Chapter 73: You’re a General! Canrea deserves to be destroyed? [First order.]

“But, Xia Yun, you also saved Tivat at that time! Without you, Mond, Ligetsu, Inazuma’s family would be destroyed by Canrea’s calamity. ”

The scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Wendy sits on the ground, looking pained, and will she experience the grief of her friend’s death again?

A thousand years ago, the red-haired girl Vanessa landed on Sky Island as a sacrifice, five hundred years ago, Xia Yun turned into cherry blossoms and scattered the heavens and the earth, the life and death of the demon gods such as the Thunder and Lightning True Great Compassion Tree King were unknown, and Twalin swallowed poisonous blood and fell into a deep sleep.

And now, the friends he knew, Centiluc and others, who possessed the eye of God, might become sacrifices again, and should he watch it?

Emptiness, apostles of the abyss, indifference like five hundred years of solid ice, their kingdom Canria, everything they once cherished, was destroyed.

Xia Yun smiled bitterly, what did he do five hundred years ago, he was also a general of Canrea, but as a result, he destroyed the country he once guarded.

What a TMD irony! What did I do with TMD! However, not a single tear was shed.

Xia Yun faced his Lisa sister and tried his best to squeeze out a relieved smile; It’s like a child discovering his favorite dinosaur, tearing it apart, sad: At this time, his friend, indifferently told him, are you sad? Not yet you yourself tore it up. It’s even sadder.

At this time, there was a gentle big sister, squatted down, took him in her arms, gently stroked his head, patted his back, and patiently listened to his crying.

Stay with him until the end of the crying, without the slightest impatience.

The big sister happily took out a dinosaur he was familiar with and told him: “Look what this is?” This is the dinosaur you protect from the bad guys! Without you, this dinosaur would have been torn apart. ”

Held in your hand, your cheeks close to rub, warm, smelling of sunshine.

There is also a taste of her!

“Thank you! Thank you, Sister Lisa! Thank you! Thank you! ”

Lisa smiled softly and lovingly, like a big sister encouraging a teenager who finished crying: “Is this like you?” How can the summer breeze sink into the mud? Go fly freely! Far away is the future of the teenager! ”


At sunrise, the sun finally rises, and the golden light shines on the earth, dispelling the cold and darkness of the early morning. A fresh breeze blows through the leaves of the wind-raised oak tree, and the leaves drift away, shrouding the shade of the teenagers, and the long shadow disappears. The golden brilliance sprinkled on Xia Yun and the empty cheeks was exceptionally bright.

Xia Yun regained his confident smile, as usual, reassuring, “Hmm! Sister Lisa! I know what to do! ”

Lisa smiled: “Go!” My sister will always be with you! ”

Jean also smiled: “Go! The wind will show you the way! The wind will always guard you! ”

The Abyss Apostle, with a sense of foreboding, said uneasily: “Your Royal Highness, Xia Yun seems to have a direction, he doesn’t seem to be in too much pain. ”

Kong smiled, took a step closer to Xia Yun, and said confidently: “Xia Yun, you awakened much faster than I thought, and now you are worthy of being my opponent!” ”

“It’s boring and unchallenging to talk to yourself all the time.”

As a partner five hundred years ago, Kong knew very well that Xia Yun’s strength would definitely feel pain, but it would definitely not last long, he was Xia Yun and his enemy.

“Xia Yun, you are a stronger enemy than Tianli in my eyes, now we can have a good chat.”

Enemies? Blood abuse monsters are not interesting, blood abuse bosses are fun.

Click! Xia Yun took a step forward.

In the center of the youths, the quiet wind god statue glowed with a clear blue light, shining on the two, full of confidence.

No longer trying to maintain calm, but naturally calm, like talking and laughing freely on the stage.

“Empty, I confess, I overthrew Canrea five hundred years ago, destroying your homeland with Dainsreb.”

“I have committed a deep sin against Canrea! I killed countless Canreans! ”

Xia Yun disdained to whitewash and killed Canrea’s creatures, and indeed killed. The Abyss Apostle shouted angrily: “Your Excellency General, you are the general of Canrea, you praise my protection of the people of Canrea, but you have killed the people who once guarded. ”

“Don’t you feel ashamed? Don’t you feel guilty? ”

Xia Yun was calm, like flowing clouds in the sky drifting with the wind: “I didn’t feel ashamed then, I feel ashamed now, but I’m not sure what the future holds.” ”

With an attitude towards one thing, Xia Yun was really unsure what the future would be.

“But Myka, if I were put back five hundred years ago, I would still make the same choice, I would still choose to destroy Canrea!”

“I have a deep sin against the people of Canrea five hundred years ago, and I will bear this sin! I will also remember this sin! ”

Xia Yun is confident that the sin of killing his own people as a general is a sin, and he disdains whitewashing… Turning to the void, he slowly launched an offensive: “Empty, His Royal Highness the Prince of the Abyss, my partner, you are really a fool!” Stupid to the extreme! ”

“Five hundred years ago, Canrea used the power of the abyss, the forbidden knowledge from the abyss, developed the kingdom, developed countless weapons of war, and caused disaster to the seven kingdoms and creatures of Tivat.”

“The relic guards of the walking continent are also called cultivators, because the land is not ploughed with agricultural tools, but fought over with iron and blood.”

“The giant snake, the relic of the Stratum Abyss, has carved out a secret passage that is enough for the army to pass through all parts of the continent.”

“There are also relic mechanics, waiting for the order to level all kingdoms.”

“The aggression and ambition of the Canrea civilization are too strong, it is a disaster for the creatures of the Seven Kingdoms at that time, and the destruction is not a bad thing.”

So many weapons of war, not for war, who believes?

Overthrow a canria, the gods of the seven kingdoms and the heavenly principle have all moved, how is it possible without the power of the abyss? Empty smiled, indifferent but interested: “Yes.” These are weapons of war, designed to replace an order that will eventually decay and will eventually be broken. ”

“Canria does have ambitions to invade and conquer the Seven Kingdoms, and has a well-thought-out plan.”

“We use the power of the abyss, we use the power of the alchemist of [Gold], and we have absolutely leading technology and power”

“We also have a plan against the other seven countries, and strong strength.”

Speaking, empty, the apostle of the abyss is extremely proud, proud of his powerful kingdom. Kaia, who was watching, sighed deeply in his heart, hey. 4.4 Xia Yun recounted, as if talking about things in other countries: “Empty, you and the royal family of Canrea are fools, and the abyss is not a taboo that you should touch!” ”

“The golden warlock Rheindot, using the power of the abyss, created a large number of pitch-black monster bloody dogs and eroded the boundaries of the world”

“There are even some Warcraft that have appeared on the mainland, especially Inazuma.”

“Your research on the power of the abyss has finally spiraled out of control!”

“The power of the abyss swallowed Canrea and gradually spread towards Tivat.”

“Tenri summoned the six gods except the Great Mercy Tree King to destroy Canrea.”

“What a fool of you! Kind of deserve it! ”

Of course, this is also Xia Yun’s speculation based on what is known, and the specifics are unknown. However, the fall of Canrea must have something to do with the abyss.

“I really deserve it!” ”

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