The wind rises.

Xia Yun rides the wind and lands leisurely.

The towering oak trees, the bright moon, and the breeze in the forest are reassuring.

Xia Yun was very postureless, with his back against the oak trunk, lying on the grass, his body was indescribably comfortable.

However, there was thinking in his head.

How did Dainsreb come? The timeline is not right!

Shouldn’t he have appeared in the Angel Gift Tavern of Mond after Liyue Meifu angrily smashed the Jade Pavilion?


Blonde hair, one-eyed black mask, black cape, lonely and powerful blond man, slowly walked in front of Xia Yun.

Xia Yun was still lying against the trunk of the tree, watching like this.

And Dainsreb, looking accustomed to it, asked:

“Xia Yun, are you sure you don’t want to change places?”

Looking at the top of the tree again, he said coldly:

“And you!”

Lisa, Jean, Diluc, Kaia, and Rosalia were gone when they looked at Dainsleb in the crowd enjoying the music.

Such a dangerous element, from the moment they first saw it, they had a high degree of attention.

Lisa and Qin, relying on their understanding of Xia Yun, he liked the wind and the ground, so they came.

Diluc, Kaia, and Rosalia followed.

As for from the trunk, hanging, head down, laughing:

“Oh, hey! Dandelion wine for you! ”

Drop two bottles of wine, jump down, and gladly walk into the distance.

Intentionally, so that you can’t hear their conversation.

Dainsreb turned to everyone and said calmly:

“I have no ill will towards Mondstadt. I came here to find Xia Yun. ”

The heart added, and there are traces of the apostles of the abyss.

Xia Yun smiled helplessly towards everyone:

“Don’t worry! He said it all, there is no malice towards Mondstadt. Otherwise, he would not have shown his traces so generously. ”

Xia Yun was sure that Dainsreb was too conspicuous, but he didn’t hide his traces at all, and he wasn’t here to destroy.

“Besides, don’t worry about me. You guys are around, and he doesn’t dare to take me? He came to me. ”

If it came to me on purpose, it seems to explain why the time is wrong.

But why?

Kaia laughs indifferently:

“Everyone, the other party has said so, let’s stay away.”

He stepped back and observed from afar.

In fact, for Dainsreb, Kaiya had communicated when he was circling the Abyss Apostle the day before yesterday.

Kaia was right in everything he said, and Diluc didn’t find anything wrong when he checked it.

However, what Kaiya didn’t say was that at the same time that he infiltrated the forces of Mondstadt, Dainsreb was also there.

Kaiya only said Zhou Xuan, but did not say how many Zhou Xuan ah, you all think that there are only Water Abyss Apostles, who is to blame?

Everyone left one after another.


The blonde girl, the flying Paimon, rushed to the wind.

Seeing that the piano all went, I was a little worried, so I followed.

Paimon asked suspiciously:

“Why are you standing so far away? And this person, who is it? ”

Jean reminded:

“Traveler, Paimon, he’s talking to Xia Yun, we don’t want to disturb him, but we have to look at him and stand far away.”

“You guys stand far away, right?”

Xia Yun hurriedly said:

“Ying, Paimon, don’t go, come too! What we’re talking about is important to you! ”

Ying, Paimon listened, and also felt that this person had no malice, and there was a reliable Xia Yun, and it passed.

Dainsreb, his eyes were calm, he had heard about Ying’s deeds before he came, and knew that it was his sister.

Xia Yun leaned his head against the oak tree, lay on the grass, and asked casually:

“That, they’re all gone, who are you? What did you come to me for? ”

Xia Yun knew that it was Dainsreb, and the plot and the subconscious reaction when he saw him were very close and familiar, and they all knew that it was him.

Five hundred years ago, I seem to have traveled with him.

As for the rest, what do you think, just ask.

Paimon said in amazement

“Xia Yun, you are so perfunctory! He was still lying down. ”

Xia Yun said enthusiastically

“How about you lie down too?” It’s so comfortable! ”

Ying smiled cutely, learned Xia Yun, sat on the grass, and felt the wind in the forest.

Dain looked at Xia Yun, who was lying on the grass and leisurely, and the corners of his mouth smiled unconsciously, really the same as five hundred years ago.

Five hundred years ago, in the wind, in the wild, Xia Yun lay leisurely, because it was comfortable, feeling the beauty of wind and nature.

Dain said seriously:

“Xia Yun, I’m Dainsreb, and I came to you because when I was pursuing the Abyss Sect in Liyue, I heard the wind from the Qingfeng idol in Mond City.”

“And at that time, the apostle of the abyss that I was pursuing also rushed to Mond, and came specially to see you.”

Xia Yun continued to ask:

“Come to see me, why? Up? ”

Well! Xia Yun was sure that if his friend five hundred years ago woke up and he was not far away, he would really just come to reminisce.

As for Dain, without his memory, not sure.

Paimon had a wise look:

“Xia Yun, you guys have known each other before! Why are I and the traveler coming? ”

Hearing the traveler, Dain asked rhetorically:

“Traveler… Hum. Why should you travel? ”

Turning to Xia Yun again, he asked seriously

“Xia Yun, what about you? What was your decision? Are you choosing to travel this time? Choosing to stay in Mond this time? ”

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