Xia Yun said arrogantly: “I’m sure and sure!” Don’t want these, I want all the rest! ”

Sarah’s steps were a little unsteady, but she said excitedly: “Distinguished guest, you wait a bit, it’ll be fine right away!” Deer Hunter Restaurant gives you the best gastronomic experience. ”

Amber’s eyes lit up: “Wow! You’re too rich! That’s awesome! There are a few meals that I am reluctant to buy, you want them all! ”

Paimon was excited: “It’s a blessing!” It’s a blessing! Hold Xia Yun’s thighs tight! ”

Ying asked in a low voice: “Xia Yun, do you have money?” I’m afraid my money is really, really not enough! ”

Xia Yun said indifferently: “No!” ”

Ying stood up with a bang, tried his best to suppress his voice, and said in disbelief: “You still order so much without money?” ”

Ying looked at his Mora, thinking that saving some food would be enough to treat him to a three-day meal!

But! But! Who would have thought that he was cheap and expensive all the points!

My own small treasury, I don’t know if it’s enough for this meal, I won’t have to pay off the debt!

Xia Yun asked rhetorically: “Can’t it?” Don’t want something good for your first meal in Mond? What a precious experience! ”

Ying sat down dejectedly and wanted to yell: “Nonsense! Not your money again! ”

Unable to nod, he had to ignore it: “Okay!” Yes! You have the final say! I used all my money, and I don’t know if it’s enough. I really can’t invite you for the next two days! ”

Xia Yun was a little puzzled: “Are you so poor?” It’s just a big meal, so you won’t run out of money to pay! ”

Ying pulled his head and said embarrassedly: “I really don’t have any money!” ”

Ying felt very humiliated! Lose face!

Xia Yun moved forward, touching his head comfortingly, well, it felt good;

“Hmph!” Ying quickly dodged, looked directly at Xia Yun, and said stubbornly: “Who let you shoot me on the head!” ”

When I grew up, my brother rarely touched my head.

Pink fists clenched, forcibly resisting the strong urge to slap his hand away just now.

Xia Yun’s hand stopped, picked his eyes, and didn’t care and said, “Then you pay for this money?” So this Mond meal was hastily eaten? ”

Ying said helplessly: “This is the reward promised to you, I have to pay it!” ”

There was a little regret in his heart, but he didn’t regret inviting Xia Yun to eat a big meal for three days, but he didn’t expect him to consume so much in one big meal!

It’s much bigger than Paimon’s cost and can’t afford it!

Xia Yun looked at the blonde girl’s eyes, inexplicably having a strong sense of familiarity, which seemed to be the scene of an old friend.

But, in a flash.

Never mind! Who makes you a cute and loving “grandpa”, and there is a bonus of old friends.

Confidently said: “The money is handed over to me!” Enjoy your first delicious meal in Mond! Go and savor this rare experience! ”

Ying hesitated and asked, “What do you want to do?” ”

Xia Yun spread his hands: “I don’t know!” ”

I really didn’t think about it, I felt that the first meal had to be eaten, and then I ordered it! Xia Yun thought so!

“So you’re still saying you’re so confident?” Ying was speechless!

“Distinguished guests, please use it slowly! We have specially prepared two extra tables for you, and the deer hunter will give you a great culinary experience! ”

The ushers set up plates of delicious food one by one.

Xia Yun asked: “Please make five more satisfying salads, fried meat with honey sauce and carrots, stuffed chicken with sweet flowers, and take them away!” ”

I have to give Mona, the poor astrologer, and a new neighbor, a little greeting!

Amber pointed to the food and said excitedly: “Carrot fried meat with honey sauce, satisfying salad, toot lotus seafood soup, Mond potato cake, Tivat omelette, Mond grilled fish…”

“What a lot of food!”

Paimon flew around the table excitedly: “Smell it, I feel super delicious!” That’s awesome! ”

Amber Paimon looked at Xia Yun expectantly, after all, he invited it, so he had to wait for him to eat first.

Xia Yun said confidently: “Enjoy it!” This is our first meal in Mond, and there is only one chance! Let’s get going! ”

Carefully handing the knife and fork to Ying, who was worried about how to pay, comforted

“Don’t let Mora grind away the taste of Mond cuisine for the first time! I’m there! ”

Ying looked at Xia Yun’s eyes, very confident, it seemed that there was nothing he couldn’t handle, which made people feel very safe;

Brace yourself, “Hmm! I will definitely remember this good tasting! I will remember this delicacy too! ”

The money is not enough, so pay it back with him if it’s a big deal!

Xia Yun announced to the three who couldn’t wait: “Our first meal in Mond, enjoy it!” ”

Cheers “Yay! ”

Xia Yun tasted the food and sighed deeply, it turns out that the taste of sweet flower stuffed chicken is like this!

The delicate and tender poultry meat is oozed with the slight honey of sweet flowers, which is sweet and delicious;

The meat is as sweet and soft as Liu Mi, making people want to suck every bone clean.

Cheap and affordable Tivat omelette with uncle in the uncle, but unfortunately fell to his death.

The egg yolk can flow out of the juice with a poke, with a sunny and gentle taste, burnt and crispy, and depleted!

The four cheered: “It’s delicious!” ”

Sarah looked at Xia Yun, who tasted the food and was satisfied, and was very proud.

The three had a great meal together.

The happy time flew by, and Sarah said kindly to Xia Yun

“This consumption, 125,000 Mora, you are the warriors who guard Mond, give you a special discount, save 25,000 Mora, 100,000 Mora!”

One meal eats the income of 100,000 mora a month for ordinary people in Tivat, Xia Yun is really rich!

Paimon patted his big belly beautifully, collapsed on the dining table, pretended to be asleep, and his ears were highly alert.

If memory serves, it seems to be 90,000 mora.

Thinking of this, Paimondi snored.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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