Xia Yun only did it for the Sky Piano;

However, he did not inflict any casualties on the foolish soldiers.

For the sake of the Sky Qin, it is necessary to consider Xia Yun, who has no malice with the fools, as an enemy.

As an envoy, Mikhail understood this.

Leaving Mikhail who looked at each other, the Thunder Warlock who stole the Sky Lyre, and the foolish soldiers.

“Damn it! Let’s set off now and snatch the Sky Piano back! ”

“Xia Yun, you dare to rob us fools! Kill him! ”

“Our Executive Officer [Madam], I will definitely not let him go.”

Mikhail said calmly

“Shut up all!”

“The real situation is that in order to recapture the Sky Lyre, Xia Yun had to take away the Sky Piano that happened to be in our hands!”

“If it is a treasure thief group, the Abyss Mage is in hand, Xia Yun will also seize it!”


A figure of fire showed that the debt processor who had come here to take the Sky Lyre appeared and said fiercely:

“Xia Yun snatched the Sky Qin from the fools! This is the enemy of fools! There must be a price! ”

Mikhail put his hands behind his back and said calmly:

“Xia Yun is far more important than the Sky Piano!”

“Whether or not to be an enemy of Xia Yun for the sake of the Sky Qin is decided by Lord Executive Officer!”

“It’s not you and me who decide!”

“I am an envoy, this is an order! Don’t do anything to Xia Yun! ”

The debt handler said fiercely:

“Mikhail, I will report all the situation truthfully to Madam Executive Officer!”

“Your judgment of Xia Yun is all your own thoughts! Not an order! ”

“Your link failed, you didn’t protect the Sky Piano! Get ready for the lady’s punishment! ”

Thinking of punishment, Mikhail’s momentum suddenly languished, and he said bitterly:

“I now hope that Xia Yun is worthy of this value!”

This is better to offset the crime!


A gift from an angel!

Xia Yun deliberately said with a regretful face

“Sorry! I went late, and the Sky Lyre has already been handed over outside the city by them! ”

Ying himself exclaimed unexpectedly:

“It won’t! Will you miss too? ”

Xia Yun said strangely:

“Thank you so much for your trust! However, I sometimes miss a shot! ”

Belch! It’s still strange, we have only met for two days, you trust me too much!

Although, I look very trustworthy.

Ying shyly stepped back.

Because, it seems that I forgot that I also missed it.

Looking at Xia Yun with some gratitude, he didn’t scare himself.

Qin asked: “Xia Yun, do you have a general trace of the fools?” ”

Xia Yun looked at it in amazement.

Blonde hair and high ponytail, dressed in a smart knightly outfit, showing her tall beauty!

Well! Knight beauty, beautiful and sassy!


“I’ll talk about that later! No rush! ”

The piano of the sky, it is not yet the time to appear.

“So, Captain Jean, Diluc, why are you there?”

At the counter, Diluc still had a paralyzed face, bright red hair, and stared coldly at the audience.

Qin clarified: “I am as a qin, not the leader of the qin, and I was contacted by the seniors. ”

Seriously asked: “The purification of the piano sound can restore the wind demon dragon to normal, is this true?” ”

Wendy hurriedly said, “That’s right! Now Xia Yun, the honorary knight is actively engaged in the forefront in order to solve the Wind Demon Dragon incident. ”

“It’s really worthy of the name of the supernova girl of the Knights!”

“Xia Yun is also worthy of the legend of the future!”

Pai Mongol monster said: “Although it feels like it has crossed the edge of breaking the law. ”

Ying was calm and unmoved.

Xia Yun smiled and was noncommittal.

Jean said resolutely, “I believe in you!” ”

He also explained: “The East Wind Dragon in the Four Winds Guardian, Twalin, I have never imagined the reason for its betrayal. ”

“But if it was in the war that guarded Maunder many years ago, it was attacked by poisonous blood;”

“After waking up and being corrupted by the Abyss Mage, it will indeed become involuntarily.”

“But these words, the acting head of the regiment must not say.”

“Due to the diplomatic pressure of the fools, it is difficult for the Knights to publicly express their goodwill towards the Wind Demon Dragon.”

“That would be understood as connivance and inaction, so I had to act privately.”

Diluc said coldly: “This is also one of the reasons why I don’t like the Knights. ”

“However, I didn’t expect you to believe a traveler of unknown origin like this.”

Jean responded: “Isn’t a strict and cautious person like senior also willing to believe her?” ”

Diluc glanced at the indifferent Xia Yun, and said a little angrily:

“Do you also participate in the Wind Demon Dragon incident? Did you say it to Kaia? In what capacity are you involved? ”

He remembered that the Water System Abyss Mage last night was taken away by him.

The action of shattering the shield is very fast.

The method of condensing into a fireball in his palm also amazed him.

However, the water system abyss mage who was able to break into Mond City was also an important person he knew from other mages in the wild.

Then, the prey, which had been staring at for a long time, was directly snatched away.

It could also be Kaia’s, the Knights’ ‘s.

Diluc is a little upset!

Kaia! The tone seemed to be as if they both knew each other.

Everyone looked at each other.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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