Everyone’s eyes instantly focused on the cyan gemstone.

Still glowing.

Intuitively, Xia Yun stretched out his hand to the suspended jade pendant.

The cyan gemstones shine brightly and create a fresh breeze.

Then, the jade fell into the palm of the hand, and the gemstone dimmed.

Xia Yun’s eyes were confused.

Lisa asked curiously

“Xia Yun, what did you sense?”

Xia Yun raised his head, his eyes were confused, and muttered

“The wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes it germinate.”

Lisa explains:

“This is the inscription of the Temple of a Thousand Winds, the sundial inscription of the nameless island on the ocean in the distance of Mond.”

“It is said to be related to the Demon God of Time!”

Lisa knew that the piano present, Diluc, had strong strength, and it was good to say more.

Wendy subconsciously shouted excitedly:

“Time! Time! Time! Right! Right! It’s time! It’s time! ”


Wendy seemed to understand a lot of things at once, time, if it was time, many problems could be explained clearly.

Lisa thought and guessed a lot of things, but hesitated.

Seeing this, Jean said resolutely

“Lisa, I am the acting head of the Zephyr Knights, a Dandelion Knight, my strength is strong enough, and I am strong enough to protect myself.”

“Of course, if there is really something that cannot be said, it can also be hidden.”

As a best friend, Jean was aware of Lisa’s hesitation, worried that what she said would hurt them.

Diluc also said confidently:

“I’m strong! Very strong! He has also traveled to the continent alone. No need to worry about me. ”

Diluc is confident, more powerful, knows more and can do more.

Lisa let out a long sigh and said seriously

“In that case, I’ll make my guess.”

“Qin said before that the jade pendant, the sword, buried in the soil of the wind, but they are all brand new, as if it was because of Xia Yun that suddenly appeared.”

“I guess that five hundred years ago, Xia Yun had important contacts with the Time Demon God, and used the power of the Time Demon God to return now.”

Thinking again:

“I have a strong perception of this speculation, but there is no evidence.”

“Xia Yun’s decision to return now may have to deal with the follow-up five hundred years ago, and it must have a lot to do with the abyss.”


Wendy applauded loudly and praised loudly:

“Lisa, your guess, your reasoning, is really wonderful! It’s so powerful! ”

Wendy was really impressed, almost all right, and the explanation was extremely reasonable.

However, she relies on reasoning that is evidence! Nothing happened five hundred years ago!

That’s awesome!

Lisa immediately asked:

“Lord Fengshin, am my guesses correct?”

Compared with praise, Lisa cares more about the right or wrong guess at the moment.

Wendy also answered immediately

“I can’t say!”

Xia Yun cheered loudly:

“Sister Lisa! Sister Lisa! That’s awesome! That’s awesome! The reasoning is wonderful! Five hundred years ago, the reasoning was so appropriate and logical. ”

Jean applauds:

“It’s reassuring to have Lisa here!”

Diluc also praised:

“Truly one of the most trusted people of the Order.”

Lisa smiled gracefully and hooked her finger at Xia Yun, who sighed and leaned her head over, letting her knead her cheeks, and feel her mature body fragrance up close by the way.

“I’m just a librarian.”

Everyone was speechless, nodded, you said yes! Who believes?

“It’s Xia Yun, you have so many mysteries. Five hundred years ago, you were amazing! Sister Ling wants to study you well! ”

Saying that, Lisa’s kneading intensity increased, Xia Yun was too mysterious, and she really wanted to study him.

Everyone affirmed Xia Yun, whose cheeks were kneaded and looked loveless, and it was indeed powerful.

Xia Yunman didn’t care, and said confidently

“I was awesome five hundred years ago! I’m also good now? ”

Diluc questioned:

“I didn’t see it.”

Xia Yun said straightforwardly

“In development! But the power is also enough. ”

Although Xia Yun couldn’t beat any of those present, but there was a system, there was a jade pendant, and he couldn’t become the peak?

Jean announced to everyone:

“For Xia Yun’s matter, our research will stop here for the time being.”

“Please don’t spread it out at will.”

Everyone nodded and did not talk nonsense.

“We have to get back to Mond as soon as possible! The affairs of the apostles of the abyss must be handled well. ”

“As for the others, it’s good to stay here, there are Zephyr Knights, there are Travelers, there is no danger nearby.”

Jean is confident that relying on them alone is enough to deal with the dangers nearby.

Wendy ends the psalm:

“The battle for the heroes is over! The Psalms are over! Let the wind send us back! ”

“Look! The wind is blowing! ”


Wind up in place!

The wind blows the crowd high into the sky, overlooking the star-picking cliffs, grand concerts, cheerful drinkers, and the wind everywhere.

On the stage, six-fingered Jose played the strings and said proudly

“Next, please enjoy the new poem that I have painstakingly composed, to the heroes who fight against the wind demon dragon, and the heroes who protect the wind god!”

“Jean, Diluc, Wendy, Ying, and our Breeze idol Xia Yun!”

Paimon, who was eating sweet flowers stuffed chicken, shouted in dissatisfaction:

“And Paimon!”

The crowd at the concert shouted:

“Let the wind lead! And listen to the wind! ”

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for data! Collect it!

Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival reading book every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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