Barbara listened to the serious words, felt concern, and said firmly

“I’ll work on it! Teacher Xia! ”

Teacher Xia! Listening to the name, Xia Yun smiled strangely!

Teaching priests to subdue beautiful girls to learn songs, how did I come up with something strange!

Take out the newly bought lyre on the road and accompany it!

Barbara looked into Xia Yun’s eyes, turned away embarrassedly, and sang:

Stop and go along the way

Follow the trail of the teenager drifting

The moment before stepping out of the station

There were some – hesitation

Can’t help but laugh at this near-township-

Xia Yun looked at Barbara, who had a somewhat embarrassed expression, “Cowardly! Still unavoidable!. ”

Smiling and nodding, he motioned to continue

Combing music in your head:

Song forgot words! Partially out of tune! This one sings a little faster!

After getting the signal, continue singing:

And the days of Nagano

It’s still so warm

The wind was blowing as before

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but the wind started at this time.

Blowing the girl’s dancing golden hair, revealing cute cheeks, smiling lightly, and looking at you gently;

The boy played the lyre, his black hair blowing, smiling, and watching gently;

The girl’s cheeks are red!


The sound of the piano is interrupted.

“You sing and dance in the wind, you are so beautiful! It’s so beautiful that I lose my mind! You see, the piano forgot to play too! ”

Xia Yun looked at Barbara’s beautiful eyes, smiled, and sincerely approved!

Barbara’s cheeks blushed shyly like ripe red apples, and she shyly moved her gaze to Xia Yun, “Which… Whatever! ”

My heart is extremely excited, his eyes are really appreciative, and he is a little obsessed with my beauty! Hee-hee!

The sound of the piano sounded again:

“Once upon a time I first knew this world!”

Comb the music: this rhythm, key, melody, all good! If there is a fresh breeze in the show, it will be perfect!

Barbara changed direction slightly, kept looking at Xia Yun, and couldn’t even sing the song well!

But out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Xia Yun from time to time:

Once upon a time I first knew this world


Looking at the sky, it seems that in front of you

I am also willing to go to the soup and walk it again

Barbara’s heart thumped: “Maybe my sky is Xia Yun!” ”

Music grooming: the voice is much gentler and lacks strength!

Now walking through this world


Turn over the different sides of the face

Caught off guard against intruding into your smile

The figure unconsciously adjusted, the eyes looked at each other, and the reflection of the eyes was all about each other.

Music grooming: Sincere feelings! The harmony is slightly worse!

I couldn’t help but feel that the world was big

Also indulge in dream talk

Must not be true or false

Don’t struggle


“Not a joke”

I used to turn my youth into her

There was also a pop of summer at his fingertips

Appreciation: Forgot words! Too fast and too slow! The sound switch is unnatural! The harmony didn’t keep up!

In the name of love

Would you still like to?

The crowd cheered: “Miss Barbara! I do! Willing! ”

“I am willing to guard you forever!”

“Barbara! Xia Yun! I love you! ”

“The song is so good! Excellent! ”

Music grooming: It’s great to have this level the first pass! Some questions need more practice!

But the most important thing is the lack of personal style, the imitation traces are too heavy!

Xia Yun playing the piano is over!

Forward, walking towards Barbara, the other party looked at the frowned, a little dodging.

Xia Yun was puzzled, what was he afraid of?

“Teacher Xia, am I singing badly? Disappointed you? ”

Then relieved and touched Barbara’s head!

The touch and killing of beautiful girls is too tempting!

His brows stretched out, and he comforted gently

“What’s wrong? That’s great! ”

“As for disappointment? How so? You’re just that good the first time! ”

Barbara lowered her head, blushing, feeling the touch;

Well! It’s different from my sister’s touch, and it’s very reassuring! Very reassuring!

Timidly asked, “But! But! I seem to be wrong a lot! ”

Xia Yun joked: “If there are no mistakes in the students!” I’m a very boring teacher! ”

Barbara nodded: “Hmm! I will follow the teacher’s instructions and work hard! ”

Xia Yun smiled and sat down against the tree trunk: “It’s too tired to stand!” Sit down and teach! ”

Patting the position next to it, Barbara pressed her skirt and sat down obediently;

Xia Yun took out a pen and paper, wrote quickly, and carved;

Barbara consciously looked at the green grassland, it was not good to peek.

“You can watch it!”

Barbara turned her head and looked at the pen and paper, it was a concise sheet music, with flowing lyrics;

There is also Xia Yun’s serious and handsome face, confident and gentle smile.

Another piece of paper I didn’t see.

Bang bang!

Barbara didn’t notice that her heart was beating wildly!

Xia Yun gently knocked Barbara’s little head with a pen and laughed

“It’s paper that makes you look at it! It’s not me! ”

Xia Yun inexplicably thought that some female classmates like Blue Star had to ask themselves one by one even if they were queuing, watching themselves solve the number order puzzle!

Barbara covered her little head and smiled shyly: “Hmm! Got it! Teacher Xia! ”

Xia Yun handed over two pieces of paper, and one piece of paper was put away:

“This is the lyrics and score that have caught the wind!”

“Take a good look, you, you have to memorize the lyrics well, and the score is familiar!”

“Write down what you don’t understand, and look for me too!” I’ll give you the answer! ”

The score is according to Tivat and there will be no major obstacles.

Barbara raised her head and smiled sweetly: “Good! ”

Xia Yun smiled and was a good student who worked hard.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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