dain coldly reminded: “Canrea does not need to be restored. ”

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