“However, she is huge, lazy, genius, royal sister, mature!”

“Big sister! You give in! Jean is also a big sister! Aren’t you still natural? ”

“But, Sister Lisa, it’s an intellectual witch! It feels like I know everything I want, and I can’t hide anything from her! My XP object! ”

“Don’t be! We are sister Lisa’s little cutie, she will definitely not hurt us! My XP? We have XP? Stop laughing! ”

“It’s not our fault! Everything is meters ?? Dry! ”

“Sister Lisa! We are her little cutie, or Jean’s friends! What can she do with us? ”

“She can violate us teenagers!”

Two voices, instantly agreed——

“And such good things!”

Xia Yun calmed his mood, took a deep breath, breathed deeply, like a warrior who bravely broke into the witch’s nest, resolutely!

Big deal, my teenager was violated by Sister Lisa!

What a beautiful thing!


Xia Yun opened the unlocked door.

Nostalgic glance at the outside world!

Take a deep breath, I’m her little cutie! Little cute!

Close the door!

Outside the candle fire, it was pitch black!

The flickering candle flame flickered, as if it was about to be extinguished at any moment!

Candlelit table, red wine, steak, sweet snacks, strong aroma of coffee.

Newly bought Cecilia flowers with a floral fragrance!

Candlelit dinner!

Two people with sister Lisa, okay!

It’s just that we met in private for the first time!

Romantic candlelit dinner, what the hell?

Or the witch’s!

Lisa smiled and groaned: “Xia Yun! Do you want to accompany your sister to drink tea and chat? ”

Xia Yun directly did not look at Lisa and sat on the opposite side.

Raise your head with an awe-inspiring look!

Lisa smiled strongly, charming cheeks, turquoise eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, curious look:

“Xia Yun! Is Sister Lisa scary? Why do you look like death? ”

She didn’t seem to do anything strange? Strange experiments?

Xia Yun looked directly and said resolutely

“I’m Sister Lisa, your little cutie! Little cute! You won’t hurt me for sure! ”

Belch? Xia Yun was also speechless, why did I suddenly say this thing?

Lisa was surprised, smiled, handed her cup forward, and said with a smile

“Of course! Your sister Lisa, how can you hurt the little cutie you? It’s too late to love you?”

Saying that, Lisa black gloves, pinched Xia Yun’s cheek, and praised:

“Little cutie! Your cheeks are soft, delicate, clean, like the touch of a baby’s cheek! ”

Xia Yun smiled bitterly, well, am I being played! Why do you have to use the baby metaphor?

But! Why do I pay attention to the fact that her hand feels good to the touch? Even with gloves!

Lisa touched the corners of Xia Yun’s mouth with both hands, and smiled softly:

“Little cutie! The way you laugh, very handsome! Stop being bitter! ”

Lisa must admit that she has read countless people, countless portraits in the book, and countless people who have seen it in reality, and she also feels Xia Yunchang’s good appearance!

Handsome confident teenager!

The corners of Xia Yun’s mouth consciously hooked the arc and smiled:

“Sister Lisa, is it handsome?”

Lisa appreciated:

“yes! The cutie is really handsome! You deliberately smiled for your sister, and my sister saw it! ”

Retract your hand and hand over your brand new cup.

Xia Yun pushed his cup and asked strangely

“Sister Lisa! I have a cup! So how do you drink it? ”

Lisa smiled and looked at each other’s, which was also a brand new cup;

So, he reached out and took Xia Yun’s cup over

“You drink from your sister’s cup! I drink it from your cup! Obedient! ”

Xia Yun nodded, a little regretful, if you drank it just now, is it considered an indirect kiss with Lisa’s sister?

Lisa handed over the wine bottle.

Xia Yun poured a glass of red wine, looked at the bright red wine, and hesitated.

The witch’s wine, will something strange be ordered?

As for the poison, Xia Yun is sure that Sister Lisa doesn’t have to do this!


Xia Yun looked at the Cecilia flower, and I could smell the flower.

Perhaps, there are also strange things about flowers.

Lisa smiled and seemed to see something funny!

With the red wine that had just been opened, he filled his own glass, met Xia Yun’s gaze, shook it, and drank it.

Xia Yun watched carefully, and Lisa’s charming cheeks were slightly rosy.

And then it’s gone!

Yes, Lisa’s playful smile:

“Little cutie! My sister drank it all, don’t you drink some? ”

Xia Yun froze and hesitated!

Lisa smiled, Joan nosed to Cecilia flower, sniffed the fragrance, and praised

“The Cecilia flower, a flower with the same name and appearance, grows only in cold and windy heights, like a prodigal son, and is really difficult to touch.”

Sit back, fold your hands on your chin, and ask curiously:

“Little cute, handsome boy, what is your true heart? Is it difficult to touch? ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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